ASolo ago

Having gone to the St. John's Episcopal School in Virginia Macon Carrington claims this school is used to train 'warlocks' and the neighboring Madeira School trains the elite castes 'witches'. Macon has stated that he has first hand knowledge having tried to date Paul Volcker's of the Federal Reserve's daughter, hiking with her out to the Madeira School's Black Pond whose properties extend all the way out to the Potomac, where, Macon claims, Paul Volcker is "The Grande Witch of Black Pond" - where, allegedly, over 5000 bodies of young children can be found!

From: Theodore Carrington Sent: Sunday, December 18, 2016 1:12 PM

Subject: You Can Find The Little Bodies Here

"Usually the Satanists burn the bodies, but they also use their bones in protection spells and bury them. You can find them on Bill Gate's estate in Seattle, The Bush Estate in Kennybunkport Maine, The Cheney Estate in Wyoming, At Bohemian Grove in California, All along the Potomic River near Black Pond that is 2 miles North East of the Madiera Girls School in Northern Virginia, Bush Prairie Chapel Ranch, Some Tunnels in the Hollywood Hills near Chuenga Pass. Tunnels under DC. in Northeast DC on the same street as Pizzagate. And Tunnels under and around the White House. I know they are there, I've been in golf carts all around there in the 1980's with Strom Thurmond from the Congressional Buildings to the Capitol. Look under the White House."

Theodore Carrington

[email protected]

SecondAmendment ago

Another upvoat for good ole @Commoner again. This is very well writren and informative. Thank you, Commoner. Your work is great.

hojuruku ago

This was exposed by TruthStream media (kicked out of infowars and threatened) better than we have here could.

Good night hope I am a free man when I wake up.

argosciv ago

I have nothing to add, but, fucking upvoats all around, this shit needs to be put out in plain sight.

SterlingJB ago

I read this article yesterday. The way they described the Exeter story made Blaine seem completely innocent. I mean, there's an accuser and a gigantic box of child porn yet they're making him out to be the victim? Then there's this quote:

He lived in a dorm for 10 years and there were kids walking in and out of his room late at night in their underwear. If he ever had a chance to do something with a kid, Exeter was it. But that's not Lane', according to a close friend

From this quote it sure seems like there should have been a broader investigation yet the writer uses it as support for why the charges were just the fantasy of a begrudged student. Exeter was indeed it, anon close friend, and maybe, since the guy had a box of kiddie porn under his bed while having kids come into his bedroom in their underwear for 10 years, that was indeed Lane.

ASolo ago

Elite Prep Schools; Sex Abuse; Ambient Mk-Ultra

Truthseeker3000 ago

Le Rosey in Switzerland I believe is where the Illuminati families kids go to. Most expensive school in the world. Would be interesting to know more about the truth of this elusive place. Gotta create as many alters as possible to be the most devious psychopath the world has known to usher in that coveted NWO.

ASolo ago

Masonic secret question: Who is your Mother? A: Rose

Truthseeker3000 ago

Tell me more ;)

ASolo ago

From whence do you come?

This is usually one of the first they will ask you.

A: From the East.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Have u been initiated? Do u think it is most like a pyramid scheme whereas those below have no real knowledge of the depravity of those above? One further question, since most of these "illuminated" men tend to be white, why do they so desperately want to destroy the white race through white genocide? I have so many questions... thank u

ASolo ago

No. I am not an initiate. I have just been lucky enough to have a few interesting conversations.

I was fortunate enough to have a strong enough philosophical and ideological base and could recognize the masonic system for the slowly indoctrinitive cult that it was. Those people take young naiveté and altruistic pursuit and harness it till the very end until they tell those certain few who they're really working for.

ASolo ago

Is there any coincidence then between Chelsea Clinton and James Alefantis going to the same preparatory school, Georgetown Day?

ASolo ago

"Regular" American people should be appalled and shocked, which should compel them to do more research and understand WHO RULES THEM. One could easily surmise that since these things seem to be so prolific in these circles it would be no where near coincidence, that's just how they roll. But most will not see it that way, they have been so conditioned that their own morality and Overton window has slid so far that the pattern is lost on them. Frankfurt model Rockefeller/Carnegie funded public schools trained individuals only so far as to see the 9 to 5 in front of them their entire lives, elementary and high schools were a sorting, culling, and designating TOOL to see who was too emotional, linear, or sociopathic, it seems the more emotional and caring were held and placed in the social services while the dickheads and lunkheads got cop and administrative duties so they could be blackmailed later. Elite prep is no different save for the fact that they are all sociopaths meant to rule the 99%. They are culled and sorted according to deviancy, and then, of course, moved to the Ivy League to prepare them for secret society and 'greek letter' frats and sorority indoctrination.

This has been going on forever and I'm simply amazed that the masses not only do not comprehend it, they continually fail to fully grasp the implications of such a long drawn out plan.

PedoStomper ago

That's what it is. They can't comprehend a group of people carrying out such a detailed plan, for such a long period of time. They simply don't envision that scenario as being plausible. Add on top of that, the fact that most people don't even understand the concept of having rulers, they have a false sense of freedom and choice that doesn't really exist. Just another smokescreen for the elites to say "No don't look over here, look over theeeeeeeeeeeere!"

Truthseeker3000 ago

Yes, pretty much. Public school has always been a joke. One can go through all 12 grades and come out not knowing a damn thing useful for the real world. The textbooks and history taught are lies written by the powers that should not be fitting the NWO narrative. I can even recall psych testing being done in high school more than once for "future job prospects" and looking back, why would they need to do that? Absolutely no reason for it whatsoever so your take on it rings very true.

Dfens ago

This is how the deep state came to exist.

AngB23 ago

Ironic this came up about elite schools. It isn't necessarily PG related, directly, but I was researching Ted Kaczynski, the unabomber. Ted was a genius, graduated from high school early and was accepted into Harvard at 16.

He was always an outcast and loner, but many genius types are and being at college at such a young age wouldn't be easy for anyone. He was UNWITTINGLY part of a Harvard Human experiment that caused him great trauma

The man behind this experiment that basically uses humans as lab rats-Henry Murray. He also did extensive research on Hitler

Harvard is a branch of Tavistock as well as many other Ivy League schools including MIT. They are behind ALL of the psychological warfare against humans worldwide. They are behind all the mind control bullshit we face- SJW, transgender push, demoralization, break of family units, music, art, media....and they test this on humans-those willing and unwilling to be part of the research. HUMAN LAB RATS. I'm sure many of those human trafficked or kidnapped go to places like Tavistock for scientific experimentation.

Kaczynski was basically broken down and made into a crazed terrorist, BUT, even through the trauma, he KNEW these "scientists" were and are behind the fall of our society. Ironically, reading through his Manifesto, nearly every aspect of what he wrote is more true today than ever- the rise of the "leftists", weak, group think type people that are easy to manipulate, the fall of moral compasses and more. I wonder if Harvard did this experiment on their own highly intelligent people to see how far mind control and can go even on geniuses?

Part of the manifesto

full manifesto

10124589? ago

the chemicals and hormones they're pushing on "transgender" children haven't been studied long-term and usually cause lifelong sterilization. testosterone in particular is really dangerous for females.

big pharma is going to make a killing exploiting vulnerable children and the temporary dysphorias that sometimes come with growing up, and the wealthy coprophages will also achieve their agenda of sterilizing us/depopulating. transgenderism is a fucking cult that needs to be stopped. so far the alt-right and radical feminists agree on that much so hopefully it'll be something that binds the country.

i feel like it's as important as pizzagate; children are going to be maimed, mutilated, and experimented on in the name of this fucked up backwards ideology. spread the word.

edit:: how could i forget to mention that one of the most prolific child-transing organizations is called the Tavistock Gender Clinic in London? almost positive it's related to, well, the other Tavistock. here are some heartwarming, inclusive and inspirational quotes from the article:

More than 20 youngsters with 'gender dysphoria' are being prescribed hormone blockers by doctors at the Tavistock Clinic in north London. The treatment halts the onset of puberty - preventing children from developing the sexual characteristics of the gender they were born.

they are threatening society/their families etc with suicide if we don't comply with giving underresearched questionable hormone and sex change treatment to underaged people:

She later claimed she 'would have killed' herself if she hadn't been prescribed the blockers by a doctor in Boston

perhaps because transgenderism is caused by mental illness, and that mental illness is being exploited en masse for unethical research purposes....

AngB23 ago

Very good info and I'm almost 100% positive, Tavistock is behind all this stuff. They have so many "arms" in so many countries. They are the ones who "educate" psychologists, school curriculums, professors at colleges. When you read or hear on the news "researchers say", it's them behind it all.

All these new problems people have like mental illnesses (not saying people do not have, for example, social anxiety or whatever) but so many people with problems, like young kids, and here's a new drug for it. It's so obvious what's going on. Now the push is love who you love, including love of small kids. They are trying to normalize pedos.

10142500? ago

i'm of the camp that doesn't believe every single mental illness is a mere product of faulty brain chemistry. almost all mental illness is a product of the environment - almost all mental illness is related to trauma. social anxiety, for example, would no longer be something someone "has" out of coincidence and must take medicine for, but would be a symptom of the brain plasticity being reinforced in a detrimental way. but if society realized that, there would be little to no need for pharmeceuticals, and people would instead begin learning healthy coping mechanisms and seeking mental health support for their attachment difficulties, people would self-actualize...and they really don't want that.

they're just experimenting on us with all these mood medicines and shit anyway. how well-tested is any of that stuff?

kids have mental illnesses now because of the state of fucking society! i mean just look at it. parents are always at work, when they're not they're moody and tired and often disinterested; kid is left at home with the TV and more often the internet as a behavioral model, doesn't form healthy attachments, doesn't have trusted caregivers, surrounded by instability and war, grows up watching dehumanizing pornography, looking at gore, becoming a transgender, etc...

They are the ones who "educate" psychologists, school curriculums, professors at colleges.

yup. did you notice how things have gotten crazy out of absolutely nowhere? for example, Antifa shows up and transgender ideology has gone out of control, pushing to trans all the kids, all this came around the same time? and it's coming from the higher levels and trickling down. Tavistock's minions must have gotten the new orders in the past 2 years.

they're trying to normalize anything that #1 will lead to massive decrease in reproduction. make sex purely about self gratification, have sex with infertile children, trans everyone and make them sterile and force everyone to like them or they're a bigot, trying to make men forget what real women look like and condition them into accepting trans """"women"""" so they stop reproducing with real fertile women, etc..

and #2, it's all about turning everything on its head, it's mind control to the Nth degree, if they can get us to accept everything unnatural as natural, they will have achieved their goal. if they can get us to say pedophiles are good and that bearded man is a REAL WOMAN, full mind control will be complete.

AngB23 ago


PedoStomper ago

Transgenderism is a mental illness. They want to push this mental illness on as many kids as possible, so they can perform horrific "treatments" on them that will scar them for live, and mess up their personalities/sexuality forever. And, the cherry on top, is that the elite have this world so caught up in their Mind Control that they will actually call people BIGOTS for not wanting this to happen to children. People are actually going to believe, in the very near future, that a five year old getting a sex change is natural, and a good thing. That is our future. These pedos want to flip our whole world upside down, all so they can get their wrinkled rocks off.

10126409? ago

i'm glad you bring this up

this world so caught up in their Mind Control that they will actually call people BIGOTS for not wanting this to happen to children.

because it's happening. there's a huge lobby behind the trans movement that has swept every retarded liberal up in its cult philosophy. now they are forcing us with legal repercussions or emotional manipulation to look a big, burly, bearded man in the face and say "that's a woman" and call him she, and let him in women's bathrooms and abuse shelters, etc...and the liberals do it, they look that goddamn bearded man in the eye and repeat the cult mantra "trans women are women! trans women are women!"

the mind control levels are astounding.

edit: it's not the pedophiles that are pushing this, well at least not just the pedophiles, by the way. it's a lot more than that.

AngB23 ago

Tavistock info that needs exposed- "Mass murdered are brain washing your children"

2impendingdoom ago

Don't forget incidents at:

St Georges in RI

St Pauls in NH

carmencita ago

The Deerfield compensation at $500K is a joke. This person is saddled with this horrible experience for the rest of their lives and they must now deal with a slap on the wrist for sex abuse. Disgusting.