Madwack ago

It could and ya lets hope

Truthseeker3000 ago

Excellent post. I know someone from the Vancouver Canada who says the place is so corrupt it's basically a Freemason controlled and run city. The men in question are likely Freemasons themselves, the ones being Justin Trudeaus friends. Nothing surprises me here I've heard it all before 100% truth. Apparently his brother died in BC. I also believe very strongly that Castro is Trudeaus natural father. I did not at first but was absolutely stunned when I looked into it further.

Madwack ago

I am hoping that election happens sooner then later - Ethics counselor will have something to say soon.

DonKeyhote ago

Oh look its one of a handful of legit posters.

Nice connection! Whoever outs the legend (((Spielberg))) as a pedo i will buy not one but TWO beers

DeathTooMasons ago

Of course.

cantsleepawink ago

Co-founder Peter Samuelson

in 1990 Peter brought together leaders including Steven Spielberg and General Norman Schwarzkopf to create Starbright World an online social network to educate, encourage and empower children to cope with the medical, emotional and social challenges of their illness. In 2005, Starlight and Starbright World completed a formal merger and became the Starlight Children’s Foundation, with offices throughout Australia, Canada, The United Kingdom, Japan, Israel, and across the United States. Starlight now has a combined operating budget of $60 million and serves over 6 million children annually.

Many related and interesting, relevant comments in this deleted VOAT post: The Kidmans supported this foundation

Dr. Antony Kidman was a Satanic Pedophile who was head of a University of Sydney, Australia based Satanic Coven with strong connections to the Ordo Templi Orientis Australia

Involved in charities like UNICEF and Starlight Children's Foundation.

This sounds a bit shady, especially with people thinking Spielberg might be involved.

One of Starlight's programs was Starbright World, the first-ever private social network, started in 1995 by filmmaker and Chairman Emeritus Steven Spielberg, Peter Samuelson and Norman Schwarzkopf, Jr.[3] It served to connect chronically ill teenagers with life-threatening medical conditions, and their siblings,[8][20] in a safe, online community where they could chat, blog, post content, and meet others who shared similar experiences.[21] Starbright World was taken offline on August 31, 2015.


Justin Trudeau Exposed for what he is....

pbvrocks ago

I think Trudeau needs a deep look. I was reading that his father abused him from an early age. They used to have parties on boats with kids and priests. But Justin along for the ride minimally. Most of the foundations to appear to be trafficking fronts or deflection fronts so Starlight is probably riddled with dirt and worth a look. Well done though...always enjoy your posts!

PedoStomper ago

Riddled...don't you mean "diddled?"