Godwillwin ago

How long after the accident did they go to get his blood though? I thought it was a day later?

Godwillwin ago

Maybe a prior crime?? Maybe an unsolved murder or a missing girls case? They needed his blood to compare to blood found at an old unsolved scene?

Godwillwin ago

Speaking of suicides, Eric bolling's 19 year old son committed suicide a day after his father was fired from Fox News. I find this odd??

Edit added later: HE DID NOT COMMIT SUICIDE coroner says no sign of self harm

BIGLY17 ago

Personal beliefs on face value is that they wanted to frame this guy for a DUI or something similar....would be curious to know what his state is/will be in the future and what (if any) information he is privy to which would make him such a target.

argosciv ago


James Tracy: "~ my law"

Was never your law, buddy, you're FUCKED!


James Tracy: "~ our blood"

Also not yours, cunt.

"Let them rot

Let them pay

Let em taste their own blood

Make em crawl!

Upon this corpse

I shall feast

'till no hope remains for the twisted mob!"

  • not a threat of physical violence, make peace, 93

argosciv ago

Nobody's been able to bring up much about: 26-year-old Marco Torres of Brigham City


argosciv ago

Now THAT'S a bizarre one... will have a look at some point

sunajAeon ago

I'm looking forward to PIG barbecue on this one-you can imagine what this event has done in the minds of nurses, who formerly had a code with officers, in giving them %110 care when they are injured, of course relying on the FBI is like believing the CIA are good guys that just want to "make you safe"

argosciv ago

It seems at least plausible that there's good people in the FBI, simply having to work under the thumb of the man and surrounded by red tape.

One way or another, this is now something which won't be easy to just sweep under the rug.

They'll roast, sure enough.

sunajAeon ago

Let's hope the public keeps the pressure up

argosciv ago

that's the key

no quarter

argosciv ago

Just woke up, sounds like fucking wonderful news though

EyeOfHorus ago

Nope. A Logan LEO probably chased the suspect outside of his juristiction. Logan asked the local PD for a blood toxiology report in hopes it would come back positive and deflect liabillity away from the purseing officer.

Vindicator ago

Yep. That police report was a CYA if I ever heard one. They are trying to avoid an expensive personal injury lawsuit from the crash victim by finding ANYTHING in his blood.

equineluvr ago

Attorneys don't "throw out" ANY evidence.

Judges do that.

10432044? ago

or vehicles around or in the area, etc.

say the truck was sabotaged... and the needle was to make him appear intoxicated?

tin foil hat off... but logic and reason also present the cliches of sleepy drivers, all the time, too.

cguinevere ago

do you have a source for that story? i'd be curious to see it.

Onetime1 ago

Jeffrey Lash, Pacific Palisades, July 2015 death. Lottsa stories about it. Some speculation Lash's situation may be related to microbiologist Joseph Moshe and the bizarre circumstances surrounding Moshe's arrest in 2009 in Los Angeles.

Weird stuff.

10431653? ago

wouldn't the scene already have enough with forensics being able to confirm the very same detail(s)?

EyeOfHorus ago

So you think the blood was for a DNA test? Why not saliva? Why did Logan PD want it?

EyeOfHorus ago

How would they know its William Gray by taking a blood sample?

srayzie ago

I'm curious about the driver as well.

NoBS ago

I have an issue with this narrative.

He is a comercial driver who must lose "all" driving privalliges if failure to provide not only bodily fluids upond request, but it includes "off book" hours. Hell, you must take a manditory physical every YEAR to keep a class A.

You folks know that when you read that document every bloody year!

Why is this not reported? Follow the narrative.

Snailracer ago

The driver was unconscious. Hospital policy was not to draw blood before he was awake. This policy makes sense because blood loss can cause unconsciousness. The nurse was simply doing what the doctors asked of her. Police, and nurses, are not qualified to make medical decisions.

EyeOfHorus ago

Your information about commercial truckers is interesting. But, he was never asked for his bodily fluids.

NoBS ago

You either allowed your Class A to expire or you would understand the driver is REQUIRED to give samples under federal law.

EyeOfHorus ago

Unless the driver refuses in which case he may be arrested and compelled by the court. Would he lose his license for refusing, absolutely. How does Leo demand blood from driver who is comotose and can't respond?

NoBS ago

Commercial license is a legal document that is signed by EVER driver every year. Along with the physical.

EyeOfHorus ago

You consent to providing blood sample upon request, you didn't consent to having your blood taken from you. This is the same as a dunk getting pulled over. The arresting officer can't force a breathalyzer in your mouth nor jam a needle in your arm and pull blood out. But a judge can.

carmencita ago

The LDS Church has provided nearly a quarter of a million dollars to support Children's Justice Centers in Utah in the past three years. Salt Lake County District Attorney Sim Gill said Children's Justice Centers are a safe harbor that give vulnerable, abused children a place where their voices can be heard and where they know they are believed and safe. He said the first priority is a child's and a family's healing, safety and growth. HERE is more info on a donation made by the LDS Church, namely this time by Sister Joy D. Jones. There has been mention of the connection to Child Trafficking in this case. I noticed the Butterfly on the Upper left hand corner for the Children's Justice Center and decided to look it up. EDIT: Forgot to add the link to the article. http://www.deseretnews.com/article/865678248/Mormon-women-leaders-give-120000-to-Childrens-Justice-Center-in-Salt-Lake-Valley.html

srayzie ago

Lieutenant Tracy was the one giving the orders https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8Wiyco6U7pU&feature=youtu.be

This video shows the actual accident and extra footage of everything. Tracy is calling all the shots.

Commoner ago

In one of the links, the detective, Jeff Payne, who tried to get the blood and arrested the nurse, said that it was at the request of Logan, Utah's Police Department. Logan is near the accident site, which in the news is reported as Wellsville, Utah.
Lt., Tracy works for Salt Lake City Police Dept., so I am assuming he got his orders, or request, from Logan Police.

srayzie ago

They all seemed hell bent on getting it. Seems like they are working together.

Commoner ago

And they all should have known it was illegal... the detective, the lieutenant, and the FBI-trained police captain from Logan Utah.

And even the officers/security who worked at the hospital and watch the arrest go down. The nurse even begged them for their help.

srayzie ago

Yeah that was weird. The security guys were probably scared. They obviously need to find another occupation. I agree. The police had to have known. Even if there were changes, Lieutenant Tracy acted like he's been doing this for years and knew hospital policy better than the nurse did! There is no excuse to be that aggressive. There has to be more to it.

srayzie ago

argosciv ago


Red_Lindy ago

You calling yourself again? Fuck bud, get help.

argosciv ago

"Listen ye all who can preach

I am the god's begotten son

I tell thee woe shall be no more

Woe, thou shalt end up in flames!

No horns I have nor pair of wings

I am the balance of thy universe

I have no number

I have no name

Not fear'd of laws

Need to restrain

Ancestor of all gods

The one among the ancient ones

Speak ye all who can speak

Keep thy instincts ever alert

Thou art the stars that shine among us

And honor me as thee adore the sun

And stand ye all brave and proud

And watch the babel hill turn into ash

Admire my shapes among the ruins of Jericho

Behold my wrath I hath showered the earth

Ancestor of all gods

The one among the ancient ones

The paynim right drew in my shade

I am the one who begot the earth"

@srayzie @2impendingdoom

  • peace


srayzie ago

You think I am argosciv? You're an idiot. 🖕🏻

Red_Lindy ago

Protip: when your trying to gaslight like a kike, don't do what you just did. This is why good white people end up throwing you all in ovens eventually, you all think you are much smarter than you are. You are useless, and such actions like talking amongst your 8-10 alternate accounts is so neurotic and schizoid that it's hallmark Judaism.

srayzie ago

lol you're crazy. I'm a WHITE woman and not Jewish. Who do you think I am? You must be talking about Equineluvr or donkeyhote. I've been a regular here for 9 months. If you can't see that then you must be a shill.

10431583? ago

look, another horsefucker alt. oh, the projection!

srayzie ago

I know 😫

2impendingdoom ago

go slink back under your rock asswipe

Red_Lindy ago

Why don't you make me, cuck.

2impendingdoom ago

lol. pedo loser