4_InquiringMinds ago

Looks like the prez address is about Afghanistan and not a big announcement of 20 arrest.

Big surprise, more troops, more war.

This is nothing but trump spam.

DarkMath ago

Don't shoot the messenger. I'm as pissed as you are Trump didn't announce any arrests.

nothing_to_lose ago

Well. Back to war we go. Should have followed his instincts. Big league let down. So what's his play @LA_Trump

Psalm144-1 ago

@LA_Trump keep me posted, i want to believe!

DeathTooMasons ago

Trump is part of the NWO and was hand picked years ago for this role. You still are not red pilled. There is no PG investigation.

Guitarjunkie37 ago

really?? So why is every known NWO idiot been attacking Trump? Faking the Russian hack story, having shills within his party attack him, so your saying they are attacking and trying destroy one of their top members? Ya that makes sense!! Lol

cantsleepawink ago

Agree. His speech tonight will be interesting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_3cawh0XnA

SoberSecondThought ago

Sorry, I don't see anything here that suggests Trump will announce arrests.

I think there is progress being made, and wonder of wonders, the media is even covering it. Trump and Sessions have declared war on MS-13 and have recently made arrests. Also, Imran Awan was arrested, and the claim that the DNC emails were hacked has now been debunked by NSA experts. This is all good news, much better news than I would have predicted a couple of months ago.

I don't think that Trump is "controlled" or that his election was intended by the Deep State. I also don't see him as a miraculous savior of Western civilization. He's had some victories (illegal immigration is way down, stock market is way up), and he's had a lot of messy, frustrating, partly self-inflicted scandals, and the fight is far from over.

My suggestion is that you pace yourselves, guys. It's going to be a long four years.

DanKeyhote ago

Are you even aware that all his kids are with Jews. Are you aware of what Chabad teaches? Are you aware that Marla Maples is a Kabbalist? The daughter they had is ALSO with an elite jew. Jewish agents in LA bankroll TrumpCo AND Kushner. He is 110% bought and paid for at best, another pedophile at worst (50-50 he is)

SoberSecondThought ago

Your stuff reminds me of a YouTube video where it turns out that the secret of the universe ... wait for it ... is that all the fundamental particles are really tiny Jews. Why? Because the Jews want it that way!

That's right, sheeple! Wake up and see how deep the conspiracy goes! WE ARE ALL MADE OF JEWS!!!

God, I just laughed and laughed at that one. Have a nice day.

SterlingJB ago

You ever read PKD's Memories Wholesale? What total recall was based on. Be funny if that was really the gig

LongDongKeyhote ago

Well im glad you found it funny at least o_o i dont huff glue tho

SoberSecondThought ago

Just to be clear: I don't usually mock other posters, even people with hundreds of downvoats and bad reputations.

My problem (as I've said a few times before) is that the "Jews did it" argument is incredibly elastic, completely impossible to test empirically, and commonly associated with mental illness. It's paranoid and stupid. Plus, if you really believe that the Jews run the world, to the extent that they could make Trump president against the wishes of everyone else, what that usually implies is that either you think the Holocaust didn't really happen, or that it did somehow happen but it was a good thing.

Okay, if so, that's your belief. But it's completely self-defeating to have a group of people come together to try and rescue kids who are being raped, only to have the whole enterprise turn into a discussion of why another much larger group of kids deserved to be gassed and shot and starved. Right? Where else can this exchange go? What are you really asking me, when you go on about Marla Maples being a Kabbalist?

It's tedious to keep explaining this every few days, so this time I thought I'd try a joke.

DarkMath ago

DonKeyhote ago

How is it elastic or hard to test?? HALF THE NAMES EVER MENTIONED HERE ARE PROUD JEWS.

I was PRO ISRAEL prePG and I have Jewish blood. It is beyond illogical to say the evidence against them here is INVALIDATED by the fact that there's a huge centuries-long scholarly tradition about Jewish conspiracies. It is illogical to postulate MANY COLLUDING GROUPS than one calling the shots.

I have to question a "researcher" who won't even look at both sides of WW2. Suggestion: read JEWISH SOURCES that admit these things.

I know what you're feeling cuz I felt it too: Jews are scapegoats, it's overly simplistic, blah blah -- they ADMIT TO CRYING HOLOCAUST WHEN CONVENIENT. Just check youtube.

I am sure you too even as a child thought once, "why would they transport and then dupe the Jews rather than simply bomb their ghettoes, and how can you cremate MILLIONS OF BODIES in a couple years" it is preposterous on it's face.

GERMANS deserve an apology for it being said that they used SOAP AND LAMPSHADES MADE FROM DEAD BODIES. That is admitted now to being an outrageous lie.

SoberSecondThought ago

Let's look at this point you made:

It is illogical to postulate MANY COLLUDING GROUPS than one calling the shots.

No, actually, it is fundamental to the process of building the case against the pedos. The Catholic Church engaged in a massive, horrific, decades-long cover-up of its priestly pedophilia. As many as 6 percent of all priests were shown to be pedos, worldwide. Are you saying they are all secretly Jews? Or will you use the standard evasion that they were "crypto-Jews"?

Another gaping hole in the "Jews did it" logic is the shamefully dysfunctional Child Protective Services in the 50 states. As I've begun documenting here, the rate of child sexual abuse among foster children is much higher than the overall average. CPS is massively corrupt; they pull kids out of poor families for profit, then sell them to pedos for more profit, as Nancy Schaefer documented (and remember, she was killed for it).

The thing is, the overwhelming majority of the 450,000 kids in foster care in America are not being fostered by Jews. No one has presented any evidence that Jews dominate in that realm. It's not the sort of thing that the Rothschilds would be interested in; the money involved is a lot to some fucked-up middle class schlub who hates his kids, but it wouldn't interest the power elite.

And then there's MS-13. Their whole thing, both in El Salvador and here, is slavery and human trafficking. Of course, they could just be pretending to be Hispanic Catholics. Maybe they're all Jews too?

I've never denied that the number of high-profile Jews in this story is above the U.S. national average. I don't doubt that Mossad engages in the same sort of ugly brownstone blackmail that the CIA does. The problem is that these other groups don't take orders from Mossad. Trump doesn't take orders from Mossad; he doesn't take orders from anyone.

SoberSecondThought ago

You're making a bunch of assumptions here, so let me clear up some points.

I have to question a "researcher" who won't even look at both sides of WW2.

You have absolutely no idea what I've looked at. In fact, I've spent hundreds of hours investigating mass killings of Germans, in three separate episodes.

  1. After WW I, the Allied powers prolonged their blockade of Germany to pressure them into signing a punitive treaty. About 800,000 Germans died of starvation due to the blockade, roughly half of them during the 8 months after fighting had ceased. That was a hideous war crime.

  2. At the conclusion of WW II, roughly 5 million German soldiers were rounded up and kept in open-air enclosures, many of them for more than a year. They literally dug holes in the ground for shelter. The official record claims, absurdly, that no more than 5,000 died of exposure and hunger. The real number was at least 50,000, and likely even higher. Documents and witnesses have come to light that at some camps food was withheld deliberately. Again, this was a war crime by the Allies against the Germans.

  3. The postwar adjustment of borders broke off a large chunk of Poland and gave it to the USSR, then broke off Eastern Germany and gave it to Poland. About 14 million Germans were expelled from Eastern Europe at bayonet point. Of these, at least 500,000 and perhaps as many as 2 million died. This was primarily the doing of the Soviets, but Western leaders agreed to the expulsions and the border changes. Yet again, our ally committed a massive war crime, and we made no protest.

I believe very strongly that these crimes against the German people need to be exposed, and taught in schools. But they are irrelevant to Pizzagate.

I have spent even more time on the Holocaust, and other assorted German atrocities. Want me to explain about the 1943 Hunger Plan, and how a couple of million Czechs and Poles narrowly escaped being killed because of food shortages in Europe? We'll have to do that offline, though, because again it is irrelevant to Pizzagate.

I don't think you're a shill, and I regret talking down to you. I think you're sincere. You're just wrong. It's not a crime to be bad at research and critical thinking. I'll address some more of your errors in my next post.

PeaceDogg ago

I hope he announces that the U.S. Military will no longer provide the muscle for the Crown's lucrative opium business. Announcement of pizzagate arrests would surprise me.

DarkMath ago

"This Presidential address is not about Afghanistan."

I saw no proof of that in the video. It's HIGHLY unlikely Trump would say no to the Military Industrial Complex, Israel and the WASP Mafia. They all want war:

1) to distract from the cluster fuck that is the Clinton Foundation and Her Thighness's crimes against humanity.

2) to help Boeing and Lockheed make their year end numbers.

The Deep State installed Trump themselves. They wouldn't have done that had they any fear he would go off and start making decisions on his own. It's fucking tragic beyond words but it's the truth.

You guys have gotta try the cold chai.


LA_Trump ago

Such basic thinking. A shame really.

DeathTooMasons ago

Basic thinking is yours Peter Pan.

DarkMath ago

I pray you're right. :-)

But I'm sick of being disappointed.

DanKeyhote ago

A guy whose children are all marrying Jews is gonna slaughter more Muslim peasants who tried to stop producing opium; huzzah!

Godwillwin ago

Not sure what this has to do with pizzagate?

LA_Trump ago

It has everything to do with Pizzagate. The world is going to change tomorrow.

Donkey hole triggered is a tell.

Are_we_sure ago

LA Trump, If what you are saying is false, will You leave this board?

LA_Trump ago

If Trump doesn't reveal high level arrest or the truth about who committed 9/11, then I'll leave the board.

equineluvr ago

Riiiight! You'll just reincarnate.

LA_Trump ago

I won't have to.

Are_we_sure ago

The deadline for this revelation is 11:59PM EST, correct?

LA_Trump ago

Correct. And for the record, this is what faith looks like.

Are_we_sure ago

Well you should put up a post before you leave. I would be curious as to why you put your faith in Trump.

LA_Trump ago

I won't be leaving.

Are_we_sure ago

This is your faith, something gigantic other than military strategy will be discussed?

EricKaliberhall ago

I like the way you think LA_Trump. You got some balls, I love it.

SavedbyJCfromRSA_MK ago

I've been following DonkeyHoles posts for months.

It's a sure sign wherever he posts of useful, spot on, stuff. If he don't like it and says so, I'm on it like a young fly on fresh ....whad-ever. Thanks Donkey for all the sharp pointers. You never even need to sleep. Obviously us talking about all this nonsense bothers you a lot. You oughda see a shrink about dat.

LA_Trump ago

That's because Donkey Hole is a whitehat. He is a double agent shill. His job is to throw the shills off, while guiding the investigation at the same time. That's why he's allowed to stay. Everything is says, you should believe the opposite. That's his intention.

@Are_we_sure and @Millennial_Falcon also serve similar purposes.

β€œThe truth may be stretched thin, but it never breaks, and it always surfaces above lies, as oil floats on water.” ― @DanKeyhote

LongDongKeyhote ago


DanKeyhote ago


My record is near perfect, only thing i been wrong about was the Hawaii dude apparently being a methhead larper:

  1. Webb is a kikeshill
  2. Seth rich is a kikeshill
  3. WorldCorpo is bullshit
  4. LA_Trump is an absolute joke by any standard
  5. Lick my taint

srayzie ago

He needs to be put on some good meds

Tanngrisnir ago

Upvoated just for triggering Donkey.

2impendingdoom ago


DanKeyhote ago

Yes he literally triggered my bullshit detector which is as infallible as my gaydar WHICH JUST EXPLODED UPON READING YOUR COMMENT FAGGIT

srayzie ago

I second that remark

DanKeyhote ago

LA_Trump is one of the biggest, most blatant shills here, and i give pretty much everyone the benefit of the doubt

4_InquiringMinds ago

This has nothing to do with pizzagate~

LA_Trump ago

It has everything to do with Pizzagate. Trump will announce 20+ arrests tomorrow night.

srayzie ago

Where are you getting the idea that there will be all these arrests tomorrow?

DarkMath ago

"Trump will announce 20+ arrests tomorrow night."

Where did you hear that? Neon nettle?

I so wish that were true but there's no way that's gonna happen. Trump is owned and has been since day one.

LA_Trump ago

HA. Listen to what Mattis says.

srayzie ago

Do you have a link you can share that leads you to believe that there will be all these arrests?

DanKeyhote ago


srayzie ago

Shut your pie hole donkey πŸ™„

LongDongKeyhote ago

Youll believe anything apparently except THE TRUTH about PG.


srayzie ago

Not you!

DarkMath ago

Once again I pray you're right. :-)

But I'm sick of being disappointed.

Blacksmith21 ago

I hope you are correct. You just staked your reputation on it.

My gut tells me we might see a "contractor war" in AFG.

LA_Trump ago

Tomorrow is where rubber meets the road. Justice will be served, and it will be poetic.

Blacksmith21 ago

From your mouth to God's ears. Maybe the eclipse has something to do with it.

DeathTooMasons ago

You have been had.

Godwillwin ago

Where in that article does it say anything about arrests? It's all about Afghanistan. There me some trafficking in Afghanistan by the bushes??

sunajAeon ago

Agreed-also CNN is nothing but an intelligence psyop, Afghanistan is all about State sponsored drug trade

LA_Trump ago

CNN is reporting what the White House stated. Pay attention to what Mattis is saying.

sunajAeon ago

CNN cannot be trusted unless the info is supported by at least one other trusted source

LA_Trump ago

That's exactly why it's not about Afghanistan. ;)

derram ago

https://archive.is/4fh1m | https://files.catbox.moe/zbl7q3.png :

Trump to announce 'path forward' for US in Afghanistan - CNNPolitics

'Many decisions made, including on Afghanistan. β€” Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 19, 2017 Mattis said Sunday that the strategy covered more than Afghanistan and was a full "South Asia strategy."'

'John Nicholson, commander of US forces in Afghanistan, said in February that the US and Afghanistan were at a stalemate with the Taliban. '

'Earlier Sunday, Mattis confirmed a decision has been made, but declined to offer details about the decision, saying Trump would choose when to make the announcement. '

'The shift in US strategy would mark the latest of many chapters in the long-running operations in Afghanistan. '

'In April, the United States dropped the "Mother of All Bombs," one of the nation's largest non-nuclear weapons, in Afghanistan. '

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