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VieBleu ago

When Voat looks like it's about to die, they shutdown another Reddit forum to get people to migrate here.

Very fishy.

YingYangMom ago

When Reddit is completely down, Voat will go down too, swallowing the entire community in one gulp. Dutchman banker even said so. They are manipulating events to gather us up and ultimately wipe us off. Better have a plan B, C, D, E... up to Z. Just like they do. Remember this : "TOGETHER WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL!"

Mad_As_Hell ago

blumeanie ago

Theresa May intends to allow government to decide what is and isn't published (online)

Coming from a woman who was a teenager at the time of the inquisition.


YingYangMom ago

WTF? She's freely speaking of an internet where "only retards will wish to go". I'm calling on all autists and anons out there to take action and stop this madness from happening.

Mad_As_Hell ago

Yep, welcome to North Korea folks

VieBleu ago

I left this on the sticky - might as well leave it here too -


Please everyone, stop chanting this like it is a mantra.,2328.msg32160.html#msg32160

Plus there are of course many many blogs as well as some sub reddits that function. I found these in my wanderings without making a concerted effort. There are probaby many other boards, free and clear of strings attached, that would welcome this community. Stop waiting to be herded around! Use your own networks you've developed here.

I'm not saying don't give money here if you are moved to do so.

Just stop thinking and regurgitating that this place is it and there are no options. This is not truth.

YingYangMom ago

I couldn't agree more with you @viebleu. Thank you for your insight and your propositions.

Stop waiting to be herded around! Use your own networks you've developed here.

This is exactly what I'm thinking. I personally have a small group of people that I feel I can trust and work with. I'm sure many of us out there trust some users more than others, we should group and then, unite as a larger front. Group up and reach out to one another. Discuss. Go through user profiles and comment history to see if you can trust or work with a particular user if you don't know who to trust. For those coming from other platforms, group up with your comrads, start looking around for other groups or users to join up, et al.

Vindicator ago

I agree -- we need a decentralized way to do this -- one that we all control. That does not have a single point of failure. How does Wikileaks do it?

Zodiac_Killer ago

I remember trying Aether out for a while. The concept is nice, but the community is very small from what I remember.

YingYangMom ago

Idk, but I'd like to. We really need to, before doing anything else, concentrate on a plan that will ensure our community's survival. The things is, how do we go about it? A place where we can all report to, a central station of some sort? Private platform (group), not a public one? Do members need to be vetted? Then again, how the heck do you keep a loyal trusted base without setting yourself up for failure at some point down the line? Do we then cherry pick and remove the unwanted weeds? These are things that we need to discuss asap.

Vindicator ago

Well, we could set up a Riot chatroom as sort of an emergency shelter. Also, everyone should archive their comment history, so that you can share it in the future for vetting purposes. It's really the only way to demonstrate trustworthiness. Also, in the event Voat disappears suddenly, I can always be reached on Twitter @Vindic8tr.

YingYangMom ago

Also, everyone should archive their comment history, so that you can share it in the future for vetting purposes. It's really the only way to demonstrate trustworthiness.

What a great idea :)

l23r ago

FPH has a website backup in case Voat goes down. I'm sure Donald folks can collect enough money to keep their thing going too.