privatepizza ago

It would save soooooo much work if we could find a way to download the sub in its entirety.

Does anyone have any idea if this could be done ? Could a website crawler download all the pages ?

fartyshorts ago

Here're the bookmarklets for and Just make a new bookmark in the bookmarks toolbar and enter the code, then click it to archive the current page.



privatepizza ago

Cheers Farty, do you know if this archives all the comments too?

The1stLantern ago

Still have the mega torrent saved and seeding - let me know if you need.

privatepizza ago

What do you have in the mega torrent?

The1stLantern ago

It's legit about 2gb big.. So quite a lot more than I can list. Pictures, text, articles?

privatepizza ago

Sure, I understand, thanks. I was thinking it could be a backup of Voat PG threads. Nice work saving so much!

I've saved your reply and if okay, to get touch if anything. Do you have any idea how we could archive the V/PG sub in its entirety?

The1stLantern ago

In entirely? No clue - I flash drived all this before the first huge purge of and imgur files.

Fatsack ago

backup the pages on your hard drive, we saw the power of cia tools with vault 7, archive sites are not entirely secure.

Y8goKTH959VCLKty8xIz ago

Post to /v/the_d and get all the newfags on this

Vindicator ago

I looked that thread over and I don't get the connection between what I gather to be a new sub created by old goats making fun of the pro-Trump subverse v/thePedes (Voat home of r/The_Donald) and the demise of Voat. Looks like healthy shit-talking to me so far. It would be great if you could edit your post to explain more clearly what you are concerned about.

However, I do think people need to be backing stuff up, so I will give this an "IMPORTANT" flair. It would be a good idea to start archiving our comment history in case we ever do have to make a move to another platform and you want to be able to show it for credibility.

privatepizza ago

Thanks for this Vindicator, good point about archiving our comment history too.

HighLevelInsider ago

Anytime you investigate things like this, you want to archive any evidence on multiple sites and on a hard drive (assuming it's not CP).

13Buddha ago

Can anyone explain in simple terms and less than a page of instructions how to archive, as I have not a clue. Merci beaucoup.

anonOpenPress ago

  1. Copy the source url from your browser (http...)
  2. Visit and paste the link into search box (to check if it's already archived)
    • If found, you can copy the archived url there for submissions
    • If not found, select "archive this url" and "Save the page", wait for the process, then copy the archived url for submissions

13Buddha ago


anonOpenPress ago

Cheers, glad if that helped

privatepizza ago

Yeah, I think it depends on the code of each website. Archive I find is good at making a nice copy 98% of the time, which is okay I suppose.

Thanks for the feedback and sure, I'd like to help with this, it's important. We have a basic list of subjects from our research consolidation project, could be a good start. I'll go find them and post here. We can see where we go from there and what everyone thinks?

44NJ9 ago

If you can print it, put it in a safe, put it on hard drives and store them in a safe for posterity. So if this is not resolved a years or two down the road there will be proof how the data was manipulated along the way.

HighLevelInsider ago

So if this is not resolved a years or two down the road

The best way to speed up the process of busting these psychopaths is to initiate surveillance on them.

Pedophile blackmail is the reason our government sucks.

Get rid of the pedos, and we can have a nice country again.

privatepizza ago

This is the most important thread here. Suggest we all

  • Back up the threads we individually posted

  • Choose a subject of interest and archive all the relevant threads

  • We could also create a backup subject list, which anons could put their names to, so we know what's being backed up by whom. Anyone have any ideas?

---- Just ideas to throw around. We need to backup our research threads

---- I understand that backs up the Voat Thread but only the first level comments and not replies. Is this correct? Does anyone know how to take an image file of the whole thread? I saw that done once. Thanks in advance for any info.

Vindicator ago

My Android tablet and phone both have a scrolling screenshot feature that works for this. Basically, I open all the comments I want to catch, scroll back to the top, and hold down the Home and right side button (power) to grab a screenshot.

A little icon pops up in the lower left that says "scroll screenshot". If you push it, it scroll o e screen and adds it to the image, you can do this repeatedly -- up to like 16 or 20 screens. It makes one long image file of the whole thread. 😁

privatepizza ago

Thanks for this Vin, I'll give it a whirl.

anonOpenPress ago

Great initiative. Doing that to all my investigative posts right away.

Might be ideal to start a collaborative project for this to get also those posts archived from inactive users (huge job...). Suggesting you to launch it at /v/pizzagateTeamwork

anonOpenPress ago

with http and https, or with /v/ (for Voat submissions) they get automatically linked. For linked text, use

[ text ] ( link )

removing the spaces in between

anonOpenPress ago

That news... "Former FBI director James Comey is now convinced Donald Trump was trying to influence his investigation into ties between the President and Russia, a source close to him has said"

I guess Comey wasn't that certain after he wrote the memo to himself then earlier...

anonOpenPress ago

@Vindicator How about "important". Upvoat upvoat.

OhBlindOne ago

Decentralization is always best practice.

OhBlindOne ago

Not sure, but I've talked with the guy before and he seems like a nice dude.

He added the Voat button to just because I asked him to.

You might want to check out the FAQ's page for other info about the service:

According to the facts, has a triple redundancy for webpage archives and it doesn't log ips of archivers.

Been around for years and it works well.

jstrotha0975 ago

They are deleting everything.

samhara ago

How do you know that? It seems to me it's been quiet here. Is that my imagination?

OhBlindOne ago

Use' bookmarklet for one-click archiving.

cantsleepawink ago

Absolutely we need to be backing up everything.