privatepizza ago

Really sorry to hear about your post being removed @MommyLove. But you haven't been banned from the sub, right?

It's really frustrating I know, I've been there many times and I feel for you. If it helps, now I try to give as many links and sources to posts as I possibly can. It would be interesting to see if it stayed up if it was reposted with some info about Medical Kidnap and what they do, some articles about the hospitals who are involved, what they're doing etc etc... just as much info as you can find.

Hopefully you'll re-post, so more of us can be educated in this medical scandal.

I didn't get your original ping, and as far as I know ping only works for 5 names at a time. I usually ping over 2 or 3 separate posts. Ping me when your posts up again, and let me know if I can help with anything ; )

Gothamgirl ago

Amazing ❤

Kacey ago

He is on a heart lung machine and has had multiple surgeries. Nice start to life, all that pain for what. So he can survive long enough for a heart transplant and then be on immunosuppressant drugs for the rest of his life? I spent time in Haiti at a Children's home caring for sick and dying children. Do you know how many could be saved for the money that is being spent to give this child a life of more pain and sickness? Or don't the kids and people in the rest of the world really count?

Tanngrisnir ago

This is why the story is pertinent to Pizzagate. The medical industry is redefining death so that they can have an excuse to harvest organs. Of course, in truth it has nothing to doctors thinking being braindead is truly worse than death, it just has to do with the money that can be made. Many won't even try to restart the hearts of normal people who can be saved anymore because they care more about the ka-ching that can be made from the organs than in fulfilling their Hippocratic oath. If we don't talk about it they will continue to try to find instances where they can claim it legal to kill people and harvest their organs.

Seriously, this isn't the politically polarizing Terri Shiavo case where there are two groups claiming guardianship, each with their own case. This is just a matter of if the medical industry can let people die to make money from their organs.

MommyLove ago

@vindicator I reposted this per your request and it was removed by mod per Rule #1....what is the problem?

Can you please help me understand so it doesn't get removed again?

cc: @carmencita @pyschanaut @commoner @chesapean @molochhunter @pizzalawyer @littleredcorvette @privatepizza

Laskar ago

I know you didn't ask me, seems that VOAT has to have flame wars over their gurus or have ancient posts of the front page to bury the good ones. When that doesn't work fast enough for them, they invoke a "rule", while leaving up countless posts which violate the very same "rule".

I would like to thank you for your persistence in posting this.

Many have noticed that there is no accountability or free speech here, but the topic is too important to give up.

I am certain that there are many who are with you, who are not commenting.

MommyLove ago

No, thank you for commenting. I appreciate the input. I know, right? About leaving up other's like, "why"? What about this story is causing it to get pulled?

Normally I probably wouldn't make the fuss, but after I went to the trouble of reposting it per @vindicator's request and then to have it pulled based on Rule 1 which addresses relevance and I explain the relevance in the just doesn't add up.

There needs to be some accountability. We don't want good researchers being driven away because of this behavior.

Vindicator ago

As per my comment in your mods-are-compromised thread, this was not a research-post level explanation of how this article satisfies Rules 1 and 2, MommyLove. You shared a link to an article that contains nothing in it that shows a possible link to child abuse by the elite, nor did you explain Medical Kidnap and how it might connect, as I directly requested.

Laskar ago

FYI, this and other things like it happen to me all the time. This is a highly censored venue, but it's what we have for now. We can hope that the too young and the trolls will get tired at some point and all we will have to deal with are the intelligence operatives, and we can take the glove off, so to speak.

This case is an important one, we need to keep on it.

Have another upvote and hang in there!

carmencita ago

Thank you. Let us know. Edit: This is really a matter of life and death.

MommyLove ago

Thanks @carmencita. I don't understand. The original story got pulled. Then, the update got left up until I changed it to discussion per @vindicator's request. As soon as I did that and explained HOW it was related to the investigation per young blood, organ harvesting, elite gets pulled again citing Rule 1.

Rule 1 related to relevance to the investigation. This is a perfect example of relevance and ties in so many aspects including government, medical personnel, etc.

I don't know what the mod who keeps pulling it is thinking ( the mod is not @vindicator).

So, I am asking for some mod accountability here.

This isn't fair for the community that comes here for information.

Normally, I would probably just let it go, but I am becoming concerned about mod censorship and think it needs to be addressed.

Thank you @vindicator for any help and explaination you can provide.

Vindicator ago

As soon as I did that and explained HOW it was related to the investigation per young blood, organ harvesting, elite gets pulled again citing Rule 1.

You didn't explain HOW it connects to organ harvesting or young blood. There is nothing in the article you linked about this child being targeted for that, or the people involved in her removal from home being involved in that.

carmencita ago

This certainly is perplexing and needs looking into. Thank you for taking the initiative. This is an especially heart rendering case as well. I don't know how anyone could pull a post like this, since it is so very much aligned with our cause.