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Laskar ago

While their corporate headquarters are in Manhattan, Masterpiece International:!search/profile/company?companyId=66439155&targetid=profile

has other locations which are interesting like West Palm Beach and Miami Beach; places famous for all kinds of "cargo" so bypassing security is very convenient for them. Here is the list of offices:

The founder of this shipping outfit is David B. Epstein (his genealogy is scrubbed as it that of Jeffrey Epstein so I couldn't see if they might be actually related. Not much about David on the web, but there's this:

(Of course there are other David Epsteins like this guy: but that's another story. The middle initial is important.)

When I noticed that Masterpiece International has a business relationship with the largest shipping container firm in the world which is 49% owned by the govt of Israel, then it got interesting. You can see ZIM on this rate increase PDF from Masterpiece Intl:

and on this sample bill of lading (scroll down):

About ZIM:

ZIM is global, even has a port in Turkey:

Information that ZIM moved radioactive remains of WTC and sold this "steel" to China had been completely scrubbed, but most people have heard of them because they broke their lease to get out of the WTC before 9/11, losing $50K in the process.

The Zim-American Israeli Shipping Co. moved their North American headquarters from the 16th floor of the WTC to Norfolk, Virginia, one week before the 9/11 attacks (VIRGINIAN-PILOT, 9/4/2001). More than 200 workers had just been moved out; about ten were still in the building making final moving arrangements on 9/11, but escaped unharmed. (JERUSALEM POST, 9/13/2001; JOURNAL OF COMMERCE, 10/18/2001) There's a lot on that topic, but here's a link with documentation: When ZIM moved out of WTC, an Israeli moving company occupied their floors but escaped unharmed on the big day as well. [How many Muslim owned companies moved out of the WTC complex just before Sept. 11, 2001? 0]

A year later, ZIM was busted with US/Israeli weapons heading to Iran:

So, crime scene evidence, armaments, what else?

The closer to the top of the pyramid, the more interconnected it all is.

Don't forget that all major art transactions are highly suspect and that "modern art" which is a farce, at best, is without value but is great for money laundering. See Miles Mathis excellent paper on this topic here:

swordfish69 ago

My bet is that Masterpiece is involved with shipments for ArtBasel Miami, an event that I know Alefantis/DC ring regularly attends.

Laskar ago

It certainly looks like it. have another upvote

ASolo ago

I second that, and one for you as well.

Laskar ago

Thanks, and ditto.