Lord_Henry_James ago

Oy Vey shut it down the goyim know

equineluvr ago

I suspect that at least some of the "chosenite apologist" shills around here work for the JIDF -- the Jewish Internet Defense Force. Their slogan: "Leading the Fight Against Antisemitism and Terrorism on the Web. Coordinating Concerned Citizens Around the Globe. Promoting Jewish Pride, Knowledge, and Unity. Israel advocacy."

The group says they "specifically target hateful material or material which blatantly promotes hatred or violence, no matter where it can be found."[8] The "About" page of the website says "We believe in direct action both to eradicate the problems we face online and to create the publicity that will cause those with companies like Facebook and Google to take the needed action themselves."[3] The group focuses its attention on websites like Facebook,[9][10] YouTube, Google Earth, and Wikipedia.[11] The JIDF has redirected anti-Israel Facebook groups to other pages it prefers and changed the names of Muslim members of such groups to "Mossad collaborator," among other actions.[12] A website spokesman told Haaretz that they don't break any laws and that the JIDF "prefers the terms 'seize control,' 'take over' or 'infiltrate' to 'hack.'"[12]


hookednosedjoooo ago

Someone needs to stop these kikes

BlowjaySimpson ago

It'll take valiant underling foot soldiers in our 3 letter agencies to make that happen.

2impendingdoom ago

This post makes some possibly valid connections but must be dismissed because of the overly aggressive jew angle. Regardless of personal feelings nobody can possibly claim that all JEWs are pedophiles and presenting this hysteria is an overt attempt at creating dissension and contention and degrading the board altogether. Since we have moved beyond Libtards and Repugs and recognize that both political parties are corrupt, it appears that antiJEW is the issue intended to divide and conquer. Therefore it makes the objective of the tread to get upvoats while at the same time, creating division and alienating objective-minded researchers and lurkers.

3141592653 ago

Yes to this

Blacksmith21 ago

What a shit piece of writing.

GrDec ago

The Zionist / Mossad / AIPAC / IDF IsraHell shills will come out in mass to protest this "anti-semitic" post, LOL

The zionist joo Blacksmith21 already made his whining entrance..

camencita, DarkMath and other IDF agents will make their appearance in 5.....4...3....2

Blacksmith21 ago

You idiots confuse me. I was born and raised Methodist. No use for religion anymore.

Given the current newstrend of "opposite day", I'd have to make the logical conclusion that you and the other shills are the aforementioned "self-hating Jews".

Edit 1: Yes, because you, my Hebrew non-friend, are being manipulated just like the wetbacks, the homos (shit - Pulse nightclub, largest shooting in US history that went out with a whimper), and the BLM/ACORN/Obamacocksucker/Stupidporchmonkey crowd and it goes out with a queef...psssht), the moronic ragheads, and whatever qweaky gender you identify with - cuckold or whatever submissive thing it is you enjoy. It's OK. We on the right don't actually hate Jews like your paymasters. Just because you wee quarantined to the loser table at [insert DMV HS (or UK shills)] doesn't mean you have to hate yourself because of ridicule.

Grow a backbone for once in your life man. Stand up, tell someone whom you fear to go fuck themselves, and go kick ass for real.

Don't waste your time on this passive-aggressive bullshit.

Let you inner male out, beta.

Blacksmith21 ago

Guess I was right again. Weak little fuckers.

GrDec ago

right Shlomo.. don't waste your time (((JEWsmith21)))

hookednosedjoooo ago

tl;dr fuck off chaim

hookednosedjoooo ago

it was way worse a few months ago. I left for awhile only to come back once in a blue moon and everyone was on the David Seaman bandwagon

hookednosedjoooo ago

It's literally copy and pasted from 4chan. Thats the best place to disseminate this information, If you don't understand the lingo then I'm sorry. It's not intended for baby boomers, it's for fascist teenagers.

Blacksmith21 ago

Fascist teenagers live in their parents' basements. Baby boomers live in their own homes, have jobs, and actually have the ability to control what is going on in the world around them because they put in a lifetime of work.

The lingo is understood. The written content is still incoherent shit which makes no point whatsoever.

hookednosedjoooo ago

Conchita Sarnoff (Epstein information gatekeeper) is connected to the same corrupt NGOs that the usual suspects from pizzagate are connected to. There are links for you to follow, Grandpa

Blacksmith21 ago

I got it. This is more research based on stuff scrawled into a piece of sandstone. Check.

hookednosedjoooo ago

stuff scrawled into a piece of sandstone


Blacksmith21 ago

Ding, ding, ding, ding....here it is folks. Case and point that the shills don't even get the most basic concept that their primary point of contention - the Talmud - was compiled from writs scrawled into stone 3000 years ago. Cut and paste from air gapped narratives.

Meanwhile, we deal in data and information, which often gets turned into intelligence that was open source 18 hours ago.

Based on their logic, the real common player here is white people. Beyond religion, a subset of their identity (shill definition, not mine) is "Jew", small, but better than 95% or more are all Caucasian. That is much better "evidence".

Go get 'em niggers!

equineluvr ago

Fuck off, you filthy Jew!

Blacksmith21 ago

LMAO. Y'all are lame as shit. And not really good at what you do for a living.

hookednosedjoooo ago

fuck off kike

Red_Lindy ago

He loves kikes and Israel and you won't convince him otherwise. The "lingo" is just the shitty reason to reject it. He wants an answer to PG and won't accept Jews as a real problem and progenitor of this shit.

hookednosedjoooo ago

I figured as much. I threw this together pretty fast because I was sleep deprived and excited but do you personally see the connection I made, I that not damning?

Red_Lindy ago

I mean, the shill has a basic point; 4chan in this format is hard to decipher. But I am someone who is very keen to the Jewish problem, and I don't need this to prove it to myself. I'll look into it later but naming a jew is always a sign that it is in the right direction.

hookednosedjoooo ago

If you really listen, you can hear the oyveyying across the ocean

11-11 ago


Ok - I'll go first

Great job !!!

Maybe everyone is too * shocked * to speak? because, as you point out, pull the thread and all of the names appear = all connected.

Thank you for the research

hookednosedjoooo ago

I hope this doesn't fall on deaf ears and thankyou