WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Cat is being skinned as I type.....

abcdefg222 ago

What does that mean?

Mammy ago

I kept my eye on internet traffic via various search engines after your posts and my subsequent post last weekend: Is Larry King of Franklin Scandal Now Singing for KIDS Opera?

I observed some very "interesting" reactions, including Tweets and posts on other sites with links to both of our threads, even Opera Nova's Facebook page. Someone also posted the clip of his recent impromptu performance at Bus Boys and Poets to You Tube. Then within 2-3 days a complete disappearance occurred--not merely Larry King's name and bio being removed from Opera Nova's home page. These disappearances were especially obvious when I used Google search -- not so much so with Duck Duck Go.

Regardless, I agree with the posters on THIS thread who expressed caution in 'celebrating' LK's removal from Opera Nova's main page.

In my view, the removal could mean several things:

A.) The person in question is indeed Larry King of Franklin Scandal and Opera Nova was NOT aware of his background, so they quickly responded to our efforts and removed him entirely for the safety of the children and the integrity of their organization. OR

B.) The person in question is indeed Larry King of Franklin Scandal and Opera Nova WAS aware of his background, and merely removed his name from their website homepage once our posts drew public attention. OR

C.) The person in question is NOT Larry King of Franklin Scandal and they removed his name to protect him from slander.

There are probably more scenarios to consider, but for now, my guess would be B is the correct answer.

If so, that would mean there are very dark and powerful forces at play, and we exposed ourselves in exposing them. Alas, such is the risk one takes in fighting evil. (I will also add here that I think, if scenario B is correct, the club, Busboys and Poets, as well as Opera Nova, need further investigation.)

Nevertheless, IF scenario C were correct, I think we need to be mindful of the potential for libel, either charged toward this website and/or ourselves. That is why we must phrase things as questions, rather than fact, why we must give every lead the benefit of the doubt. That is also why I had wanted to archive the video of Larry King singing Old Man River as previously posted on Opera Nova's Facebook page -- I thought, perhaps, that a voice analysis could be done at a later date to determine IF it was the same person. I felt this would be a necessary step not only toward establishing irrefutable evidence, but also to avoid LIBEL.

That said, great job and keep up the good fight!!! I myself am going dark quiet for awhile.

God Bless and Good Luck in the meantime.

Truthseeker3000 ago

No need to go "quiet" for a while we need to amp it up. There is no A or C this is 100% Larry fucking King. Yes, he's still working the DC circles and running underground shit no question. Yes, he's still a sadistic pedofile who preys on kids why do u think he's surrounding himself in kids organizations close to impoverished kids again? Come on. This man is EVIL and he needs to be exposed to everyone. Look at the car dealership and all the workers there in the website pic, now they do not know about him, regular Joe Blows, but the partner of it does, the Opera crap is a front but they know, all the higher up all know what he's about and what he's doing. I strongly believe he's still in the biz of running kids. Do not stand down on this. Do not be afraid. He is a piece of shit.

Mammy ago

Whoa, I said I was going quiet. I didn't say I was going silent. I just personally feel I have got to work on defense tactics at this point far more so than my offensive tactics.

Dig4Dutroux-Holland ago

sure looks like him..

pby1000 ago

The family of Seth Rich is from Omaha. I wonder if the parents had anything to do with the Franklin Scandal. Was Seth Rich adopted? Those are his real parents?

Truthseeker3000 ago

I'd bet my last dollar this sadist pedofile is still running kids and knee deep in boys. No way he's changed his sick ways. No fucking way. This man is EVIL SICK and VILE to the core. This stuff needs to be put everywhere so everyone knows who this fucker really is. And still working with kids, what a shocking surprise...

Jobew1 ago

"opera nova" should be filed away somewhere as suspect....

ASolo ago

Sounds like a win to me folks. Any chance any of us can get to ruffle the feathers of these degenerate fucks the better. If they've simply removed him from the site to mask him even further or if they've canned his sponsorship there's two huge points there: They are aware and this is a direct confirmation by default that this is him!

Great work. Phenomenal.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

In an earlier post I posted the CEO's name phone number and email for everyone to call, write and complain that pedophile Larry King is working around children and asked them why?

abcdefg222 ago

The bio that’s been removed from Opera Nova’s website lists some other organizations that he works with (some of them work with children also, like Opera Nova) that could be looked into further—

1) AHEAD, Inc. // http://aheadinc.org/

Adventures in Health, Education, and Agricultural Development (AHEAD) Inc. is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization whose mission is to work with under served communities in developing countries to improve the quality of life for orphans and other vulnerable children, women and youth by implementing sustainable programs that lead to self-sufficiency and self-reliance.



Archive: http://archive.is/dhHmj

**Interesting note is that this was already archived 4 months ago.



2) Lift Me Up // http://liftmeup.org/

Lift Me Up! is a therapeutic horseback riding program dedicated to providing safe and effective instruction for children and adults who have varying disabilities.

**Interesting note: Lift Me Up has their Annual Gala’s at Sterling BMW (owned by Thomas Moorehead and where Larry King worked)

3) The Sterling Foundation // https://www.sterlingfoundation.org/

Mission: The Sterling Foundation’s mission is to strengthen the Sterling community by fostering diverse environmental, educational, cultural, and recreational opportunities for enhanced quality of life.

4) Thomas and Joyce Moorehead Foundation // http://www.themooreheadfoundation.org/

The Joyce and Thomas Moorehead Foundation (JTMF) has provided more than $400,000 in charitable assistance to students (scholarships & mentorship again!), working families and non-profit organizations in Northern Virginia.

**Note that Millionaire Thomas Moorehead owns an auto dealership empire. He is the former employer of Larry King at his Sterling BMW dealership.

5) Martin Luther King Foundation //

**Note that there are a few organizations by this name so I am NOT POS ITIVE THAT THIS IS THE ONE THAT LARRY KING WORKS WITH but I’m guessing it’s this one because they are located in Reston, VA. It looks like this organization focuses on scholarships and mentorship.


His bio also talks about being active in his church and talks about being a part of many different events, so there are probably more photos out there.

He sings with Voices of Worship (or atleast he did when the bio was written)—


Pizzalawyer ago

Was just his name scrubbed or has he been scrubbed from Opera Nova? If the latter, congrats for the exposure...imagine how many youngsters could have become his victims.

Aasb ago

What if Opera Nova always knew who he was?

Truthseeker3000 ago

Excellent point. I'm sure they did since he was wiped off so fast. Everyone needs to know about this sick child predator. Now onto investigating Opera Nova...

abcdefg222 ago

I'm sure some of you reached out to Opera Nova and I want to say thanks. Hopefully not only has his bio been removed but his person also. He's a monster and this organization has an obligation to protect the children they work with.

WhyAserverWasBuilt ago

Well I'm going to call right now and tell them I noticed his bio is gone and I want to know if his person is still there! Arrrgh! Stand by...

carmencita ago

Did you call Opera Nova? If you did not have time it is OK. I just want to make sure you are OK.

abcdefg222 ago

Any word? I don't want to call them from my phone so I'm going to go somewhere on my lunch break to place the call and see if they're taking any accountability. Others on voat who reached out... did you get any responses?

carmencita ago

If there is someone you can trust in your family or among friends please let them know what you plan on doing and then please immediately report back to us. We care.

dickface888 ago

If they got rid of him that means they're on board with The Franklin Scandal (only a fool wouldn't be really)