seekingpeace ago

Maybe he's in Tel Av-iv with Eric Braverman?

Aloha808 ago

Every report I'm reading says that Seth Rich was unaware he was shot twice in the back and that he was talking a lot, so what the fuck was he talking so much about?

Silverlining ago

Where have you seen that he was talking, please? Any links?

Aloha808 ago

His source is an anon on Reddit, I'm waiting for real evidence

Piscina ago

No, the media reported that that's what the paramedics said.

V____Z ago

"Seths brother has said he wants to get his info out to the public"

WHAT? This is ALL he said on the matter?! Not even an attempt to validate this claim with the obvious - how this was made known to Webb.

I don't understand why people allow someone to just spout off, this whole video was conjecture and a wild, unsubstantiated claim at the end.

And when he doesn't follow through, or erases questions and requests for evidence, or more details, you all will bitch at me for bringing it up.

Something does not add up. Why do Voaters trust him to this extent?

Piscina ago

I can't figure out how George is still alive.

V____Z ago

Funny, that....

SoldierofLight ago


seekingpeace ago

Yeah, that's what I would do if had critical information in a murder case - go to a youtube "reporter" who's being allegedly targeted by the FBI.

This makes no sense.

ArtificalDuality ago

Copy and archive the following:

Washington Hospital Center Anonymous Doc Shares Witness Account on Seth Rich' final hours

Source of image:

It's said this is nuked off the web everywhere.

Piscina ago

What's an LEO?

ArtificalDuality ago

Hi there,

That would be a Law Enforcement Officer / Official.

brioux ago


equineluvr ago

So, the FAKING, "grieving" RIch family wants the "truth" out, so the FAKING brother will give Webb an "exclusive."

Webb is MOSSAD, and the RIch family is CRYPTO JEWISH (as I have documented).

This "news" stinks like a big pile of steaming bullshit.

privatepizza ago

Curiouser and curiouser. Thanks for posting this OP

Marijuana_Merlin ago

Just a random thought/ question, but won't doctors sometimes make the choice that even with the emergency procedures it is just a lost cause and a waste of resources and time and just not do it?

However I think this is a very questionable act seeing as this dude was half way high up in society. Usually the top that gets these treatments due to having the money immediately on hand after such operations and shit.

new4now ago

Doctor's can't make that kind of choice. I seriously doubt there was a No Code order for a healthy 27 yr old. Since he was not married, that choice would have to go to his parents.

star_boi ago

"dr's can't make that kind of choice" yes they can. cpr only helps cardiac/respiratory incidents for one thing- time is also a factor, if too much has passed before people can respond, then too late- then there's the 'slow code' in which code is called but staff aware to not hurry and take minimal action.... this is normally seen in very advanced age and chronically ill situations, NOT as a weapon or with malice. for one- all staff have to be of like mind in these scenarios and the intent is one of compassion. hospital staff make serious life decisions every single day. as to mr. rich... the entire day, minute by minute, would be required to figure out why no code was called...if one was being already actively coded at arrival in er or by ems, or code team was already present, for instance, then no overhead 'code' may be called- the care is continuous until it is ultimately unsuccessful...and that call is made by the acting MD.

RoundWheel ago

Not true.

What you're talking about only happens after someone is stabalized and the question of care on life support comes into question.

On the other hand, when someone is not stable and/or otherwise basically dead, this is in fact what every emergency doctor is required to do.

carlip ago

Basing this on a 4chan post? You're fucking retarded man.

sunshine702 ago

Is your name carlip? Sometimes people have information but want to hide being anon on 4chan. Time usually tells what plays out what is a larp and who might be real.

Eyezopen ago

Damn hope GW gets that interview. This could be the huge lead we need.

carmencita ago

Holy Cow. GW says Seth's brother Aaron wants the truth to get out and GW is working on setting up an interview. Aaron better get security or his dad will be the next casualty. He does not look to be in good health and a HAG could be used. Just Sayin" they will stoop as low as they have to.

HopeLiesInTheProles ago

The brother, Aaron Rich, wants to help us now. This is huge. George Webb is supposed to interview him later today.

EvaEverywhere ago

Usually, the next step after that announcement is complete radio silence. Given how visible and well known Webb is, it would be a huge red flag.

Remember when Alex Jones people were all over an ex army person on their death bed who wanted to blow the whistle on John McCain? Whatever happened to that?

seekingpeace ago

I don't think it's a red flag but more of a distraction. While everyone is looking at this there is slight of hand going on somewhere else. I'll monitor for other events that are being under reported.

4_InquiringMinds ago


I don't think it's a red flag but more of a distraction.

I could not agree more/distractions everywhere. Look at the right hand so you don't see what the left is doing. Keep watching/I'm doing it also.

retreaux ago

Yeah, I remember Roger Stone mentioning that on Jones' show.

thisHoCwilltumble ago

Why wouldn't he go on a more reputable media outlet, like Hannity or something of the sort. I feel like taking a George Webb interview will actually make this seem like more of a conspiracy than do good.

V____Z ago

That could be the point.

thisHoCwilltumble ago

Possibly, but it doesn't seem likely

4_InquiringMinds ago

more reputable media outlet, like Hannity

Hannity reputable...roflmao

thisHoCwilltumble ago

Does Hannity not have a good reputation by a huge amount of Americans?

4_InquiringMinds ago

good reputation by a huge amount of Americans?

When you consider the average iq is 100, sure. I even thought he was legit at one time. I've looked into him more but even beyond that when he was like yeah, rock on, when trump bombed Syria, killing ppl, that did it for me bc no one with any sense what so ever believes Assad gassed his own ppl. Even if he was evil, which he is not, would make no sense at all bc the Syrian army was days away from victory and peace talks pending in a few days. Isis celebrated the bombing/that airport was protecting a christian town close by. One of the goals all along with the destruction of the ME is to eliminate all Christians so Syria can be carved up between Israel, turkey, SA etc (reason for the Kurds thing needing their own partitioned province). Divide and conquer.

I made excuses when hannity did the supposed interview with Julian even tho the optics were pathetic/hannity looking like a midget (he's 6 foot) and Julian looking like a giant in addition to other cgi effects. I thought surely hannity would not go along with such a ruse. Now I laff at myself. Well, laughter is the best medicine right?

rodental ago

Hannity is reputable? How many days has it been since he bitched out of being waterboarded?

thisHoCwilltumble ago

Yes, a lot of Americans listen to Hannity. A lot of Americans don't listen to conspiracies on YouTube. Not saying Webb doesn't have good info, but Hannity has a faaaar larger audience

FuckReddit69 ago

Sign of the times.

4_InquiringMinds ago


How many days has it been since he bitched out of being waterboarded?

Oh posh, that's an easy one...he bitched out when he found out it couldn't be CGI like his Assange interview wink.

eyeVoated ago

Seriously? I think George Webb has one of the highest reputations in the business.

4_InquiringMinds ago

George Webb has one of the highest reputations in the business.

You are absolutely right!!! In the business of gatekeeper he is one of the very best.

thisHoCwilltumble ago

Exactly. But we need someone out of the business, someone to redpill the masses

eyeVoated ago

The Great Work--is our duty to this planet. Webb, you, and I all have that responsibility.

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Any confirmation of this or only the word of GW?

quantokitty ago

Is this true? I'd like to know also. Not a Webb fan, but I'll watch this one.

seekingpeace ago

GW never does "on camera" interviews.

quantokitty ago

So he's supposed to talk to the brother and then give a summation? Hmmmm .... then you'd have to believe him as opposed to seeing it for yourself.

Well, we'll see what happens ... somebody should talk to him.

Laskar ago

If it is true that no code was called, that's a smoking gun for sure.

I doubt the ED chart notes would have everything written in--I've witnessed omissions for less reason. The chart is a legal document, and as such should be subpoenaed if there is a real investigation into his death.

While it's true that it is possible to die while on life support (ventilator, IVF etc.), it is also very easy to kill someone on life support. The people who know how to resuscitate you also know how to kill without a trace: a precordial thump at the wrong time, saline ice cubes in the ET tube, an injection of KCl, messing with the vent settings, etc. etc. there are countless quick, easy and untraceable ways.

SoldierofLight ago

In case this wasn't posted: (It's a Twitter post of a screenshot of a thread from /Pol from a guy who claims to have been the attending physician for Rich.)

Laskar ago

Thanks for this. I understand the situation and it is not that shocking, unfortunately. Kudos to the resident physician with a conscience. Like, that resident, I have seen that people live through a lot worse, but it's a rather slow recovery, not like the fraud crisis actor Norman Casiano, who claims he was shot four times in the back with .223 Sig Sauer MCX, and required no surgery whatsoever. The very next day he was giving multiple MSM interviews. He posted upper body nude photos on his Fakebook page which show not a mark on him front or back, which even an idiot would realize is impossible. Casiano is famous for saying in a "live" interview that the bullets just went through without hitting any major organs. He was seen on news videos walking toward the Pulse nightclub that night, with a small group of "victims". Yet, people have given millions of dollars and there is a "memorial" there. People are completely brainwashed and will believe anything someone says on television.

SoldierofLight ago

It's astonishing, isn't it? Might be my imagination, but it seems that in the last few decades people have become truly mind slaves to the MSM, more than ever before. I was guilty of it too until the last 12 months. So I get it, but it's still mind boggling to me. Thank god I woke up. I'm glad that folks like yourself can contribute actual medical FACTS about what likely happened or didn't happen. What a concept!

DerivaUK ago

Remind me never to cross you, @Laskar! Lol

Laskar ago

I have refused orders which were unethical and would cause harm, even if the orders were written in a chart. I knew that whoever wrote them would not like to be exposed in court. But there are many who could not care less and comply with unbelievable cruelty.

I have never removed anyone from life support, even if it was ordered. I would just point to the red plug and say, "there's the plug if you want this person to die--you do it". At some medical centers, they even order slow suffocation by turning down the number of breaths per minute one by one every half hour. Families don;t say anything because they have no comprehension of ventilators and blindly trust TMPTB.

You might want to think twice about "advanced directives" and talk to someone who knows what they imply before consenting to torture or murder.

ScalarWhaler ago

O.O I'm gonna guess you enjoy a stiff drink at the end of most workdays...

Laskar ago

I don't drink alcohol, smoke or do drugs.

Energizedbeardedpede ago

Holy Shit, this gets better and better at every turn. These assholes need to get caught

Freemasonsrus ago

They never called a code blue. No one was contacted in hospital when he died. No lifesaving attempts.