10401312? ago

It was the PSA thread, and I didn't hear anything about that. I just checked and while I still see some comments mentioning Brenda's name by Commoner, Dark Knight, and Soldieroflight, it appears Pgategirl may have deleted all of hers pertaining to the Jeriks? I sent a few Jerik items to her yesterday in direct message. That's probably best at this point, and she can post them if she wants to --

10400217? ago

Cross posted from the other thread:

There seem to be a lot of structure fires in or close to Junction City. Are some attempts to destroy evidence? These two recent ones seem odd:

September 1, 2017: There was an intentionally set fire in a house 20 minutes from Junction City, owned by a former chief of psychological operations, who is a current Hawaii resident.  He was not at the Kansas home at the time.  Source

July 2017: A man died from an intentionally set fire in a Junction City apartment, police are seeking no suspects. Source

10400200? ago

Cross posted from the other thread:

2016 articles:

"Conference Highlights the Gravity of Human Trafficking in Junction City"

Junction City is a hot spot for human trafficking in the state.

“I don’t think community members realize how bad a problem it is in Junction City, but it is,” Geary County Sheriff’s Lt. Det. Angie Weeks said

she spoke with an FBI Human Trafficking task force regarding how bad the situation is in Geary County.

“I got educated on how bad the problem is here because (the FBI) knew about it,” she said. “The FBI knowing about a problem in human trafficking in a town the size of Junction City, to me, spoke volumes.”


"Medical professional says human trafficking exists in Junction City"

A high volume of trafficking is taking place in and around Junction City stretching to the Kansas City area

Interstate 70, which stretches across the U.S., running through Junction City from Colorado and heading toward Kansas City plays a large role in local sex trafficking.

"It’s very, very easy to transport victims,” Peck said.

Traffickers often take advantage of a military presence, such as here in Junction City

"You’ll see disclaimers on there that state the ad is for companionship time only,” she said. “However, it’s really meaning they’re selling sexual services.”

And when it comes to military, many ads will offer discounts to them.

“It’s been here all along,” Peck said. “Its been here under our noses this whole time. We just had not known it because we didn’t know what it was and we didn’t know what to look for.”

Children forced to leave their homes by their parents may be left with strong desires for affection, attention and acceptance. And they need a place to stay.

But a majority of patients treated by Peck and her colleagues have been adults. A large misconception among society about adult victims is that adults can’t be trafficked as they “choose” such a lifestyle for money.

According to Peck, forced drug addiction often keeps adults from escaping their enslavement to traffickers, who will feed their drug addictions.

Traffickers, who are often female, will recruit young people to search for young victims at malls, over social media, and other places young people frequent.

10400174? ago

Some "elites" and secret society related history of Junction City, adjacent to the Fort Riley Military Reservation:

Bartell House Hotel and C.L. Hoover Opera House

Bartell House Hotel was built in 1880 as an elegant hotel and meeting place for "the elite." It also reportedly housed performers from the C.L. Hoover Opera House, a two-minute walk away, which was built at the same time. 

The hotel's dedication included the governor and first lady, and "The owners had invited many guests from outside Junction City.  Railroad officials, newspaper editors, commercial travelers, Fort Riley officers, and representatives of state government attended the affair.  A special railroad car brought guests from Kansas City" (page 4*).

The hotel was a regular meeting place for generals and VIPs' during WW II, including General Patton and Winston Churchill.

"Famous guests of the Historic Bartell Hotel include:  Mr. Adolphus Busch, Sally Rand, Gene Tierney, John Phillip Sousa, W.C. Fields, Gloria Vanderbilt, Dan Dailey, and John Wayne.  In January 1872, Russian Grand Duke Alexis was feted with a dinner given by the townspeople, with Mayor Robert O. Rizer as host."  Source

In 1978 the hotel closed. In 1980 several businesses were renting space on the ground floor and the upper floors of the hotel were closed off (pg. 7*).

*Source Original source: Warning PDF

In the late 1990's the hotel was slated for demolition, but was taken over in 2003 and redeveloped as seniors' residences and commercial space.


Several secret societies were well-established in Junction City before the hotel opened:

  • Union Lodge No. 7, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons - 1857, mentioned by OP as within walking distance to Clarabel's Dance Studio

  • Occident Lodge No. 26, Independent Order of Good Templars 1862-1868

  • Life Boat Lodge, No. 155 of the Independent Order of Good Templars was active in 1870

  • Encampment No. 4, of Veteran Brotherhood - 1866

  • A post of the Grand Army of the Republic was organized in 1867, "probably as a successor to the Veteran Brotherhood"

  • Frontier Lodge No. 25, Independent Order of Odd Fellows - 1867

  • Jerusalem Encampment No. 12, Independent Order of Odd Fellows -1869

  • Centennial Lodge No. 18, of the Knights of Pythias - 1876


10395788? ago

Update, cross posting from https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2102180/10395592 :

Three days ago, @Pgategirl's first thread was posted, on Saturday, September 2, 2017.

Since then a massive fire consumed a Junction City pig barn, and a JCPD detective suddenly announced he is retiring in less than a month.

Pig farms are an aspect of Pizza-Pedogate research, and farm fires are reportedly not common.

Unrelated coincidences? Maybe.

Late Saturday night the large fire killed more than 500 feeder pigs at 10467 Humboldt Creek Road in Junction City.


Comments beneath the article indicate farm fires are not common:

"Sure a lot of fires on farms around JC this summer? I grew up in a farming community and can't remember one single fire in the 18 years I lived there."

"First farm barn fire in Geary county several years. What are you talking about?"


And today September 5, three days after the first thread, and the first day after the Labor Day holiday, it was suddenly announced that a longtime Junction City Police Detective will retire.

Junction City Police Detective Jeff Childs will retire to take a job as a teacher.

Jeff Childs will bring an end to a 32-year career with the Junction City Police Department when he retires on October 1.

Childs noted he also enjoys working with kids. “That became available so something I had to think about real fast, and it really was an easy decision. It was just time to move on and do something different.”

Dressage2 ago

An excellent post!

Tanngrisnir ago

Found his official website.


Gothamgirl ago

How gross these people are. I just stumbled on another wack job site using a black cube, I didn't even look yet, I don't look foward to their choice of art.

10381812? ago

I believe you and your story doesn't sound crazy.

@ESOTERICshade noticed a woman currently involved with the dance studio is married to a dentist, his name is Rik G. Vande Riet.

There is a picture of him on his Google result which is archived here.

Gothamgirl ago

Sorry for the confusion, guess I should've used a question mark.

Gothamgirl ago

The name was given in the original post or the comments. This womens page is still up. I was just trying to narrow it down suspects that fit, thats why I posted it and I asked.

Gothamgirl ago

The name was on the original post. I just went through every profile with that name and narrowed it down. When I asked the person that posted this, if it was her, she said it wasn't someone she reconized. I will look at the profile now. I missed the comment above.

10380900? ago

The name Crystal Harrison turned out to not be related to our research.

At one point some people had thought the former Popingo video store, in Junction City that had sold CP, was still operating (it's not,) and that it was owned by a person named Crystal Harrison. There was a confusion with similar sounding addresses. But, it turns out Ms. Harrison operates a completely different, unrelated Popingo video store, three hours from Junction City.

In the comment you quoted, @Gothamgirl was asking @Pgategirl if she recognized a woman named Crystal Harrison and she replied no.

As for the (Junction City?) dentist, my spidey sense is tingling too. Even though the top hats and canes stage backdrop, and possible stage magic themed recital name "Clarabels Magic 2017", look innocent to me, I got some bad goosebumps from some other things you mentioned. Just a feeling.

Gothamgirl ago

Interesting, I just randomly looked up the name and noticed she had affiliations with a base, and she is what I assume someone would look like, after being ultra'd.

Tanngrisnir ago

Found some guy called Coach Ray in pictures in both the facebook page for both Clarabel's and the dentist Rik Vande Riet. I think that Esotericshade is right that there is a connection there.



Both links are archived just posted the unarchived version because the archived cuts out comments.

Gothamgirl ago

I think the original poster confirmed it wasn't her. Unless I missed something.

darkknight111 ago


Managed to find a hit on twitter regarding the dentist.


Is this the wife? Don't wanna accidentally probe the wrong person.

10379774? ago

What I can see, not being on Facebook, looks normal to me.

I see two photos of a stage backdrop that has top hats and canes on it, here:


One photograph showing the backdrop was "photo credited" to the dentist's wife you mentioned, and the other to someone else.

I don't see the evidence that the dentist's wife painted the backdrop herself, (maybe because I'm not using Facebook), but if she did, I don't think it means anything. Also it appears Clarabels Magic 2017 may be the name of a recital, with stage magic as the theme?

I didn't see any of the other things you mentioned, templar crosses, dark witchcraft symbols, references to well-traveled pediatric dental patients, etc. Would you be able to take screenshots for those of us not on Facebook?

Tanngrisnir ago

Great work @exposethecriminals! This is fantastic for documenting the crimes occurring in the Junction City area. And @ESOTERICshade found us a very promising lead in the artists for the dance studio.

10380036? ago

Thank you. I'm not seeing what @ESOTERICshade is seeing, so I asked them to give us further information.

Jem777 ago

This is excellent work. Should you start a seperate thread with just the book listing all the covens, sacrifice sites, etc.?

3141592653 ago

Thanks for linking to my post

10377453? ago

You're welcome--

Onetime1 ago

For the normal people who encounter this information, it may seem incomprehensible - quite unbelievable - that parents would be involved in this fashion. I would point out how Ian Watkins, from the group Lost Prophets, engaged sexually with infants who were readily offered up by their own mothers.

We all need to step up our efforts in combating this plague.

carmencita ago

Thank you to those that are responsible for this wonderful write up. The work is only beginning. Hopefully we can all work together to bring justice to Pgategirl and others who have suffered beyond comprehension. Also I am hoping we will be able to discover who is behind all the horrid crimes they are committing and responsible for. @exposethecriminals @darkknight111

darkknight111 ago

For the summary:

-Edit: Item one has been striken due to a mistake. My sincerest apologies to those involved.

  1. Op has stated that the traffickers had "mob connections". Looking at the area around Junction City indicates known mafia stronghold Kansas City, MI to be nearby. The Civella Crime Family are the most likely suspects in terms of the "mafia connections".

Tanngrisnir ago

That was my mistake. That Popingo's Video is indeed now out of business. My apologies to Crystal Harrison and the store. I had never heard of the chain and had mistakenly thought that they were a mom and pop business at the time. The fact that both had "Grand" in the name might have confused me as well. A dumb mistake and I am truly sorry to all involved.

10373523? ago

I thought I had read somewhere online that the Popingo in Junction City at Grandview Plaza was no longer in business.

Edit to add: Found it: The Junction City Popingo, mentioned by @Pgategirl, is said to be out of business http://archive.is/blvqC

Popingo video rental stores appear to be a multi-state chain, in KS, TX, and OK, at least.

I noticed the one owned by Crystal Harrison in Parsons, posted in comments on the original thread such as with this link: http://archive.is/QwfwA -- is 3 hours and 13 minutes from the dance studio. It's on "Grand Avenue" so maybe people mistook that address for Grandview Plaza?

That's why I didn't include it, I just don't see the connection. But if I get new information that connects it I will add it.

Anyway thank you, I'm going to sleep now. Everyone did such amazing research on the original thread!

carmencita ago

Thanks for heading us in the right direction. Those two names will give us a head start as to where to look and also the Civella Family is another place to look. We can try to connect them to Fort Riley base for starters. We know that in the past and now as well that the Military bases have been complicit in committing rape and producing CP as well. Good Luck everyone.

Tanngrisnir ago

I was wrong on the Popingo location as the Junction City location has closed down. I don't want to libel an innocent woman so I just want everyone to know that there is no reason to suspect Crystal Harrison of anything. My apologies to Crystal and anyone I might have confused with the link to the incorrect store.

Gothamgirl ago

Amazing work. Those odd military deaths sound very close to whats happened @ Fort Hood this past year.

10373554? ago

Thank you. Yes, I agree

10373205? ago

You're welcome! And thank you for the compliment