AllThisShitsFake ago

MK Ultra is real. Is it still around today? Maybe, but if it is we probably wont know or have solid evidence until its too late. But I think its happening and I think they could very well be using the media and Electromagnetic Nervous system stimulation to do it. I think that is evident by the US Patent" Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors US 6506148 B2"

Votescam ago

All --

Certainly the individuals they put in play may still be active -- can't speak to the program as it's reported to be on-going still but under a different name (forgotten at the moment, but will try to remember)... and expanded agenda.

Those they worked on could very well still be around -- how about Spacey? How about Hill and Bill Clinton?

Time will tell, I guess.

Votescam ago

Agree with your summation ... and, of course, the effects of what was created in the past are very much still active.

I do know this much ...

1950s: Origins of the CIA's "Pedophile Academy"

“Oh we do have our stable of weird people working for us. Did I ever tell you about the Pedophile Academy? We actually had one down at Camp Peary, (in Virginia) right near (the CIA’s) Jim Critchfield’s place. I don’t know if you’re aware of it, but we called it ‘The Farm,’ and it was supposed to be a secret training center for young agents. Allen Dulles set up this training center down there for pedophiles. They were in training to seduce, molest, and most especially photograph the young children of targets. Not only, Allen reasoned, would our graduates have a spanking good time but they could get wonderful action photos of the wee ones to blackmail their families with. I understand they broke it up when one of the graduates nailed a (CIA) Deputy Director’s son at a summer camp.” •Robert Crowley, CIA Domestic Contracts Division 1959-1962; Assistant Deputy Director of Operations (ADDO) 1980

Source: 50 years of CIA history with top "Company" man Robert Crowley: JFK, RFK, MLK, guns, drugs, blackmail, coups and all the rest

Here is the author's Wikispooks page:

Didn't know about this, however ...

** I think that is evident by the US Patent" Nervous system manipulation by electromagnetic fields from monitors US 6506148 B2"**

Will try to check on that at another opportunity ... I came in more than an hour ago to make one reply and still haven't done that! :)

sunajAeon ago

Wow-this is quite a remarkable story, and for the most part impossible to verify-but I personally think there is a lot of truth to it

8Ball ago

Are James Alex Fields Jr and Edgar Maddison Welch montauk children?

Votescam ago

Fields -- alleged Charlottesville driver

and Welch alleged Comet/Pizzagate shooter --

Think both of the incidents are likely false flag at any rate.

Rmm ago

From Al Bielek

Votescam ago

Rmm --

Interesting link - thank you --

Much needs to be said of Al Bielek. I first heard him on the radio with Art Bell about 1995, which I think was a repeat broadcast from 1994. During that 3 hour interview, I was amazed to hear the details of the Philadelphia Experiment. I had only read an article about the Philadelphia Experiment in Newsweek magazine somewhere around 1984 I believe, but I had no idea of the incredible technology that was being employed or the eventual consequences that humanity would have to pay for the folly of that experiment; since it ripped opened a hole in the space-time continuum that allowed unwelcome (and unenlightened) aliens to literally pour into our galaxy.

And ...

In 1988, Al Bielek started to recover fragmented memories of his involvement in the Philadelphia Experiment after seeing a late night TV airing of the 1984 movie, The Philadelphia Experiment. Because of Al's involvement with the Philadelphia Experiment, the Montauk Project, and other secret, black budget programs, he's been subjected to mind control (as have all personnel connected with such projects), with the goal of eliminating from his conscious mind all memories of his involvement in the black projects.

Also --

as the Philadelphia Experiment began to spiral out of control on board ship, Al and his brother found themselves in a future hospital in the year 2137. Hospital personnel and other people with whom he spoke, told Al of the great changes and cataclysmic events that occurred in the opening years of the 21st century.

and ....

While contracting for various military contractors,the people who worked with him began to reveal the truth about the US government's involvement with extra terrestrials and PSI Ops (Psychic Operations) programs.

Some years later, he was recruited into the Montauk Project which was developed in a multi-level underground facility beneath Fort Hero, near Montauk, Long Isalnad, New York.

During his Montauk work, he would work his normal day job in California, and take a highly classified , high speed, deep tunneled underground magnetic levitation subway train from Los Angeles to Montauk, Long Islandin about 2 hours to carry out his duties at Montauk and take the same 2 hour subway ride back to Los Angeles by early morning.

After the time tunnel was perfected at Montauk, he would simply be teleported to the Fort Hero, Long Island underground base and returned back to his apartment in California using Montauk's time tunnel machine.

Also ....

In the 1980's, when the time control equipment was fully operational, Al participated in some of the time travel experiments. Both he and Duncan used the Montauk time tunnel to travel to Mars on several occasions. He now remembers several other trips he took with special teams to 1. a research station in the year 100,000 BC; 2. to other planets to get canisters filled with Light and Dark Energy; and 3. to future time periods, sometimes thousands of years in advance of our current time.

Also ....

During these taped interviews, Al Bielek said he received information that up to 2 Million children are missing each year. This corroborates with estimates made by Ted Gunderson and others that many children are being snatched by government agents and others (see "The Finders" ) for secret government uses in mind control programs, underground slave labor for aliens, satanic ritual abuse/murder, white slavery/prostitution, and other black op programs. One man who took the time to investigate, found that there is a total of 1.4 million children reported missing in the United States; California alone had a total of 110,332 missing children.<

AND ... That's only one-third of the way down into the article -- and there are also many links -- and many links at the bottom of the page to other related subjects.

srayzie ago

I upvoted you. Can you believe it? 😮 Me neither. But it sounds interesting. I'm gonna check it out.

Here it is...

Votescam ago

:) ... in a way, making MKULTRA even more frightening than what we already know of it.

argosciv ago

don't be such a worry wort, good guys already won :)

EDIT: though, yes, MK-ULTRA is one fucked up mess of fuckery...

Votescam ago

argo --


During these taped interviews, Al Bielek said he received information that up to 2 Million children are missing each year. This corroborates with estimates made by Ted Gunderson and others that many children are being snatched by government agents and others (see "The Finders" ) for secret government uses in mind control programs, underground slave labor for aliens, satanic ritual abuse/murder, white slavery/prostitution, and other black op programs. One man who took the time to investigate, found that there is a total of 1.4 million children reported missing in the United States; California alone had a total of 110,332 missing children.

argosciv ago


hit me up in pm brother - I'm taking a huge step back here on voat.

srayzie ago

I'm gonna set this up to record!

LongDongKeyhote ago

Thank god you chicks are here, where else would i get my movie recommendations?

And by ex-CIA no less, cuz they are never paired with filmmakers to produce disinfo like in the Lolocaust

srayzie ago

Awww you're welcome donkey. What would you do without us women?

argosciv ago

"BUUUUUUUUUUUUUURN!" ~ pick a character from Archer