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VieBleu ago

When Voat looks like it's about to die, they shutdown another Reddit forum to get people to migrate here.

Very fishy.

YingYangMom ago

When Reddit is completely down, Voat will go down too, swallowing the entire community in one gulp. Dutchman banker even said so. They are manipulating events to gather us up and ultimately wipe us off. Better have a plan B, C, D, E... up to Z. Just like they do. Remember this : "TOGETHER WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL!"

Vindicator ago

I agree -- we need a decentralized way to do this -- one that we all control. That does not have a single point of failure. How does Wikileaks do it?

YingYangMom ago

Idk, but I'd like to. We really need to, before doing anything else, concentrate on a plan that will ensure our community's survival. The things is, how do we go about it? A place where we can all report to, a central station of some sort? Private platform (group), not a public one? Do members need to be vetted? Then again, how the heck do you keep a loyal trusted base without setting yourself up for failure at some point down the line? Do we then cherry pick and remove the unwanted weeds? These are things that we need to discuss asap.

Vindicator ago

Well, we could set up a Riot chatroom as sort of an emergency shelter. Also, everyone should archive their comment history, so that you can share it in the future for vetting purposes. It's really the only way to demonstrate trustworthiness. Also, in the event Voat disappears suddenly, I can always be reached on Twitter @Vindic8tr.

YingYangMom ago

Also, everyone should archive their comment history, so that you can share it in the future for vetting purposes. It's really the only way to demonstrate trustworthiness.

What a great idea :)