kestrel9 ago

In case any visitor here still questions the connection between immigration and child sex rings here's the portion of the 1977 article pertaining to that:

Recently, Sgt. Lloyd Martin, who leads a special CDIl police unit set up In Los Angeles last September to deal with the problem, estimates more than 3,000 children....

Break in page

...Martin told The Tribune, police have found evidence that Mexican children are being smuggled into California in specially constructed cars.

They lay eight children under the floorboards and fender wells, he said.

'They stuff those kids in, Then they take them across the border, put them into a hotel, and clean them up."

MARTIN SAID several young Mexicans have been killed recently and their bodies found in plastic bags. He suspects they may have been among the children smuggled in for sex purposes, and may have been murdered by "super sadists" who can only achieve sexual climax by torture and killing.

Martin said 70 per cent of the cases he deals with involve abuse of boys by men.

(for visitors) This has been going on a very long time, and by all indications, it just became worse and more entrenched throughout our society...gone are the days when newspapers pose the question: Why haven't the child pornographers been legislated out of business?

Instead we see people behaving completely infantile, bemoaning the need to more accept the sexualization of children and normalization of pedophilia, screaming for the overthrow of our Constitution and demanding that unlimited numbers of undocumented, and unaccompanied minors, be "welcomed" to stay here. (An open arms Welcome! from the US nationwide pedo rings and related international rings)

kestrel9 ago Important related research from 6 months ago by @dontkillmehillary

kestrel9 ago


The New Orleans and Tennessee cases turned up evidence of another homosexual network involving the Church of the New Revelation of Kearny, N. J., the Ocean Living Institute of New Jersey, Brother Paul's Children's Mission on North Fox Island, Mich., and the Educational Foundation for Youth of Illinois.

Further information on these operations came with the arrest last July of Gerald Richards, a Port Eluron, Mch., man subsequently convicted of having had sex with a 1i0year old boy .

Richards told all four of these organizations were fronts for :homosexual activity involving boys and all were set up as tax dodges. He Identified himself as the organizer of Brother Paul's Children's Mission.

(This was the topic I was originally researching (Francis Shelden and Fox Island, Brother Paul's Children's Mission) when I found this article so full of names and places! The computer translation gives odd characters and misspellings so I'm posting most of it with corrections, makes it easier to read all the way around).

THE CHURCH of the New Revelation, which police said placed advertisements in a homosexual publication in California, was granted tax-exempt status by the U.S. Internal Revenue Service as a charity.

"There Is no church," said Pete Bouldin, an investigator with the Tennessee attorney general s office. "It's just a referral agency which distributes porn around the country."

Police said leaders of the organization drew up plans to obtain federal, state and county funds for child care homes they planned to establish for homosexual and pornographic purposes.

A letter to Richards from Dyer Grossman, a Now York teacher and officer of the four organizations, said counties would pay up to $110 per month per boy, states would pay up to $400, and federal agencies up to $700.

GROSSMAN, A member of a wealthy Long Island family, is sought by the FBI on charges of sex conduct with 10- and 14-year-old boys In Michigan.

Francis D. Shelden,40, an Ann Arbor, Mich, millionaire sought on sex charges. with boys 8 and 11 years old, owns North Fox Island where Brother Paul's Children's Mission operated. Police said pictures that later turned up in pornographic magazines were 'taken on the island. Shelden's name also appears among "sponsors" of the Boys Farm in Tennessee.

IN NEW YORK, another pornography investigation led last month to the arrest of eight alleged pornographers on felony charges and the seizure of 4,000 copies of pornographic films involving children 8 to 12 years old.

Manhattan District Atty. Robert M. Morgenthaus told The Tribune that much of the film material processed in New York was destined for sale in Chicago.

New York undercover detectives made a $20,000 purchase of 4,000 copies of two child pornography films at Criterion Film Labs Inc. Police then raided the lab and also seized thousands of copies of 100 pornographic films at Hol-Jay Studios.

"The pornographers were duplicating films but there is no evidence any of the films were made in New York, Morgenthau said.

Part four TOMORROW: Why haven't the child pornographers been legislated out of business?

Looks like that last question was never answered openly but we know...because PIZZAGATE that's why!

kestrel9 ago

Related to Francis Sheldon and Fox Island....

1975 Oakland County Child Killings

Over a 13-month period, four white, middle class kids, two boys and two girls, were abducted, kept alive for several days, and murdered. The killer was dubbed "The Babysitter," because the children showed evidence of having been cleaned and fed their favorite foods.

The Suicide

A life of privilege wasn't enough protection in the end.

Boarding school in Switzerland, multiple homes --- they mean nothing when you're sick inside and can't, or won't, stop yourself.

It was the Monday before Thanksgiving, 1978, when police were called to investigate a suicide in one of metropolitan Detroit's wealthiest neighborhoods.

The 27-year-old man lying in bed with a bullet between his eyes had led a troubled life for a long time.

He'd been repeatedly arrested for criminal sexual conduct with minors.  His obsession was boys, many, many boys, coerced, bribed, and forced.

Neighbors would recall a parade of young boys traipsing through the house.  When things got bad, the man's wealthy parents would appear with a quiet request and a wad of cash.

Now he was dead, a 22-caliber rifle by his side.

The man's name was Christopher Busch.  Sound familiar?  You might recall the blurb about the North Fox Island child pornography ring:  "Police confiscated eight rolls of film from Christopher Busch, 25, of Birmingham."

Christopher Busch.  He was also the Oakland County Child Killing suspect who had implicated himself in the case during a polygraph with Larry Wasser, though the victims' families, and the public, wouldn't learn his name until that fateful conversation at a Las Vegas convention nearly 30 years after his death.

kestrel9 ago

Regarding Christopher Busch: Not the last piece of the puzzle by any stretch...

July 2012

Inmate, 70, linked to unsolved child rapes and murders in 1970s after breakthrough in DNA technology has horrifying history of sex abuse

A convicted paedophile linked to the unsolved murders of four children in the 1970s after a breakthrough in DNA technology has a startling history of sex abuse, court records show.

Arch Edward Sloan, who is serving a life sentence for raping a 10-year-old boy in 1983, has been named in the case of the Oakland County Child Killer, who went on the rampage for 13 months.

Investigators reopened the case into the murders of two girls and the rape and murders of two boys in 2005 and found strands of hair on two of the victims matched a strand found in Sloan's car.

The man, now 70, has refused to cooperate with investigators, but court documents reveal his frightening history of sexual abuse and how his family feared he had an incurable problem.

James Gunnels, 47, was an alleged abuse victim of Busch and police believe he may have assisted him in the killings. His mitrochondrial DNA matches a hair found on Kristine 

One suspect was sex offender Christopher Busch, who was named by another suspect as the killer. When he committed suicide in 1978, police found a drawing on his wall that looked like Stebbins.

In March 2009, the FBI found that that mitochondrial DNA from James Gunnels, a 47-year-old parolee, matched the DNA from a hair fragment found on Kristine's body.

Although a mitochondrial DNA match isn't as precise as a nuclear DNA match, the FBI said the findings were significant. Gunnels said he did not know how it got there and was not charged.

The families of the victims said they were encouraged by the matches. 

And this from 2006 Brings up a good question...why not take the polygraph test? Some people speculate that the ring involved people you'd rather go to jail rather then risk exposing.

Police in Parma Heights, Ohio arrested Ted Lamborgine, a retired auto worker believed to have been involved in a child porn ring in the 1970s. On March 27, 2007, investigators told Detroit television station WXYZ that Lamborgine was considered the top suspect in this case.

Lamborgine pleaded guilty to 15 sex-related counts involving young boys, rather than accept a plea bargain that would have required him to take a polygraph test on the Oakland County child killings. Lamborgine also rejected an offer of a reduced sentence in exchange for a polygraph on the case.[20]

In October 2007, the family of Mark Stebbins filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Lamborgine seeking $25,000. The lawsuit alleges Lamborgine, who lived in Metro Detroit in the late 1970s, abducted Mark and held him captive in a Royal Oak house for four days in February 1976 before smothering him to death during a sexual assault.

Lamborgine has never been formally linked nor charged in the death of Mark Stebbins. Attorney David A. Binkley has sought compensation, including funeral costs, for Stebbins' brother, Michael, but stressed that money is secondary.[20]

The truth is authorities never really caught a good break. Twenty years turned into thirty, and the case languished in the cold case files. That's why it was shocking to come across a recent headline announcing that the family of one of the victims was filing a wrongful death lawsuit against a 65-year-old Ohio man, claiming that he was “more likely than not” the Oakland County Child Killer.

The man’s name is Ted Lamborgine. In 2005 a tip from a prisoner led investigators to question Lamborgine about a child porn ring that operated in Detroit in the 1970s. Lamborgine copped to being a pedophile but remained silent on the Oakland County murders.

Ted Lamborgine

The similarities are damning. Lamborgine and a pack of sick buddies preyed on poor kids from the Cass Corridor, a particularly run-down section of the city, but Lamborgine liked to cross 8 Mile Road into the tonier areas to troll for kids and mix with suburban pedophiles. One of his victims described being held captive, assaulted, and then fed. Lamborgine packed up and moved to Ohio right around the time the murders stopped.

But the strongest and most damning piece of evidence against Lamborgine is what he won’ t say. He pleaded guilty to 15 sex-related charges involving young boys rather than accept a plea bargain that required him to take a polygraph about the Oakland County killings. He also rejected an offer of a reduced sentence in exchange for a polygraph on the case. It's hard to imagine an innocent man making such a decision.

The Devlin, Mendenhall, and Oakland County Child Killer stories all received varying degrees of publicity this year; they certainly can’ t be categorized as neglected or snubbed by the media. But one aspect of the stories has been mostly missed in the coverage --- the possibility of other victims.

@abcdefg222 @SoSpricyHotDog

abcdefg222 ago

Thank you! I will read these today.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Wow... I wish there was a way to quickly connect dots moving forward in time. So many of these stories from the 70s/80s/90s just dead-end once it's all wrapped up. It never goes into their accomplices, lists of hundreds of clients, purchasers, distribution channels... etc.

Each of these cases are so massive, there's no way that the arrest of small groups actually damages the infrastructure. Why wouldn't these stories continue over time via the investigators? It's sick.

kestrel9 ago

I'm going to work on a timeline (one of my favorite tools lol), but there is a lot I have to work with so it'll be time consuming and there is still digging I want to do. I don't know if I'm going to have to just do the free trial subscription to get a look at that newspaper article, because all references to it are scrubbed. In the search however it appears to be a huge article done as a promo of his Fox Island Company I believe.

I cringed when reading "Many weekends he takes young friends along to North Fox Island"....

Detroit Free Press from Detroit, Michigan on December 28, 1975 ...

Dec 28, 1975 ... Many weekends he takes young friends along to North Fox Island, as well as his .... Henry's sons formed the Shelden Land Co. after World War I, and ... Born Francis Duffield Shelden, he spent his allowance on classical records as a child. ... other things, helped develop the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island.

abcdefg222 ago

Wow. Lots of names here. I've never heard about any of this. I have a lot to look into. This is horrible. Have you looked into how much time they got? Specifically all of the active sponsors at the farm. Hundreds. what are these people doing today?

kestrel9 ago

I know, I just found the article last night...a lot of digging to do no doubt. We know how the Franklin scandal was swept over, but with such an established nationwide pedophile ring already in place in 1977, it's beyond hard to believe that there aren't ties between some of the players.

The more instances we can show of a continuity of the nationwide pedo ring, and then ties to the international UK systemic pedo nation that they are, things just keep getting uglier, and what seems like unrelated events may just be symptoms or cover up of that underlying international sex trafficking, child porn industry.