Gneo ago

Guy and boy statue

Spiral hinge

Double spiral salamander logo

Getting into the #Halloween spirit with Pastry Chef Jason Reaves - We call this #risingdemon #cantbelieveitiscake

Can you top this carving of our Salamander logo? Share your pictures with us using #SalamanderPumpkin! Best carving wins a free specialty coffee! #pumpkin #harvest #coffee #fall

Salamander Airplane (advertisement) ?

Gneo ago

"So cute! I want to eat both of them up."

The young baby girl on the bed with the spiral pillows in the hotel also have pictures on her parents Instagram with a pic on top of the inflatable pizza, probably at one of the pizza pool partys @ salamander

Girl on bed salamander hotel Comment: @ jackiewhisman

On the Instagram of the parents (jackiewhisman):

"Gues what, Baby butt"

on top of a panda

"I hope baby girl is on the menu cuz I could eat her up!!" - tshirt logo

Chicken turkey mask

Boh Baltimore

Family game night

Coke, white bitches and sparkling rosé

Meeting trump



Billion dollar kids

This is what happens when you invite doctors to a baby shower.

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

100% pedo. The feds that watch this site need to get on it...

Millennial_Falcon ago

To attach your screenshot, upload it here:

Once the screenshot is uploaded, edit your post to copy the url (web address) of the image into your post.

quantokitty ago

Upvoat for this even though I'm not quite sure what's going on.

Oprah's been a huge part of this. Phil Donahue was the big thing at the time, and he had the temerity to do shows on priests molesting children and also black masses held at The Vatican. Next thing you know, Oprah comes along and his show is history. Oprah had her own child abuse scandal at the school she built. Everything was sealed .... and she's the one responsible for turning the urban legend of someone putting razor blades into trick or treat candy into a reality. That didn't happen and yet her broadcast was responsible for instilling fear and breaking apart neighborhoods. Of course, all the time she's living a lie and amassing a fortune by doing so. All so she could come in handy and "donate" millions of dollars for The Kenyan to be elected and destroy America.

eyeVoated ago

I never liked her. She's definitely racked up an impressive amount of negative karma in a short lifetime

quantokitty ago

Absolutely. A complete hypocrite. A crack-smoking drug fiend that is looked up to and admired. In a way, she's like Angelina Jolie and the rest of the Cannibal Elite. It's scary that she's so influential and can make or break products, books, and personalities.

cantsleepawink ago

Jimmy Comet aka Alefantis and the Salamander Resort:

Gneo ago

Just went (again) trough there Instagram and twitter but didn't find where that pic was taken. (No festival or art exhibition or anything)

Maybe it was taken at a more private event at salamander resort

pizzaequalspedo ago

Wow that's very interesting. Very suspicious when coupled with their bizarre tweets about kids and pizza.

SoldierofLight ago

So it turns out, Bill Gates has hosted events there in the past, too. In 2015 he hosted, "a meeting of participants in The Giving Pledge, the organization founded in 2010 by Bill and Melinda Gates and investor Warren Buffett for ultra-rich folks who promise to give away half of their wealth."

Members of The Giving Pledge include many of the usual suspects including David Rockefeller (ding! ding!) and Mark Zuckerberg.

VieBleu ago

Can anyone just go on Fridays and check out the pool pizza thing?

pbvrocks ago

Based on this..owner Sheila Johnson is 100%, so much "code"! Great job on this post and highly interesting!!

YogSoggoth ago

Don't forget the Salamander run resorts in the Dominican Republic. They set these monstrosities up as eco- tourism.That is one corrupt country to do business with. Many people have been ripped off buying land there so she must have clout with the Sinaloan cartel. The claim "largest inland harbor in the Caribbean" struck me as particular. Do they bring drugs there on yachts only to transfer it to another in layover thus avoiding ship tracking by authorities? Most drugs from Hispaniola go to Florida, but it is also a major route to Europe.

Gneo ago

Funny... coincidence... a salamander is a reptile that can live in the underwater world and on the surface

LightSource ago


Gorillion ago

They undergo a metamorphosis at some point too, right? Lose the gills and whatnot then become land dwellers.

Pedos love metamorphosis symbology. See Butterflies.

Gneo ago

(Add there logo to your post


Just copy the above link inside your post )

Hall_of_Cost ago

Their logo is a little pedo-symboly.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Bro- not everything is pedo symbol. ... I mean pretty much everything is a symbol that has meaning to only those who know, but not ever swirl is a pedo logo, including that one.

If swirls in general were pedo logos, the FBI wouldn't use a very specific type of swirl. That's the whole point. In all of the fbi examples there's a vertex in the middle... not an actual circle swirl.

Their logo is however, meant to be interpreted as "the eye of Horus" for those in the know.

And there's obviously a bunch of pedo shut with all of that ancient shit. I'm just saying we can't interpret this logo as the pedophile symbols released by the FBI

Joe10jo ago

Agreed! I mean, anyone with a flair for penmanship makes all sorts of curly q's, including myself, so we have to be careful with the interpretations.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Hey guys..... This Joe10jo Needs to be looked into.

He has a flair for penmanship-that's all sorts of red flags.


Joe10jo ago

@FuckUreddifFuckuSpez, thank you and "he's" a she. Might explain the flair, lol.

3141592653 ago

Awesome new compound word

Hall_of_Cost ago

Thank you

SurfinMindWaves ago

That's a rather phallic looking salamander.

Factfinder2 ago

Notice the cupcake art on their activities page (scroll down): This page also shows several young kid photos, but otherwise the resort does not appear to cater to children at all. No playgrounds or kid-type play spaces pictured anywhere on the grounds or in the hotel, no kids in the pool, etc.

PlebeianCuck ago

They are planning the trump overthrow . They can't be stopped from A one world Government .

CROM_God_of_Shitkind ago

Queen she-boon is there who they'll of course push against Trump in 2020. I'd say this was another blackmail/pedo party op.. hence private security. They do not want leaks.

CognitiveDissident5 ago

No idea why this post isn't getting alot more interest

equineluvr ago

Maybe everyone is reading the PMs from a certain "married Christian" female poster that I started dumping on another thread. :)

Another poster here has PMs she sent him about his "python." Things should get really interesting!

VieBleu ago


equineluvr ago

Great stuff, OP. ^

Your prior post indicated that you now DO NOT suspect Sheila Johnson of being involved. Is that still the case? Also, how can that be if she is the owner of the resort?

SurfinMindWaves ago

We should all realize by now that we can't believe anything that is in the public record about these people. Nothing published openly would ever be indicative of what goes on in their personal lives.

Rmm ago

You can say THAT again!!!!