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Vindicator ago

Hi MommyLove,

When I suggested you explain the relation to Pizzagate of this link, I also said you need to give the whole context about what Medical Kidnap is and the role CPS plays in this and explain how you see it connects to elites abusing kids. Here is what you posted as an explanation:

PizzaGate encompasses young blood, organ harvesting, satanic rituals, genetic engineering, greed, power, money......not just child rape.

This does not directly relate the article you posted to Pizzagate. Is a generalized statement about a potential indirect connection. Indirectly-connected posts belong in v/pizzagatewhatever. Please take a look at the sidebar submission rules. They're there to keep v/pizzagate focused on research and documentation.

We have numerous different groups here with their own different passionate belief about Pizzagate. There are Christians who blame it all on the homos. There are those who blame it on Rh- blood and pineal gland harvesting. There are some who blame it all on the Jews. This sub would quickly devolve into evidence-free shitposts pushing the theories of these groups with zero research if we didn't enforce the rather rigorous rules. And when people don't follow them, we have to ban them, in order to enforce the rules consistently for all, per the Voat User Agreement.