Narcissism ago

Is the owner of Snopes still spending $10k a month on hookers?

shortymcbossypants ago

Look I have a lot of family in the music industry, don't ask how I know but in my gut I know, I know that Chester Bennignton was not suicidal. He was killed, dead out to rights. Even his own wife doesn't believe this.

remedy4reality ago

Cornell was not suicidal, either.

jw4vc ago

and thanks to google, snopes will be the first result when you search for either name and thanks to normies it will be soon the first 5 results when you search for either name.

Blacksmith21 ago

Always be suspicious of a media outlet which offers to do your critical thinking.

carmencita ago

There have been many posts on Chris C and Chester B's deaths. We need to keep our minds open as to what happened and why. Snopes is not one of the sites we should be trusting to make the final decision (which we may never know). The answers are still open for discussion. There are many reasons that their deaths are questioned. Shutting them up is one.

Gothamgirl ago

I knew they would. Thats why I said yesterday we need to becareful citing Podesta as having an affair with Chesters mom. The information came from a meme with no proof. I bet the media will come back to haunt us on that one, someone should really delete it.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

It is funny this Snopes sister tries to use them for every damn thing you could bring up. I tell her imagine what monetary value would there be in creating a website to disprove someones theories of events. It makes no sense because there is no money in it. The money is established from some group.....and that is some food for thought. But people are so dumbed down these days they dont do even the simplest thinking. Like Global Warming being all the cause of man. And they forget that only 12K years ago there was a two mile thick sheet of ice over New York City....and no damn car exhaust caused it to melt. The climate is always changing....fucking naturally. But this simple truth eludes the damn masses.....

skrill ago

Yep. There is indeed plenty of money in it though, create any website regardless of content - as long as there's constant traffic, you'll have it made in advertising revenue

Blacksmith21 ago

Just show them some of the credibly sourced articles on the scumbags who run Snopes. That's usually enough to stop them in their tracks or make them retreat to their happy places.....Lalalalalalalalala

thewhitemarch ago

I mean, I wasn't going to go all conspiracy on it, but if Snopes has to write about it, I guess I'll do some reading.

I just assumed Cornell's broken ribs were from CPR. If someone confirms that homeboy from LP was actually Podesta's son... then we should all really start to pay attention.

AFAIK, Podesta was dating Alefantis, though. It's a crazy mixed up gender fluid world, though, so who knows.

9920798? ago

What does all this do to the perceptions of those who have lost friends or family to suicide recently? Will the conflicting informaiton cause them to be less likely to accept their loved one's deaths and result in the develop complicated bereavement disorder as a result?

WakeyWake ago

Besides this article, I need to convince my liberal relative that snopes is bullshit, left leaning, not a good fact checking site. Anyone have any suggestions for me on what other snopes crap I can show her to debunk her theory that snopes is legit? She's not 100% liberal, but 99%.

Narcissism ago

Check out the Snopes's owners court case brought by his Ex wife - that should fix it!

DeathTooMasons ago

It is not about lef leaning, it is Deep state damage control they cover for the criminal inteligence agencies, fake news like hoax shooitngs, they protect NASA, They protect the traficking ring etc.FALSE!

WakeyWake ago

Thank u! Added it to home screen for a quick Go-To.

druhill007 ago

If you see anybody quoting snopes or posting snopes article online make sure you call them out. So damn stupid. Normal people need to know that sharing snopes as third party validation system is NOT even close to being acceptable

Edit : spellz

Vox_Pacem ago

arrests have already been made out in California. They could have been off'd because they had information.

tapsnapornap ago