Justin_TeroG8 ago

The man in Bebots needs to be hung and castrated....selling the access to little girls that are simply hungry for a great meal or longing for new clothes is totally despicable. These poor, poor little girls...

Eyezopen ago

Sickening shit from YouTube. There's pedo-centric shit all over there. Yet they censored Joy Villa and Kaya Jones for being too American basically. They've since backed off those 2 beautiful, intelligent American Patriots from what I heard.

Vigilia_Procuratio ago

His acting is terrific, he should work in Hollywood. He'd fit right in.

Thinkfaest ago

Drug dealers don't ask advice from their junkies. They aren't subject or under the authority of the crack heads they deal to.

Google knows the world is addicted and can't stop going back to them for the good stuff. So unless you gain some self control and can quit cold turkey (using their services) you just sound like cry baby customers.

44NJ9 ago

But they sure took down Stanahan and Diamond and Pearlz or whatever the two black chicks were named, for inciting violence.

remedy4reality ago

Send a direct communication to the President of the Philippines, Duarte.

SpeederMan ago

UN is going to intervene soon.

Cheesebooger ago

Jews love their pedophilia

SpeederMan ago

Only atheists would do that kind of shit because they don't know what happens when you die.

SpeederMan ago

Fuck off, those aren't Jews. I'm a Jew.

mashael ago

instead they shut down ron paul's videos pathetic youtube YOU'RE pathetic

Amino69 ago

This is because the platform is owned and run by degenerate Jews and their crypto brethren. The ony way to stop it is to start taking scalps, quite literally! The Philippines has so many perverse and deviant inhabitants e.g. a large transexual & paedophile community and and such dire poverty that it's unlikely to get any better. They are also embroiled in a battle with insurgency but Duterte would rather play war hero than save a future generation.

Narcissism ago

Asians can look much younger than they actually are its important to make that distinction. Sometimes these guys are sticking it the face just to get a reaction. Back home they'd have no chance of getting laid.

kazza64 ago

its horrible that poverty compromises childrens safety

argosciv ago

worse is when the poverty is manufactured by those who then exploit the children :/

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Haiti, Libya, Syria x 100...

argosciv ago

The list is quite a lot longer than that even, but, I'm sure most anyone here including yourself, knows that :(

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Yep, very much so...

kazza64 ago

i'm sus on this fella too. scott neeson. left hollywood to ' work in an orphanage ' really scott ..... i find that very ..... holly...... weird


Vindicator ago

Why don't we get someone to add all the advertisers paying for this monetized shite to this post. I'm going to flair it "Share!" to get more eyeballs in here. If people post who the advertizers are, we can email them and let them know what they are supporting.

SpeederMan ago

I use vid.me instead

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Always go after the money. The best way to move mountains, that.

BIGLY17 ago

Start compiling screenshots of the advertisements as they are displayed/rotated out at start of these videos or look at the code base and see which ad tags are present//where the ad calls are going [Using an HTTP sniffs such as Charles or Wireshark]. The lagged is the easiest way to make sure you capture all parties involved in these monetary transactions through YT.

This is a major theme in digital advertising especially, "brand safety" or w/e term you'd like to give it. There are many parties not doing their job, YT isn't the only one at fault.

In other news - fuck this guy. I can't go into this one cause i don't have it in me to watch any of these videos.

Well compiled tho OP, you clearly have a well documented collection of child exploitation (regardless of any other strongly-rooted allegations).

Have you flagged these videos or taken any further follow-up action w YT?

gamepwn ago

I agree! Plus if this is intentional we'll call them out! They are supporting and potentially helping to fund a child sex trafficking ring.

SterlingJB ago

I reported, to the service providers (purely photo sharing are the worse), some to fbi (feeling dumb abt that) many accts that on multiple platforms are still posting much much more than "art." Blows because posting here just signals the alarm