fartnigger ago

Lots of girls advertised.


"Rules of engagement" say no sex. But still, that is a front. These are teenagers and can be manipulated very easily, unfortunately.


gamepwn ago

GOOD JOB!!! Expose these filth!

YingYangMom ago

Wow. Well, I missed the target I guess, or maybe the accent is a mix between his mother tongue and the english (American accent). Either that or he lived in Canada in the past and "caught" the accent which stayed with him.

OpenSoulOpenMind ago

More and more pedo related youtube accounts keep popping up...yea, go ahead an report them...but it isnt going to amount to much seeing how youtube is implicated in all of this.....this is going to keep happening as long as they are in power....

Youtube/Google needs to be put to an END..hackers where you at??

gamepwn ago

Bastard reactivated his account its a pedo channel along with the guy sellng the philipeno girls. Sick

YingYangMom ago

From his accent, this trafficker called 'Marco' is most probably a Canadian. Toronto, possibly Vancouver. Second video linked was already deleted. Great find, OP. Let's expose and denounce these pieces of shit.

remus_schmitt ago

How the fuck does youtube allow that fucking garbage? Why are the feds not raining hellfire down upon those people? Why does it seem like we're the only ones that care? Extremely frustrating.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

HAS ANYONE REPORTED THIS TO THE FBI? Get records of doing so.

ReyaPhemhurth ago

I reported it as well. I remember being able to find some terribly disgusting vids on youtube....either from the Philippines where the age of consent is 12 (fucking terrible!) and other's where it was small children in promiscuous looking "yoga" positions, showering, you name it. Every time, I'd report it. And it's funny, I would comment reply on these disgusting people and it would piss them the eff off. They'd say garbage like "You're a trashy cunt, you're just jealous!!" and the like. But, luckily all the videos and users I have reported have all been taken down. I really hope they take this down/investigate these.

Though.....part of me is afraid that if these get taken down will more or less erase their existence....and there would be no way to send to the FBI...or whoever the appropriate people are

gamepwn ago

Well I know one thing for sure now. There are pedo rings on Youtube. Fucking Youtube. About as mainstream and accessible and above the deep web as you can get and used by almost every citizen of the world. Sick fucking world we live in. Another scary fact is that channel has subcribers in the thousands. Were dealing with a very large sick underground full of thousands of monsters.

gamepwn ago

Super Kids erased his comment. Go figure EDIT: HE DELETED HIS ACCOUNT

keyboard12 ago

thank goodness for @pizzagatebot, archiving everything

PizzagateBot ago

Unfortunately pgbot was offline, so I was late to the party and only captured the deleted youtube profile page.

They deleted it within 4 hours of this submission. Was it because of a comment or are 'they' watching /v/pizzagate to know when to clean house?

keyboard12 ago

Oooooh... intriguing!

gamepwn ago

He mentions a Bebot joy... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8N90jwilA7s when you look up the Youtube account this is what comes up... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1mdn-pnbHa0 (There are babies crying in the video. look at all the pedo comments, espeically the first guys. You can't get on "Bebotsonly.com" (theory that this is a CP or redroom site on deepweb someone mentions streaming and look at that channels subscriber count) which he says he meets young philipeane girls on. I think we found a PEDO ring with different accounts "Bebot" accounts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7im6mVOQAxI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZzQypGp540 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCds9LB3mUk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQsHDYG1mkw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzPL0PaMIm8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_Y08RjB2mA

pizzagate3456 ago

Have any of those girls gone missing?

gamepwn ago

"Bebots" is defending trafficing children for sex in this video saying this is what they want. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p82jK_oNdrE the picture he uses for the url in the photo blatantly says "WOMAN FOR SALE" if you go on his Youtube page. Creepy channels like Superkids are asking them who they have sold yet.

pizzagate3456 ago

Maybe one of us could pretend to be someone looking to buy these women, maybe you could send him a message. If he replies with info on how to buy these women, then you can post the evidence on here