1ab ago


IpsoFacto ago

You are.

DerivaUK ago

Just for your info, I've just posted this into a similar thread to clear up some confusion regarding the last part of your post:

I've now seen this claim in a few threads and some things need to be clarified. The compromising photos were not found during the Hatton Garden heist, they were found by one of the same gang during a previous similar raid on a Lloyds Bank/Baker Street in 1971 https://www.google.co.uk/amp/www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/hatton-garden-heist-leader-found-7196229.amp. Also, aside from the secure vault and diamond jewellers being registered and located at 88-90 Hatton Garden, London EC1 8PN its good to know that this is a well known company "hosting" address containing literally dozens of offices and PO Box mail outlets and as such is listed as the 'origin' address for over 1100 companies - and whilst its likely not all will be legit, there are many that are (not dissimilar I imagine, to the "boiler room" address for thousands of shell companies at the infamous 790-820 Finchley Road) https://www.endole.co.uk/explorer/postcode/ec1n-8pn A good explanation for the Barbara Kahan connection reveals her named as director in over 1100 different companies http://www.justanswer.co.uk/law/8dm6p-barbara-kahan-not-real-person-new-company.html Again, I'm guessing some will be suspect but many are not - and this practice is neither uncommon nor illegal. I'm unsure as to the true type or nature of RD's "companies" listed there or using Barbara Kahan directorship (and I'm betting there wasn't much clean about them) but that he scrubbed his presence a month prior to the diamond heist seems to me to be purely coincidental and certainly can't be linked to the finding of compromising photos by the Hatton Garden robbers.

cantsleepawink ago

Start with this:

'Barbara Joan Kahan’s identity has been stolen since her death in 2000, albeit with varying dates of birth, to be the director of over 35,000 shell companies in the past 14 years for the purposes of MASSIVE fraud. http://www.thewhistleblowers.org/?p=39330

David Cameron’s “Big Society” fund links back to this fraudulent theft of Kahan’s identity. Her name features here: https://eyreinternational.wordpress.com/2012/04/08/fraudulent-prime-minster-starts-up-the-big-society-fund-part-2-giant-fraud/

And would you believe it, coincidence of coincidences, it’s also the very same fraud that David Cameron’s brother had thrown out of court. https://sites.google.com/site/profgeorgeleesrevelations/dear-taxpayer-i-want-to-tell-you-about-the-prime-minister-s-boiler-room-in-finchley-road/barbara-kahan-from-finchley-who-becomes-mohamed-javed-akhtar-in-the-next-tier-of-the-ponzi-shell-company

So now we’re left with the question of what is the real connection between all of this huge fraud and child abuse. Our Prime Minister certainly knows something about all of this and doesn’t want the links uncovered.

And why specifically was Barbara Kahan chosen to be a posthumous patsy to this gigantic industrial-scale fraud?

The link that Zoompad found with Exaro is concerning (http://zoompad.blogspot.co.uk/2014/11/new-sparta-limited-barbara-kahan.html)) it really does make one wonder what’s actually going on… Are they using the 40 year old “revelations” to deflect from the present day CLEAR LINKS between abuse, fraud, politics and the theft of Kahan’s identity?

I hope not, I do have respect for their work, but it’s worth bearing in mind that if they hadn’t talked Simon Danczuk into not naming Leon Brittan as an abuser back in July at the select committee, we wouldn’t have had the Butler-Sloss and Woolf debacles and the inquiry would probably have had a chair since the Summer rather than sitting with no chair months and months later.

I also wonder what directorships Barbara held whilst alive. If somebody wanted to bury that information, the creation of 35,000 red herring files to create a “haystack” would certainly be a good way to go about it.

On a sidenote, The Lord Laming CBE DL gave the opening address at this memorial event for Barbara Kahan http://www.davidlane.org/children/chdec/bkahan.htm The Queen appointed him to her Privy Council three weeks before the home secretary announced the CSA Inquiry. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/privy-council-appointment-lord-laming

Alan Levy QC also spoke at that same event. He was co-author with Barbara of the Pindown report. He believed that their report was hampered by not being statutory and was watered down and obstructed by the government.. Ring any bells? #CSAinquiry His thoughts on inquiries are perhaps more relevant today than ever. http://www2.essex.ac.uk/clc/hi/child...97/cR197_5.doc

Another funny thing… The Barbara and Vladimir Khan Trust apparently ceased to exist back in 2006: http://apps.charitycommission.gov.uk...idiaryNumber=0 Yet the children anf young people’s charity Buttle claims that the trust is one of its supporters and funders: http://www.buttleuk.org/pages/our-supporters.html

It’s possible that the trust ceased to exist as a charity but still exists as a bank account, I suppose, just found it worth mentioning.

I sincerely hope Zoompad is alive and well by the way, her last blogpost and tweet are very worrying. Reply wormnosetree December 12, 2014 at 1:55 am

Edit: That comment from this blog https://bitsofbooksblog.wordpress.com/2014/09/09/barbara-kahan-and-peter-righton/

DerivaUK ago

I have spent all of last night and this morning disseminating all of the information in the above ( although the last 3 links are 404'd to me) as well as the blog link. Some not inconsiderable reading! I now admit to being far further informed than I was (understatement!) and completely overwhelmed at the scale of events and facts revealed, and further, left feeling that what I'd thought I knew about these issues had been somewhat naive in comparison to what I've absorbed, and I'm thankful to be much better informed. It follows that I see that the whole 'Kahan' debacle is also far greater than that I had understood as being simply a name under which these various companies have/had been registered (in itself not illegal). I will be following you with more intent hereon and as a UK counterpart offer my help in any way I can. The above opens with: "Start with this"..... Now I'd like some guidance to understand how you link this with RD/Savile/Charlie PofW/Hampstead. (So I can maybe help with the dig?). Many thanks again.

cantsleepawink ago

Thanks. I'm busy this weekend with other things but I'll get back to you when I have more time.

cantsleepawink ago

That Barbara Kahan explanation was glossing over the criminal elements of that story and there's a good article explaining the whole shell company debacle. I'll have to dig it out.

DerivaUK ago

Consider me better informed. Thanks for this.

ASolo ago

I'll be up upvoating anything associated with the Hampstead Children Abuse Scandal at Christchurch in London because it just happens to pivot in and out of not only Dicky Rearmans Haiti connections, shell corporations, supplement and cp websites, it intricately matches the processes and operation, along with the crux of the scandal involving a major London catholic parrish, the MODUS OPERANDI of the child sex trafficking networks, extortion and satanic ritual abuse cults around the world.

Including what CPP does and Jimmy Saville did for Prince Charles.

justiceforhampstead ago

I live in the Hampstead area, let me know if you need me to take any pictures or video of locations of interest.

ASolo ago

That is awesome I'll try to think of places.

A couple off the top of my head would be the remodeled mcdonalds, rec center, cafcass, a pizza shop, the hampstead police dept, and the tavistock bldg, ill have to look for the list of places the HC mentioned again.

can you get a pic of savilles bloody tomb b4 you kick it over lol?

how about a pic of uri gellars dumb spoon sculpture along with its proximity to clooneys house?

DerivaUK ago

Want to tell us the name of the London Catholic Parish?

DerivaUK ago

This is C of E not Catholic

ASolo ago

Ooops, yes, I'm sorry for the mistake. C of E is Protestant, I get my usurpers mixed up.

DerivaUK ago

Easy to do. Much of a muchness from the PG perspective!

DerivaUK ago

I'd be at a loss to explain how Ricky Dearman could have had prior knowledge of a forthcoming diamond heist, and I think the Hatton Garden address is the only link between them - as for the timing, I have my doubts it's related to the heist, but I e suggested that It might be worth looking into that same period to see what was going on elsewhere that forced RD to start cleaning up around that time.

cantsleepawink ago

I think they were very much connected. The 'heist' had MI5/MI6 written all over it. Any details you read in the MSM will be pure fiction and fodder for the movie coming out which will probably star Michael Caine in some revisionist history. The timing was not coincidental.

DerivaUK ago

Don't read MSM but thanks for the heads up the MI5/6. You have any support for this?

cantsleepawink ago


ASolo ago

"ricky dearman had a shell company"

I can't quite remember the source quite yet and all of the specifics, but wasn't there a few houses discovered in the Hampstead area that also were being used as fronts for millions of shell corporations that were being used for some type of money laundering?

Money laundering that was somehow traced to the Blair/Clinton arms 'transfers'?

ASolo ago

PERFECT link, thank you.

ASolo ago

Ah yes, there it is.

Nice work, chap (lol, those cheeky english aye!)

By the way, sir or miss, as I can tell your avid and ...keen interest in the Hampstead case, do you remember our 'colorful' character miss 'Sheriff Sands' lol? Who could forget her right?

cantsleepawink ago

Yes, I do. :) I wonder where is she now?

ASolo ago

Lol, my thoughts as well. Howd she get her big stooopid bus overseas if she was so broke and aloof. Connections.

DerivaUK ago

I've always wondered who paid for her sharp exit stage left.

cantsleepawink ago

Connections. Clear as day. It was immediately obvious. :)

IpsoFacto ago

ASolo ago

Yes, we cannot underestimate or underevaluate Genesis P'orridges involvement with this saga.



Inside The LC: The Strange but Mostly True Story of Laurel Canyon and the Birth of the Hippie Generation

DerivaUK ago

Damn, all of these video links are unavailable - maybe a UK thing?

pizzagatecharlotte ago

Jeeeeez! Inside the tangled Web we weave or what!!!! Love the Chemical Brothers music overlay too!!