DonKeyhote ago

Lots of Jews acknowledge the truth and even join groups against Zionism. Nor do "nazis" begrudge Jews their intellect. For us it is self-defense against their predation.

DarkMath ago

" For us it is self-defense against their predation."

Gee thanks guy who refuses to accept the fact George H.W. Bush made BILLIONS importing Crack Cocaine into black ghettos all across America.

You: Gee why would he do that DarkMath?

Me: Because George H.W. Bush is a fucking Nazi and selling Crack to black people to kill them off and/or lock them up is what Nazis do. Heck if you're any indication you probably voted for Killary K Klinton despite the fact she ran one of the Crack operations in Mena Arkansas.

You're a chump.


DonKeyhote ago

Selling drugs that people voluntarily smoked doesn't even pop up on my radar.

Your indifference to white genocide and immediate deflection to non-whites is telling.

DarkMath ago

"Your indifference to white genocide"

You don't get it do you. This is why I know you're black. Are you sitting down?


Did you not take European History? For the past 2000 years White People have perfected the art of killing other people especially other white people.

They've even perfect the art of finding covert ways of killing black people using drugs and then fooling dumb ass black people like you into thanking them for it.

You're a chump.

DonKeyhote ago

Not a good week to say "Unlike black people WHITE PEOPLE LIKE TO SEE OTHER WHITE PEOPLE KILLED."

A group of Florida teens who recorded themselves mocking a disabled man as he drowned may face criminal charges, reports the Washington Post.


DarkMath ago

First up the Washington Post is the CIA's press office you should know better given the CIA has methodically killed or incarcerated millions of your black brothers. Oh wait.

Secondly 1 handicapped white dude in Florida does not a genocide make. This isn't complicated. Oh wait.

DonKeyhote ago

You don't think black people are more violent and unpredictable and dangerous than whites, anywhere in the world, any social class?

Who just got paroled after a black jury let him decapitate his white wife?

DarkMath ago

"You don't think black people are more violent and unpredictable and dangerous than whites"

On average no, white's have killed way more people than blacks. You're not counting wars like wars in the Middle East, Iraq 1 and 2, Afghanistan, Syria whites have killed MILLIONS of poor brown people.

Then there's, duh, the black people rich white people from Yale have killed via the intentionally created Crack Cocaine epidemic which right up to this comment you seem bizarrely proud of which is odd coming from a black guy who's no doubt seen a lot of the brothers killed by and locked up for.

So yeah, you need to widen your definition of "killing". Make sure to include police killing black people too. I hear that's a big problem these days.


DonKeyhote ago

You said blacks don't enjoy watching death, I proved even privileged American blacks did this week. You say blacks aren't more violent, but Rwandans did with machetes what Hitler never dreamed of with bullets. You're an SJW faggot. If selling drugs, which I think we've all done at some point, is awful, JEWISH ALCOHOL BARONS AND SMUT-PEDDLERS TEMPTING BOTH WHITES AND BLACKS MUST REALLY PISS YOU OFF RIGHT

DarkMath ago


No. I think all drugs should be made legal nationwide. If someone want's to smoke crack or shoot dope that's their problem.

Because I'm a white person I've actually studied the issue in great depth and can recognize the problem isn't drugs it's the gangs of drug dealers and Mafias that sprout up when they're made illegal. Just like Prohibition an entire class of criminals so too does the War on Drugs.

DonKeyhote ago

What I'd expect a fucking Milton Friedman kike shill to say.

DarkMath ago

No Milton Friedman would have left it there. He wouldn't tell you after spending the past 6 months listening to your insane bull shit I'm actually starting to understand, not accept, but understand why George H.W. Bush and Killary K Klinton had no problem endeavoring to get rich through killing large numbers of poor black men and locking up the rest.

I mean seriously Donkey I even provided you direct evidence the Nazis policy towards black men was to sterilize them yet you find no modern equivalent in the Bush-Clinton Crime Syndicate opting for effectively the same policy through crack induce lead poisoning and extended stays in Federal and State Penitentiaries.


DonKeyhote ago

Seeing as 75% of black men fail to raise their own children, a lot of them should absolutely be sterilized. Blacks should have been compensated and deported back to Africa as soon as slavery ended, as all guest laborers are.

DarkMath ago

"Blacks should have been compensated"

They were but your thankless ass won't accept the payment. Blacks were paid with the lives of 250,000 Union Soldiers and 350,000 Confederate soldiers.

"deported back to Africa"

Some were you dumb ass:

But most recognized as bad as it was America was still better than West Africa which to this day is a putrid shit hole.

Meanwhile the blacks that did return to Africa had enough white blood in them by that time they proceeded to try and kill off all pure bred blacks they came across.


DonKeyhote ago

  1. Someone dying for you isn't compensation.
  2. Those weren't deportations
  3. White blood gives intelligence, not violence. Nobody except women believe your JEWISH lies about all races being equal in all respects. Fucking kike liar.

TheReignMan ago

Would that be an ashke-Nazi or just regular?

dickface888 ago

Well I'm in Australia and if I recall correctly this was in the top 3 stories, if not the frontrunner on the 6 o clock news last night.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Pics A and B: Nothing unusual about the neck angle. Pics C and D: You can't see individual toes because it's a blurry photo, and as for the "shiny" legs, the Sun is reflecting off her legs, ERMAGERD MUST BE A MANNEQUIN.

dickface888 ago

Oh look, M_F is here to squelch another thread.

Millennial_Falcon ago

I squelch retardation and shillery.

dickface888 ago

You are retardation and shillery, Scott.

TheReignMan ago

Ermagerd LOL

That's new

DarkMath ago


You taking all 4 photo's as a real human being means you're not here to be objective. Human's don't have 90 degree angles in their spine unless they've broken their necks.

This "victim" wasn't involved in the crash. She was "sitting" in one of the carriages that didn't fall off the ride. Her story is she "passed out" due to the shock of seeing people "killed".

Sorry but this is your last day here Millenial_Falcon. You're a shill and you better hope there is no God because if there is one your work here protecting Pedophile will see you burn in Hell for all eternity.

@Vindicator I think you're still for real but I'm now 100% sure MF is a shill. He'll delete my posts despite my having sourced all the facts but he'll let bull shit like this pass through with no sourcing at all:

MF that post provided NO EVIDENCE Imran Awan works for Trey Gowdy yet you let it go. You're not fooling anyone anymore.


Millennial_Falcon ago

Human's don't have 90 degree angles in their spine unless they've broken their necks.

Try something: touch your chin to your chest. Conclusion: you are either a shill or complete idiot.

EricKaliberhall ago

I think your post was an eye opener DarkMath, disturbing and yes, sad. I do hope you are wrong, but with federal footprints as you called it, shit looks bad. Keep up the good work!

DonKeyhote ago

Nobody cares about your gay theories.

At least you admit you have family ties and are not an objective researcher.

That explains your gay hysterics like this LOL

TheReignMan ago

Imma Jewling

DarkMath ago

I don't intend to blow your mind but I wasn't Jewish then and I'm still not Jewish.