Disappointed ago

@Cynabuns - tagging you in here and I'll send you a PM about this.

@PuttItOut - if you aren't too busy have a quick look at the downvote count on the collapsed parent comments towards the bottom of this thread. Some of them are very uniform which is unusual and given the demographics on this site enough to raise concerns of vote manipulation.

gentlemanadventurer ago

I would have never known a shariaeblue brigade was here until I got exactly 17 downgoats for a comment that really doesn't matter, except that I was dising butt hurt Comey.

GumbyTM ago

slingsandarrows ago

That's the kind a crap we expect from CNN. And NBC, CBS, et al.

Mbailey63 ago

Hahaha I bet he does right after he got fired.

resplit ago

I'm going to enjoy it when you guys who don't read any real news, preferring instead to sit in here and jerk each other off, finally are forced to read the real news when the GOP's Russian money laundering operation is laid out in court and they all go to jail. If past is prologue, you won't even see it here in your little hateful bubble. It's going to be fucking hilarious

Morbo ago

Don't eat them all at once. Having that much Hostess brand creme filled, chocolate covered snack cakes in one sitting will give you the beetus.

Pumbadog ago

You can say whatever you want to. That doesn't mean I don't think you are a retarded newfag.

IforgotMYpASS ago

Nobody upvotes you when thats all you have to say. We say what we want, but we arent children. If you're calling him a nigger faggot have good reason, or get downvotes for being annoying. You nigger faggot.

pig_lifter ago

I need about 30 more comment karma points to downvote shitheads like this. Please upvote this comment to help me get there.

hats_ ago

Normally I'd downvoat you by proxy for asking, but... Fuck if that isn't a fun username. I can't help but smile!

Have an upgoat, you pig-lifting bastard!

pig_lifter ago

Thx, hats_ off to you

sunshine702 ago

Before he was head of the FBI he was an executive for HSBC laundering money for the cartels. Yeah great guy. His hair tells me what a creepo he is. Eyes and hair in men, and eyebrows on ladies - tells you everything you need to know.

darklycan51 ago

He's just lying because he's afraid.

SpookyTooth ago

It's almost embarassing watching the various alt accounts they own hold conversations with each other, as they pitifully try to pretend they are not the same person.

Ahahahaha. They are so stupid. They literally attack, swap accounts, attack, swap accounts, attack etc... All day long they do this, just so they can force their lies and/or retarded propaganda into people's faces. Anybody who objects to anything they say is a "shariablue", a "shill", or a "pedophile".

13Buddha ago

Spooky Tooth. Former band member?


lude ago


aztec_armadillo ago

The good thing is that a bot posted a summary to anyone can see it is just the same old "Methinks trump is hitler" without having any actual proof. I already said this in another post but: welcome to new voat.

DabbaDan ago

By clicking on a downvote button.

It might work on reddit. Might. But Voat is still too small in the comments - at best, here, we have what, three or four loaded pages worth? That's it. Downvoting doesn't ... do anything. It's futile. Where's a comment gonna go? Where's the post going to vanish off to? How hidden is that content going to get?

So, cool. Yeah, Shareblue or whoever, you're sure getting us. You... you monsters... argh... :/

DickHammer ago

"Sources say". This shit is getting old.

BlinkAndUMissIt ago

sources said then you better spit it out because it doesn't belong to you.

Dalai_Llama ago

That's a question you should ask your wife's boyfriend.

jiggawatt ago

So he lied in front of congress in May?

Pumbadog ago

^^New account confirmed

Cucky_Sanders ago

looks like sharia is here

msabre_7 ago

OP is a faggot shill!

Am I doing it right?

hats_ ago

Yes. Yes you are. Well done!

lastpriority ago

I have a source too, this confirms we have a nigger from sharia blue amongst us.

split ago

False equivalence. Endorsing a candidate <> infiltrating Facebook with fake news stories

Martel-Sobieski ago

Fuck off. What do you think correct the record was

Pwning4Ever ago

Obama had the French election hacked in 2012

Dalai_Llama ago

You're right, using your position of authority to express personal opinions and endorsements of foriegn leaders is far worse.

split ago

Ur dumb

lastpriority ago

False equivalence? So, Trump was the one that created all the fake news?

dingomeat ago

the guy you're replying to is shareblue

split ago


lastpriority ago

I was fishing for a catch to fuck with... come on man.

Synthicide ago

Don't forget Isreal's last election.

Cantilever ago

Voat is under heavy shill attack

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

thanks /v/thepedos for brigading us, you fucking niggers

Cantilever ago

((( J O U R N A L I S M )))


sinjinsmythesback ago

Sources close to me say fuck the MSM niggerfaggot brigade.

dragonpenis ago

my ass just farted

what passes for journalism these days.

Gamio ago

Sources say there is an alien colony on the southern pole of the moon inside of a crater that is always in perpetual darkness.

Sources say there is an earth sized planet which orbits precisely in step with the earth so that the sun is always between us and the other planet.

Sources say jimmy cracked corn and the source did not care.

Calann ago

If there were no improper or illegal dealings between the Trump administration and Russians, why fear an investigation? The investigation would simply clear Trump and his subordinates.

If however there were improper or illegal dealings, it would make sense for Trump to first try to pressure Comey to drop the investigation and if that didn't work, to fire him.

Dalai_Llama ago

The "investigation" is a political witch hunt designed to distract us from actual news. It would also make sense for Trump to try and force some one out that is abusing his tenure as FBI director to orchestrate said witch hunt. So your speculative logic is just that; speculative.

Calann ago

If this is the case, and i may well be, Trump should cooperate fully with the FBI investigation. After all, it will clear him.

Dalai_Llama ago

Trump is cooperating, dumb ass. Comey was leading a political witch hunt and he was fired. Andrew Mccabe is already leading the FBI and said the firing of Comey didn't affect it. And if you recall, McCabe oversaw the investigation of Bill's wife's private email server when Jill McCabe, Andrew's wife, received nearly $500,000 in donations from a Democratic Governor's Super PAC, on top of the $200,000 she got from the Virginia Democratic party.

There's so much god damned corruption that you faggots overlook when you're out Controlling the Record that it's ridiculous when you ask to be taken seriously about allegations for which no proof even exists. It's like you're asking to be laughed at and ridiculed. I honestly believe you are some kind of pro-Nationalist, double-agent troll that is trying to get us to keep looking at how deep the swamp goes.

Archimdes ago

No shit he should cooperate, just to save his own ass if for no other reason. But the investigation itself is still a political abuse of power on the part of the (((establishment))) and an attempt to thwart the will of the American people.

After he's done cooperating with it and is cleared, I hope he purges the whole fucking agency.

sunshine702 ago

And not just any news.

His name was Seth Rich as the source of the DNC Podesta leaks.

Please do not give the Deep State and Lynn Rothschild their war with Syria and Russia.

Keep following Seth Rich murder updates not Russian hacker claims.

Nawatcrow ago

The whole thing is just a way to stop Russia-US relations. You can't make friends with a country when everyone is screeching about you being a puppet for that country, and we all know a partnership between the 2 would be horrible for the leftist elite of the world.

Dalai_Llama ago

I completely agree. Prepare to be downvoted, though. There's shills about.

iownyou ago

There is no investigation

wesofx ago

That's the thing. There's no proof an investigation is even happening. It's completely fabricated.

resplit ago

Is this a fucking joke or are you really this stupid

iownyou ago

This thread is being shilled hard, check out the hidden comments at the bottom

cousineerie ago

There is nothing to investigate, so they just keep writing fake news stories to keep it going.

scared_yung_father ago


split ago


Cantilever ago

The point of the investigation is to distract the administration from effectively implementing its policies.

split ago

Why do you believe this idiotic bullshit

Cantilever ago

Because it's true.

lastpriority ago

I found the shill, do I get a prize?

Demwitsarestupid ago

There's nothing improper. That's not the point of the investigation. The point is to damage Trump and America as much as possible for the next 3.5 years.

Calann ago

Why did Trump fire Flynn?

Demwitsarestupid ago

Buckled to the wails screams of hysterical Demwits.

Cantilever ago

We stopped believing anonymous sources in 2003.

Marou ago

What I want to know is how this bullshit rapidly got enough upvoats to show up on the front page even though it's obviously shill fake news bullshit. Bots? Now we're feeding this thing SCP?

wesofx ago

I thought the post was making fun of the article to me honest lol

Womb_Raider ago

George Source-os.

Martel-Sobieski ago

No he doesn't. No they didn't. The Independent and every news outlet conducting this level of yelllow journalism should drink bleach

HardcoreMemer ago

My source close to Brad Pit tells us Brad Pit is actually a Potato Monster from outer space but is afraid of this information becoming public may hurt his career.

Confirmed Potato Monster

tr8t0r ago


Martel-Sobieski ago

Oh it's even more retarded. The Independent pulls from a CNN article. The CNN article doesn't quote a source on something comey actually said. They quoted a source "familiar with comeys thinking" in order to speculate what he would believe

welcome_to_voat ago

Thanks for the info, the kikes are out in force in this thread!

Martel-Sobieski ago

No no sources don't even say that. This is the media playing a giant game of telephone. here is the original where CNN went full retard

This is what The Independent is pulling from

Former FBI Director James Comey now believes that President Donald Trump was trying to influence his judgment about the Russia probe, a person familiar with his thinking says

So this "source" isn't even saying "comey told me trump tried t influence" it's saying "is familiar to with how comey thinks and I think he thinks this now"

They know exactly what they're doing with this level of dishonest journalism.

gindc ago

"Comey is a nutjob". The only information in this article that has a source.

QMX9wVrXqD ago

I'm not sure, but he seems like a lying asshole who must be very busy talking to hack journalists.

IslamIsCancerous ago

My sources tell me dogs are better than cats.

Totenglocke ago

My anonymous source tells me that I can give a girl an orgasm just by winking at her.

firex726 ago

Sources say I make a million dollars a year and am the new angel investor of Voat.

aztec_armadillo ago

Sources all pointing to OP posting about where it is on the gender spectrum.

Eleutheria ago

Guys, we found Scott Adams!

firex726 ago

Man... Those meetings eh?

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

bullshit, it's not true unless someone else says it about you using anonymous sources

this just in: sources close to firex726 say he makes 1 million dollars a year and is the new angel investor of Voat

firex726 ago

Seems people did not get your joke man.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

voat's being brigaded by thepedos

aztec_armadillo ago

/r/The_donald did not send its best people. We need to build a wall.

DabbaDan ago


It's r/The_Donald brigading us?


SomeoneOnTheInternet ago

"Random hobo on the street said X, more at 11"

God-Emperor777 ago

"A source familiar with nigger faggot jews might have pondered while squatting to shit out nigger faggot jews into a waiting nigger faggot jews mouth" -Abe Lincoln (paraphrased)

dingomeat ago

yep, it's fit to print, run it

gentlemanadventurer ago

"Disgraced and disgruntled former employee throws temper tantrum"

derram ago

https://archive.is/25F7t | :

James Comey now believes Donald Trump was trying to influence Russia investigation, source says | The Independent

'Former FBI director James Comey is now convinced Donald Trump was trying to influence his investigation into ties between the President and Russia, a source close to him has said. ', "Mr Trump told Russian officials during an Oval Office meeting that firing Mr Comey eased pressure caused by an investigation into the Kremlin's influence in the 2016 campaign, The New York Times reported."

'"I just fired the head of the FBI He was crazy, a real nut job," Mr Trump said, according to a document detailing the Russian visit. ', "The White House did not dispute the account portrayed, and instead said that the FBI investigation had put unnecessary pressure on the President's ability to conduct diplomacy with Russia.", "The former FBI director has confirmed that he will testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee on the investigation into links between Mr Trump's administration and Russia."

This has been an automated message.

dadmda ago

I love this a source close to him, just another way of saying anonymous source or foreign officials

VoiceProposed ago

This guy needs to find a curtain to go hide behind.

aristotle07 ago

There's more smoking gun evidence that Hillary took millions from foreign governments that influenced pay to play policies including Russia. There's more evidence that Obama lied about his citizenship and he was collaborating with the Muslim brotherhood and let them infiltrate the White House, but let's go after the guy who wants to make America great again.

jsac ago

i have no idea why u are getting downvoated. have an upvoat sir.

Niquarl ago

Because it's whataboutism probably ?

BaldMiscreant ago

What about all the dicks you sucked last Tuesday?

Pence4Pants ago


BaldMiscreant ago

Hey, I didn't say any of those dicks were mine...

aztec_armadillo ago

Welcome to new voat. The swarm of redditors can up voat each others comments to get based the CC limits. Thats why comments talking shit about MSM not calling the President the President get down voated. It is only going to get worse.

Martel-Sobieski ago

This post is getting brigaded

pork_slayer ago

I think the most pathetic thing here is that they insist on calling him "Mr. Trump". It's so petty.

kammmmak ago

I think you need eat a bacon sandwich.

TrancePhreak ago

right? it's Doctor Trump now.

Capt_Rye ago

He didn't go to 8 years of evil medical school to be called Mr.

pork_slayer ago

You joke, but refusing to call him by his rightful title (President Trump) is akin to intentionally calling a Doctor "Mr. Whatever" to express disrespect. It's a childish lashing out and it's petty.

TrancePhreak ago

I was referring to the honorary doctorate he received recently.

pork_slayer ago

Yup totally missed it.

GodOfConquest91 ago

Time Traveler Confirmed