10399019? ago

There seem to be a lot of structure fires in or close to Junction City. Are some attempts to destroy evidence? These two recent ones seem odd:

September 1, 2017: There was an intentionally set fire in a house 20 minutes from Junction City, owned by a former chief of psychological operations, who is a current Hawaii resident.  He was not at the Kansas home at the time.  Source

July 2017: A man died from an intentionally set fire in a Junction City apartment, police are seeking no suspects. Source

10398933? ago

2016 articles:

"Conference Highlights the Gravity of Human Trafficking in Junction City"

Junction City is a hot spot for human trafficking in the state.

“I don’t think community members realize how bad a problem it is in Junction City, but it is,” Geary County Sheriff’s Lt. Det. Angie Weeks said

she spoke with an FBI Human Trafficking task force regarding how bad the situation is in Geary County.

“I got educated on how bad the problem is here because (the FBI) knew about it,” she said. “The FBI knowing about a problem in human trafficking in a town the size of Junction City, to me, spoke volumes.”


"Medical professional says human trafficking exists in Junction City"

A high volume of trafficking is taking place in and around Junction City stretching to the Kansas City area

Interstate 70, which stretches across the U.S., running through Junction City from Colorado and heading toward Kansas City plays a large role in local sex trafficking.

"It’s very, very easy to transport victims,” Peck said.

Traffickers often take advantage of a military presence, such as here in Junction City

"You’ll see disclaimers on there that state the ad is for companionship time only,” she said. “However, it’s really meaning they’re selling sexual services.”

And when it comes to military, many ads will offer discounts to them.

“It’s been here all along,” Peck said. “Its been here under our noses this whole time. We just had not known it because we didn’t know what it was and we didn’t know what to look for.”

Children forced to leave their homes by their parents may be left with strong desires for affection, attention and acceptance. And they need a place to stay.

But a majority of patients treated by Peck and her colleagues have been adults. A large misconception among society about adult victims is that adults can’t be trafficked as they “choose” such a lifestyle for money.

According to Peck, forced drug addiction often keeps adults from escaping their enslavement to traffickers, who will feed their drug addictions.

Traffickers, who are often female, will recruit young people to search for young victims at malls, over social media, and other places young people frequent.

10395592? ago

Update since three days ago, when @Pgategirl's first thread was posted on Saturday, September 2, 2017:

Since then a massive fire consumed a Junction City pig barn, and a JCPD detective suddenly announced he is retiring in less than a month.

Pig farms are an aspect of Pizza-Pedogate research, and farm fires are reportedly not common.

Unrelated coincidences? Maybe.

Late Saturday night the large fire killed more than 500 feeder pigs at 10467 Humboldt Creek Road in Junction City.


Comments beneath the article indicate farm fires are not common:

"Sure a lot of fires on farms around JC this summer? I grew up in a farming community and can't remember one single fire in the 18 years I lived there."

"First farm barn fire in Geary county several years. What are you talking about?"


And today September 5, three days after the first thread, and the first day after the Labor Day holiday, it was suddenly announced that a longtime Junction City Police Detective will retire.

Junction City Police Detective Jeff Childs will retire to take a job as a teacher.

Jeff Childs will bring an end to a 32-year career with the Junction City Police Department when he retires on October 1.

Childs noted he also enjoys working with kids. “That became available so something I had to think about real fast, and it really was an easy decision. It was just time to move on and do something different.”

F.y.i. @Tanngrisnir @darkknight111 @ESOTERICshade

3141592653 ago

Link to the dance studio's facebook page, which does not indicate a 24/7 schedule: https://m.facebook.com/Clarabelsdancestudio

Da-Cat ago

People suggesting going to the FBI should read up on the Franklin Savings Conspiracy, witnesses there were threatened with perjury by compromised agents.

Onetime1 ago

You can much farther back in time than that, back to the early 80's with green beret colonel Ed Cutolo's affidavit. He wrote it just before he was assassinated, and it mentioned the illegal surveillance program he supervised that targeted thousands of police departments, judicial and prosecutors' offices, church and political figures. Additional corroboration can be be viewed with NSA employee Russ Tice being interviewed on RT a few years back. He described how numerous upcoming military and political figures were evesdropped, presumably, to gather blackmail type info. This is a vast, widespread, long running scheme.

Dressage2 ago

We are giving you the strength to stand up to these evil people.

darkknight111 ago

Does the name "Civella" ring a bell? They're a notorious crime family in Kansas City, not far from Junction City.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Hmmm, ok, noted re: the trench-like image.

Agreed on the military vehicles leaving the skids... tanks/APCs would be my guess.

As for the older/limestone buildings... I dug these up:

http://quarriesandbeyond.org/states/images/ks/ks-other/ks-territorial_capital.jpg (note the railroad tracks)

https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-v4t_-i8SJ_A/URRjnUlQc5I/AAAAAAAAFjY/K_lv-Sj--0c/s1600/FortRileyFirst_Territorial_Capitol_of_Kansas.jpg (another shot)


Here is an article w/ images from extremely old limestone structures... small, underground: http://www.kansascity.com/living/star-magazine/article5388768.html

This one may not be directly on Ft. Riley, but, super old limestone unit w/ basement and it's nearby: https://i.pinimg.com/736x/78/22/ba/7822ba5f74edd5d3260a33c93699ff27--limestone-house-art-and-architecture.jpg

Outside of the trench image, just wondering if any of these struck a chord.

Thanks again, and sorry if any of this is too disturbing. Just tell me to stop if so.

SoldierofLight ago

I'm sure she was. But, IF the business was legally registered (and clearly, following the law is not important to her) it may have been done under another name, possibly her real name or under an umbrella corporation name for tax and liability purposes. There are a LOT of dance studios registered with the state. The results cap at 400 and there were more than that so I gave up trying to look at each one for clues that might indicate it was the right one.

It's very possible that now you'll start to remember more bits and pieces because it's on your mind again and because you know that we're here to help you if we can. Don't be shy about creating a new post again later if you come up with more clues. In the meantime, we might find some stuff based on what you've already told us.

Pablolove ago

I'm really sorry for what you went through. This world is so filled with selfish evil wasters.

Gothamgirl ago

That is terrible, lots of best wishes to you.

carmencita ago

Always when there is a city or town infested with the mob there will be police that are corrupted as well. They are covering up their crimes and sometimes are guilty of the crimes themselves. The FBI office in DC may be better choice since there could be corruption in the KC office as well. It is hard to know what to do at this point for so much corruption in all parts of LE. We must remember though, that there are more honest ones than not. @IShallNotFear

carmencita ago

When I look at their site and all the past members present and new, I wonder how can there be so many evil people involved with what the Masons advocate. It just boggles the mind. They go all the way back to the late 1800s. With pictures. We should really research each and every member of present day. I once found out really important info about St. Louis by searching way back on some of the Veiled Prophet Members. There is no other way to do it but hard digging.

darkknight111 ago


I think I found the group in that area. The Civella Crime Family. JC is not that far from Kansas City.

johnpedostalol ago

First of all thanks for coming out with this information. My aunt was pimped by her own mother, my grandma. One day a guy bought her and my dad and uncle stopped talking to my grandma and became friends with the guy that bought her out.

SoldierofLight ago

Interestingly, the business is not registered with the state of Kansas. For a company to be in business for over 40 years and seemingly never to have a business license, very odd. It might be under another name though. I tried every variation I could think of including the owner's name-- Clarabel Van Nahmen and Crystal Harrison which was mentioned by darkknight111. @darkknight111, I'm curious about where you found that name.

Tanngrisnir ago

Did you try under the name Clarabel's Performing Arts Citadel?

SoldierofLight ago

Yes, I tried all variations. No luck.

Tanngrisnir ago

Very interesting. . . Thanks for the good work.

darkknight111 ago

clicked the archive link, then scrolled down. Said the owner of that video store is Crystal. Its the Popingo Video Store archieved link.

SoldierofLight ago

Gotcha. Misread. Thought you were talking about the dance studio.

edblings ago

the one with the crazy skidmarks.. there are 2 shooting ranges on either side of it to the left and right.. good noise cover

SoSpricyHotDog ago

I did find other areas w/ skidmarks, I'm going to put my money on tank/driving training areas. The shooting ranges look like they are heavily fortified/graded...

IShallNotFear ago

She posted a reply to my post. They have but didn't do anything. :(

kazza64 ago


karenrussell63 ago

thanks for sharing your story. we need more victims to come forward, especially when ritualistic abuse was part of it. we're all sorry you had to go through that, and appreciate you being strong enough to relive it.

darkknight111 ago

Once I take a look at the city in question, perhaps I should do a search regarding organized crime groups active in Kansas. Maybe that can create new links.

Any names regarding the parents? Even a maiden name will do. We'll make sure they pay....and pay harshly for betraying their children like that.

IShallNotFear ago

Have the police been notified? Just wondering

10364174? ago

I am so sorry that happened to you! Thank you for posting.

Here is a recent post about Ft. Riley's large number of CSA and CP arrests.

Also I noticed odd wording in an article about a preschool there, it's in the comments:

3141592653 ago


2impendingdoom ago

okay, I am very glad you are far away and hope that you are recovering. Because you think its still happening would be a great opportunity for someone to catch them in the act, but I am NOT advising any trespassing or illegal activity by anyone here.

Tanngrisnir ago

Ahhh damn, that explains why all of the reviews of Clarabel's were so glowing. The parents know and are entirely complicit. I'm so sorry, Pgategirl. This is terrible.

carmencita ago

An interesting fact. Clarabelle was the name of the clown on Howdy Doody. Another sick association. Did Buffalo Bob have something to do with this? IDK, but should be looked into. Why pick that name? May have some connection to Howdy Doody. This makes me sick for I really loved that show growing up. But all must be revealed to bring these sickos to justice for what they have been doing to the children. Thank you for your courage and I hope you have or will find some peace. We will try o do our best to bring out the evil that occurred during your victimization. Evidently it is still ongoing.

darkknight111 ago

Clarabelle is also the name of one of Disney's older less frequently seen cartoon characters.

Clarabelle Cow.

She's rarely seen these days with her last known appearance being in Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep and some references in California Adventure.

carmencita ago

Yes, well we should really work on this and find the connections. Someone has found a mafia family that may be involved in this. These people must pay.

darkknight111 ago

Its most likely the Civella family aka the Kansas City Mafia. KC is not that far from the site OP is talking about.

carmencita ago

I am sure they are connected to anything sordid and control pretty much everything .

2impendingdoom ago

Thank you for posting. I know it is far off, but if you remember where the old churches and military sites are, if they are abandoned, maybe you can plant cameras for next Easter's rituals and catch some of these sickos and get them prosecuted.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Mamasang was what those Korean women was called! Thank God you got out of there!

Tanngrisnir ago

Gotcha, just wanted to make sure.

It says it is owned by Clarabel Van Nahmen. http://archive.is/ZioWg

edblings ago

why the fuck is a dance studio open 24hrs

carmencita ago

THAT is a very important discovery. Very. Evidently there could be other things going on there than dancing.

gamepwn ago

I'm so sorry that happened to you :( I hope your parents burn in hell. We'll expose them all in time and put them all under the hanging tree for everyone to see. One day, someday, your past will come to light and justice will be served.

Tanngrisnir ago

I found a video from Clarabel's (if that is the right spot.) They were doing a dance from the movie Risky Business. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MeZlIq_7Ins

Also check out 2:40 of this video. This does not seem like age appropriate stuff at all. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPhBRH0pzIg

angry_mob ago

nothing here that was not age appropriate. it's just girls dancing.

sunajAeon ago

I didn't find the videos particularly risque, the children's costumes were questionable

2impendingdoom ago

Risky Business themes promote prostitution and teen sex

sunajAeon ago

Well there is little evidence from the videos posted that there is anything particularly troubling, the dress is questionable but this hardly supports the post

2impendingdoom ago

its an r rated movie because the themes are appropriate for young children is my point.

MileHiLife ago

Ever seen the Disney Channel? Hardly the Mickey Mouse Club of yesteryear...though even back then the oversexualized PROGRAMMING was in effect. Check some of the Shirley Temple docs on YT...chilling.

carmencita ago

I very much agree. That was the point of the movie with Tom Cruise.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Yuuuge military base there! Ft. Riley About 25 yrs ago there was several bars, and dives operated by older Korean women. Many young girls seen walking around Junction City all hours of the day and night. I-70 runs right on the edge of base and JC. Very easy to transport whatever you wanted to. Only a toll road in between Kansas City and JC. Yep, I said for yrs, that whole area is creepy as fuck! Also, the truck used by Timothy McVey was rented from JC KS. Evil!

Then there is the KU University near by in Manhattan, Ks.

Tanngrisnir ago

Here is a story of a Fort Worth soldier involved in a sex trafficking case. http://archive.is/JqHyW

DynCorp International was involved with Fort Riley as of 2011. http://archive.is/mt9jG

gamepwn ago

Sick and so damn sad that somebody puts their kids into a dance studio wanting them to have fun and have a hobby then this horrific event occurs where they get kidnapped and used to make CP. Is there more details of how it happened? What did they tell you follow us we're going out to get a snack girls or full on kidnapping? I wish somebody would spraypaint on that building "DON'T SEND YOUR KIDS PEDOPHILE CHILD PORN OPERATION HERE" and put up signs everywhere and protest

Tanngrisnir ago

Popingo Video http://archive.is/blvqC Corrected the link.

And here is one for Union Lodge #7. http://archive.is/1n4vv

Is this the right dance studio? They spell it Clarabel. http://archive.is/cfTuq

10375590? ago

OP mentioned the Popingo video rental store was in Junction City. It is out of business:


This one in your comment (http://archive.is/QwfwA)) is over three hours from Junction City. It is one of several Popingo video stores. I don't think there's any reason to believe the people in Parsons owned the one in Junction City.

Tanngrisnir ago

Good call. Thanks!

10377422? ago

You're welcome!

Tanngrisnir ago

I feel terrible about that. Not sure what I was thinking. I changed the link to the proper store though.

carmencita ago

Three actors played Clarabell on a regular basis. The first was Bob Keeshan, who later became Captain Kangaroo. Keeshan was succeeded by Robert "Nick" Nicholson,[1] who also played the character of J. Cornelius Cobb on The Howdy Doody Show. Lew Anderson[2] was the third and last person to play Clarabell. Anderson played the character from 1954 until the series' final episode on September 24, 1960. Anderson returned to play Clarabell in the short-lived 1976–77 New Howdy Doody Show and in the 1987 40th anniversary special, and in later years in many personal appearances with Buffalo Bob Smith. In addition, Dayton Allen, Bill LeCornec, and others played Clarabell in the early years if Keeshan was busy doing something else for the show. Many attempts were made to find out the real face behind Clarabell. In season 2, #33 of Happy Days, Richie Cunningham is able to get a candid shot of Clarabell (Robert Brunner) without his makeup, but chooses to destroy it after Buffalo Bob tells him to keep the actor's actual face concealed from the public. Based upon the period in which Happy Days is set, Lew Anderson would have been portraying Clarabell during that time. NOW we know that Bob Keeshan and Ron Howard have been linked to the pedophile research we have been doing. Just a thought and possible clue.

darkknight111 ago

The owner's name is Crystal Harrison. Terry Harper is also in that link to Popingo.