equineluvr ago

Of course it's possible. We're not talking about space alien abduction here.

OTOH you could just be a typical abuse victim. WHO abused you?

If you have repressed memories they will come with time. When they do, EMDR is a therapeutic modality that has helped millions. Journaling also helps a lot.

Take care.

Votescam ago

The article is from 2012 -- five years ago!

Same Sex Marriage is now legal -- !!

equineluvr ago

Which article? The OP contains 12 different links.

Votescam ago

The first link .... which says 2012 in the link.

It's sad to see so many males here are still homophobic and ready to deny human rights to homosexuals. Despite the evidence that this hatred which has mainly been taught by our male-supremacist religions has created violence against homosexuals, both gays and lesbians. Children in their schools get the immediate message that they'd better not be different from the declared "norm."

And we haven't even yet begun to discuss Bi-sexuality.

Factfinder2 ago

Your other post about John Money was deleted. I hope you will try reposting with an explanation about how it relates to pizzagate to satisfy Millenial Falcon.

SecondAmendment ago

Wow, allright. This is amazing stuff. Great job, @HennyPenny. I am fascinated. I don't understand a lot about MK Ultra at all. You guys are going to think I'm an idiot, but what the heck? It's the weekend and I'm drinking my Coke Zero with Lime and my defenses are down so I don't care if I seem like an idiot.

I've googled it. Wikipedia has a page on the MKUltra Mind Control Program (here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_MKUltra)). Does anyone know why it was called "MK Ultra" as opposed to, oh, say, "Coke Zero with Lime Mind-Fuckery" or something? Does anyone think it's still going on? I would FLIP OUT if I were ever given LSD without my knowledge or consent, and as a kid growing up years ago (after this program started) I remember hearing about all kinds of strange "suicides" of people on LSD. I'm such a simpleton when it comes to stuff like this. A well-educated but sheltered simpleton. . . .

I also often wonder if I could ever spot a CIA operative in my midst, because this forum has me thinking of all kinds of things about which I never thought before the Podesta emails were leaked. So my understanding is that there are CIA agents everywhere, in all towns and cities. And I've heard (well, read online) that these spooks are available at a moment's notice to pull off an operation. So I'm just wondering if we would know one if we saw him or her, or would they catch us by surprise?

Before y'all spank me for being a moron (which I'm not, really, I've just lived a sheltered life as a workaholic) please know that I attempted to do research into some of this CIA stuff before finally posting my stupid questions about it here. But the CIA doesn't even post the numbers of employees that it has, let alone real information about the programs the agency runs.

Such scary, scary stuff. Thank you, @HennyPenny, for shining light on this, connecting some dots, and giving us something else to consider and investigate further.

HennyPenny ago

@SecondAmendment, Thanks. same here, had my head stuck in the sand while raising kids and working. Now the focus is opening the eyes.

As to the origin of the name MKUltra, saw this on Wikipedia:

"The project's intentionally obscure CIA cryptonym is made up of the digraph MK, meaning that the project was sponsored by the agency's Technical Services Staff, followed by the word Ultra (which had previously been used to designate the most secret classification of World War II intelligence). Other related cryptonyms include Project MKNAOMI and Project MKDELTA." Looked up the definition of digraph,still didn't make any sense.

I don't think there are any "stupid" questions, long as you gain some knowledge from asking.

party1981 ago

Bezos also has the lazy eye, which is a sign of MK-Ultra.

It seems that Stanley Kubrick knew all about this stuff. That's why his movies are filled with references to mind control, brainwashing, child abuse/trafficking, and secret societies.

About three years ago, I posted on facebook that it's odd that Steve Jobs, Bill Clinton, Jeff Bezos, and Obama were also adopted. Something about it just seemed off to me. Now I'm guessing that we all/most CIA kids.

Look at how ruthless and successful Bezos is. What happened to him if he didn't do his homework and get straight As?

equineluvr ago

"it's odd that Steve Jobs, Bill Clinton, Jeff Bezos, and Obama were also adopted."

Jobs and Bezos were.

Clinton and Ocommie were adopted by stepfathers, which most folks put into a different category.

party1981 ago

There is a difference, but I doubt that the difference is relevant to my point. I think they are both CIA kids.

Obama had an entire book written about how he was raised within the CIA (Manufacturing of the President by Wayne Madsen). Clinton has CIA connections through Mena but I have no other evidence to think he was a CIA kid.

equineluvr ago

"Lazy eye" is the incorrect term.

This blog seems to be the source of the confusion -


I have seen this BS repeated in GooTube videos, etc.

They are referring to unilateral ptosis. It is common in JEWS, whether or not they have been MK-Ultra'ed.

"Lazy eye" is ambylopia, an entirely different condition.

party1981 ago

Paris Hilton and Jeff Bezos are not Jews?

remedy4reality ago

yep... you're red hot

HennyPenny ago

I wondered about that eye , asymmetrical face. You're spot on about the adoption similarities. Interesting to see what their DNA looks like, similar clones? Bezos Jr. didn't want anything to do with his real father when the latter wanted a reconciliation before his death. None of the others you mentioned had any ties with their birth father. Maybe beause there wasn't a birth father, just a birth test tube? Convenient that Clinton and Obama's father providentially died off early on.Job's real dad is v.p. of a Nevada casino: http://www.macworld.co.uk/feature/apple/who-is-steve-jobs-syrian-immigrant-father-abdul-fattah-jandali-3624958/

equineluvr ago

Who gets to decide how much money someone gets to make? YOU?! Maybe WE should all decide how much money YOU get to make.

If you're gonna argue that HE is immoral because of his activities, I'm with ya on that.

RodentLord ago

85 billion is a number attached to a unit whose value is (for all intents and purposes) arbitrarily assigned and variable. The amount of value that 85 billion represents is not something that can be come by morally. Money is a form of power, nobody collects that much power with good in their heart.

remedy4reality ago

do you ever ask yourself the HOW the money gets made

or fuck that ? success is success.

equineluvr ago

We live in a corrupt fascist oligarchy. If you've learned nothing else from PG, you should have learned that.

If you're gonna take down every corporation that is "immoral" (by WHOSE standards, BTW -- yours?), you'll have to begin with the federal government.

Good luck with that.

VieBleu ago

We can all decide to cap how much any one person makes - I propose it to be capped at 10 billion.

11-11 ago


pby1000 ago

I don't mean to disagree with you, but a lot of these companies take taxpayer subsidies. I know that Walmart and Tesla do. Elon Musk was not even born an American. I believe he got US citizenship, but I do not know when he first received US taxpayer support for his business ventures.

Almost all of the military companies would be out of business without taxpayer subsidies.

I have not looked into Amazon, but I would be surprised if they are not heavily supported.

equineluvr ago

You do realize that it's the boards of these companies who decide what the compensation for the CEO is -- don't you?

pby1000 ago

Even if it is the board, they are deciding how much to compensate the CEO with taxpayer money. Why don't they compensate the CEO with revenue they earned and give the taxpayers their money back?

I did a quick search:




There are many more. I just searched "amazon subsidies".

These companies are not being run by corporate geniuses. They are being run by people that cannot earn enough revenue to justify the bonuses they want, so they shake down the taxpayers to make up for it.

I have these arguments a lot with people who say that Socialism does not work. It seems that one can argue that these corporations are Socialist, and it works for them. Socialism is just not available to the rest of us for some reason.

equineluvr ago

Wow, HennyPenny, you hit this one outta the park! Excellent research and dot-connecting.

We definitely need to look into Mind in the Making and Students Rebuild.

Just a suggestion, I think your post would be easier to follow and refer back to if it were broken up into paragraphs.

HennyPenny ago

Thanks for the praise and the constructive criticism. I'll use the space bar more next time.