ShootJewsAndKillThem ago

Any and every freemason is a satanist piece of criminal trash that should be tied to a stake and burned. That will end your pedophile problem.

10455141? ago

April 2017: "Little Downham paedophile, a leading figure in the Freemasons, escapes jail"

[Alan] Wright, of Rye Gardens, Little Downham, Ely, admitted attempting to incite a child to engage in sexual activity and was given a 16 month prison sentence suspended for two years.

He was also ordered to take part in the Thames Valley Sex Offenders’ Treatment Programme and a 40-day rehabilitation activity requirement.

He was further ordered to do 80 hours unpaid work in the community and was made the subject of a sexual harm prevention order and ordered to sign the sex offenders’ register for ten years.

Wright was ordered to pay £1,200 costs and a £140 victim surcharge. Source

sunajAeon ago

Well England is definitely owned by the PEDOPHILE MONARCHY, that's for damn sure-if you let a perv off here like that the neighborhood would off the sob

Amino69 ago

'Yournewswire' - nuff said!

DeathTooMasons ago

A once-off isolated incident. Made sure to get that in at the end.

DeathTooMasons ago

Perhaps a local dept they don't control made a bust. It will get fixed, don't doubt it. But it is odd. As if they don't know where to look to find who is running the rings. Then all of the sudden, they randomly bust a Masonic master. Kinda weird.

Piscina ago

That was a while ago. He got no jail time.

StSimonTrentPray4Us ago

..or strawman cases are set up used to distract from bigger more serious cases or to diminish them.

2impendingdoom ago

maybe they are just after Pedos and the perv took the bait.

LA_Trump ago

Coordinated campaign against Freemasons going on. On 4chan too.

Masons are esoteric, and some are bad of course, but they're not the satanic pedophiles you're after.

BIGLY17 ago

Some absolutely are. The wife-majority of these organizations are not mutually exclusive.

2impendingdoom ago

pedo is pedo, all children deserve to be safe. Now you are distinguishing which kind of pedo is "who we're after". How about "being after" all pedos.

LA_Trump ago

Many believe that Freemasons are the ones taking down the pedo ring. So when I see a coordinated effort against "freemasonry", it's very Saul Alinsky

NoBS ago

"Many believe" is a prerequisite of pulling crap out of ones arse..

The easiest way to leave the Masons is Suicide so you don't have to see your loved ones sacrificed to the alter of obedience.

Or you could hope your ignorance avoids natural selection that you so richly earned.

LA_Trump ago

My IQ is 165+ I date supermodels, and I earned fuck you money. Yet, I spend all of my time investigating this shit. Watch it, before you push away useful allies.

Amino69 ago

You are either a brazen shill or extremely ignorant and out of touch regarding the true nature of our world. (((Freemasonry))) is not being targetted by anyone who has any real influence or power. It is part of the foundation of the NWO. I suggest you do some much needed research.

LA_Trump ago

Actually you're the ignorant shill. I'm warning of Saul Alinsky pit traps. You embrace Saul Alinksky pit traps