DCmommaBear ago

Holy Shit.... Sheila Johnson is woke! I'm thinking after reading this interview that if anything is going on at the Salamander resort, she is most likely NOT involved!

Interview of Sheila Johnson, by what seems to be a (liberal) college student doing a project....


VieBleu ago

I applaud this post. If nothing else, it is our eyes, our ears and our gut that has to be aware of places where trafficking may be occurring. Please let us know of any strange occurances that happen around this event and place as things unfold.

JeremiahSinclair ago

I think there's something to be said for Mommy Gut. Perhaps I'm too eager for this to be a good lead, but I went to the link to their website, immediately clicked "Tailgating and Activities," and saw they're having a Hat Contest. The categories to win are:

  1. Best Racing Theme
  2. Funniest/Most Outrageous
  3. Most Glamorous/Elegant 4. Best Child (under 18)
  4. Best Men’s Showing

The "Child" one could so easily be completely innocent, but knowing what I know now -- that moneyed sporting events are always havens for these traffickers and "owners" of trafficked kids -- seeing that category made me really uncomfortable.

DCmommaBear ago

p.s. We also have a "secret" military base nearby that has been the topic of much local suspicion for years! It' is rumored to have levels deep into the mountain and be the "designated survivor" location. Countless conspiracies surround this location and I have personally witnessed odd vehicles and even my own son had a machine gun held up to him by a "government security" agent while he was hiking nearby!

From the road you can even see what looks to be apartment buildings that even have a playground, but are surrounded in barbed wire fencing within the main barbwire fencing. Weird!

"Conspiracy theorist" version article

Main Stream Media version article

IPleadThe2nd ago

Is that the one that was said to be where George HW would go in the middle of the night and young boys were brought to him there?

DCmommaBear ago

I have not heard that one, but wouldn't surprise me!

sensitive ago

Good one! Hope helpers will join you soon.

DonKeyhote ago

Shill fuck, I'm still sitting on the bombshell, so start hitting the employment pages

VieBleu ago

what is the bombshell, and why sit on it?

DonKeyhote ago

So they don't scuttle and run obviously and bcuz LE can't be trusted in this city im sure (la)