RodentLord ago

Has anyone looked into John Harvey Kellogg (the cornflake guy)?

He was one of the major drivers for circumcision in the US and why it's so common. It wouldn't surprise me in the least to learn he belongs one of the 13 bloodlines. Supposedly those bloodlines frequently practice ritual/sexual abuse to their own children, to instill a complete lack of understanding of right and wrong in them.

According to this, "The Addams Family" was almost a pseudodocumentary (Addams is one of those 13 bloodlines, and the creator's last name was... Addams). I haven't checked into any of that video's claims personally yet, full disclosure.

RodentLord ago

“When you make something secret, you make it special,” the immoral masked mammal says. “Regular handshake: Boring. Secret handshake: Booyah!”

Jesus Christ.

The book, written by Adam Rubin and illustrated by Daniel Salmnieri, has received a mix of reviews online — with some parents questioning the lessons it holds.

“The book was neither fun nor cute,” mom Jen Bee wrote on Amazon. “Yeah, that’s not what I want to teach my child. It sounds like something a pedophile would say to their victim.”

For fuck's sake.

Millennial_Falcon ago

Flairing as NSFW because for some reason the "read more" link on this page goes to a porn site.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

Top notch operating right here

we_kill_creativity ago

I understand that people used to think circumcision should be done for sanitary reasons, which I always thought was strange since obviously it's there for a purpose....but I do believe that's all been proven false now, so what I fail to understand is why people continue to do it. It's bizarre.

kplusk ago

Not much to it, but here's Jacob's Schwartz's twitter acct archived:

DrPenguin ago

I'm not the best at memery but can we get an image of dominos lined up starting with a pic of weiner then this scumbag, finally leading to Podesta and crew.

Gothamgirl ago

Sorry if someone has posted already but check this out. He has a high quality mp3 download available. Its a young boy on a bike, this download includes lyrics and pictures.

kplusk ago

Just FYI...that isn't the same Jacob Schwartz as the one that was arrested.

kplusk ago

This is NOT the same Jacob Schwartz as the one arrested...

TheSadnessKills ago

This has been out there, but in light of what just happened with Staffer, this deserves a new thread again. Good work.

Thinkfaest ago

I can't WAIT to see this all over the evening news tonight..... I'll turn on the tv now don't wanna miss it.

Commoner ago

His dad was a bigly labor union lawyer and democrat activist.

jangles ago


Jacob was born and raised in the heart of Greenwich Village, and was involved in political organizing from a young age. Some of his oldest memories are handing out leaflets for his father, as he campaigned for District Leader. More recently, he helped start the New Democratic Alliance in New York City, and, in 2012, worked for the Obama campaign as a Field Organizer in the Lehigh Valley. A graduate of Lehigh University with an M.S. in Energy Systems Engineering and a B.S. in Electrical Engineering, Jacob currently works for the New York City Department of Design and Construction on their “Build It Back” Hurricane Sandy recovery and resiliency program. He is also the founder and executive director of a climate education non-profit called Common Climate, and previously served as Issues Assembly and Policy Director for MYD.

Jacob Schwartz

Downstate Region Vice President

Manhattan Young Democrats President

Notgood2 ago

I'm sorry, but this does not pass the sniff test.

we_kill_creativity ago

Is circumcision considered genital mutilation?

Jem777 ago

He had over 3000 images and 89 videos of children including infants under 6 months old being raped. He is friends with Mook. They are actively scrubbing records now but it is too late.

autism_speaks ago

DeBlasio is also popping up in Seth Rich threads too. the deBlasio needs to be checked out.

facevalue ago

Damn, I like your style. Maybe we should up our contribution to two shells per. Alternate #8 and 00 so he can confirm after the squirm.

Ziggystrife ago

Shocked but not really. Most these politicians are pedophiles.

DrTeethateJanice ago

The NY Post said there's a picture of him on his Twitter with Robbie Mook. We could have some fun with that, meme's anyone? Post Article

Edit:It looks like someone at Twitter deleted his account but some other dude archived it SpeshulJake10

Mad_As_Hell ago

I Duck Duck Go'd 'speshuljake' and got a bunch of links to porno website profiles, including 'Primejailbait' 🤢. No way am I clicking on any of the links though. Another page entitled 'Bloody Breast Feeders' Journal' comes up - I really do not want to know what that's about

DrTeethateJanice ago

Well his name is Speshuljake10 dipshit. You googled that on you're own, don't blame me.

Mad_As_Hell ago

Woah calm down! Just telling you what this sick puppy has been looking at, not blaming you for anything.

DrTeethateJanice ago

It was implied and an easy way to discredit someone. You've been here for a bit, you should be aware of that.

Mad_As_Hell ago

I did not intend to imply anything of the sort, honestly. Apologies if that's how it came across and thanks for posting Twitter archive

ArmedExorcist ago

And now archived:

facevalue ago

I'll back you up on that. We thinkin' slugs and 00 buck for quick deaths? Or close-range attention with some No. 8? I guess we should let Skunt decide since he's taking care of business.

Don't be using any frilly shit, Skunt. Let's keep things reliable. Remington 870, Mossberg 500, et al.

thatguyiam ago

you'd better archive it or it'll dissappear, just like the George soros PBS (I think) documentary on his idea for 'open society' as a society in which no one knows the truth and all news organizations present an asymmetrical point of view (as in they all lie). I made a thread for it months ago linking the YouTube full documentary, and I was pointing out how the fucked msm goes along with these commie ideas not even questioning the tyrants' ideas and actually making these ideas seem good for democracy. The fucking documentary has been deleted from YouTube

Thinkfaest ago

Wow it's almost like they have a system of survival, a way helping each other climb the ladderss to success in various industries. It's almost like they have symbols and can recognize each other in a way to one else sees or maybe they see the symbols but they refuse to believe what they stand for.....

We are surrounded. Wake up. It's not conspiracy anymore. We have to make them face just consequences and hold those who protect them to even worse sentencing.

FedupOtaku ago

Junk ass website. You click read more and get the modern day equivalent of porn pop ups.

Have a better source?

Buttfuckmebigfoot ago

Don't you think they'd make this one a fall man to better their public image? Maybe this guy knows too much to let him go to jail...

It wouldn't surprise me if this guy ends up getting shanked in jail

Commoner ago

I am guessing that there is more to this than just a perv getting caught. This guy and his dad were heavy into democrat politics....for decades.

Buttfuckmebigfoot ago

It never ceases to amaze me how blatantly open they are about this shit. FUCKING VILE

privatepizza ago

Oh thats a connection ! In that case yes, I hope that Secret Pizza Party MF is next. Thanks for joining the jots here.

shooglenifty ago

Can we get a real link, please?

Skunt ago

If I had a shotgun shell for every pedophile in the world, there would be no pedophiles.

Commoner ago

I would not be so quick to condemn this guy as a pervert. He may be one, but I think that perhaps he was the holder of the child porn material that was going to be planted on computers of some good guys.

facevalue ago

... what? Please tell me that was just a failed joke.

Commoner ago

I just worded my thought poorly. I am saying, there could be more here than meets the eyes. He could be a democat operative and the reason he has all of that material is because it is part of a Clinton/podesta/brock/ mook scheme for blackmailing. He is a computer programming analyst afterall.

2impendingdoom ago

They would only plant the CP on those they want to take down. The ones they want to black mail would be filmed in a compromising situation (drunk in a hotel room with an underage kid)

PepeFarmRemembers ago

The New York Post's article says there is a picture of Schwartz posing with Mook. I also found some old listings for "Manhattan Young Democrats" events with Mook. Oddly the only event on that page with Schwartz present isn't visible on the page (but can find in page source). NYP: events:

facevalue ago

That sounds more rational. Thank you for the reply.

Commoner ago

You're welcome.

ScalarWhaler ago

Yeah, that's not perverted...

Commoner ago

I am just saying that he may have had all the material on there for reasons other than viewing it himself. Just because you hold the stash or gun for the criminal doesn't mean you rob and kill. It is just another way to look at why he has so much on his computer. The guy was heavy into democrat politics for years. So was his criminal dad.

frankenmine ago

The Washington Times isn't corrupt and shouldn't be archived in the OP. It deserves our support. Please keep this in mind for future posts.

Also, please see:

aleeum ago

  1. Archive is useful if page is pulled down 2. Binary good/bad thinking inhibits critical thought*

frankenmine ago

If there's a known, imminent risk of disruption, sure, archive away.

Other than that, ethical sites need our traffic and ad impressions to survive. Link directly and visit them whenever possible.

aleeum ago

por que no los dos?

frankenmine ago

Point granted. For ethical sites, a direct link in the OP (and optionally an archive in the comments) is ideal. For corrupt sites, an archive in the OP (and no direct link anywhere else) is ideal.

LostandFound ago

Thx for sharing, shocking as always

we_kill_creativity ago

some of them under 6 months

W...T...F....I just saw my new niece yesterday...How damaged does a person have to be to be into that. And I always have to keep in mind cheese pizza takes a producer and a consumer.

waxdino ago

I always think about how incredibly delicate a new baby is, especially the skin. The damage a baby must take from this sort of abuse is incomprehensible. And to use language like "performed a sex act," fucking barf. That's not what happened.

sugarskull ago

Its sickening HOW MUCH IS OUT THERE!! I mean remember that bust recently? That wasn't even a drop in the bucket its pandemic.

we_kill_creativity ago's legitimately an industry. How many people must already know about it is disturbing.

RodentLord ago

My dog loves 98% of all people he meets. The 2%, I assume there's something he picked up on that I didn't... I'm starting to wonder if what he's picking up on is the fact that they're kiddie rapists.

SoldierofLight ago

I was just thinking that I'll never be able to wrap my head around that-- I know it happens, but it's incomprehensible.

we_kill_creativity ago

It's the difference between understanding why an adult male might find a 15 year old girl sexually attractive, and how a different adult male could find a 6 month old baby the same way, which I don't understand. Like, I don't think a guy should ever do anything with a 15 year old girl, obviously, but I wouldn't think there's something wrong about finding her attractive because she's sexually mature, it's wrong, but it makes sense. There's absolutely nothing about a 6 month old that could conceivably be sexually attractive. Unless you want to call it a fetish, but how would that happen in someone in the first place? I'd love to interview a psychologist about the psychological aspects to all of this.

Cold_Guinea_Pig ago

You are right and in theory people who are attracted to teens are usually called pederasts. In this case it's despicable because a teen can't make rational decisions yet but the form is of a sexually mature female. So they can get abused but there sure will be people who find them attractive. Those that shag babies are the sickest of the sick. The screams alone, how can they dehumanise a small human like that? You can't have any value in life if you do that. I don't care any longer about understanding them, there is no point, their brains are wired badly. Kill them with fire.

RodentLord ago

I'm fine with learning/understanding, so that we can avoid this path ever coming up again in the future. But we don't need them alive for that. Vitrify their brain and store it in a locked box until we can figure out how to read a brain like a hard drive. And make sure there's a warning label on it in every language so that we never connect that shit up to the internet.

abattoirdaydream ago


SoldierofLight ago

I think in my research for PG I saw some articles from a psychology standpoint about this written by those who have studied it, but I can't read that stuff because it'll get me very upset. Besides, I'll never understand it.

Warmoose76 ago

He did like the really "Young Democrats".

lude ago

Only 7000 bail. And ((Schwartz)). All I need to know.

privatepizza ago

Step by step, one by one, they're going down

Pizzalawyer ago

Someone needs to archive Schwartz's Instagram and Facebook accounts, quick, he might have buddies he shares with.

privatepizza ago

Good thinking. It may be a good idea to re-post this in a top-level comment so more people see it, ie, not in a reply. That way it'll be seen by more and hopefully someone will do it... : )

11-11 ago

Holy Shit

DonKeyhote ago

Way to name the jew, pussy