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Jem777 ago

You have hit the motherload. Explaining how opium has been used to create wars for hundred of years tied directly to Yale the birthplace of Sull & Bones in the US.

For those who do not know a lot about drugs opium is heroin. It is processed from the poppy plant and 90% is grown in Afganistan/Pakistan. It is central in overthrowing governments.

Now the next processing step is taking Opium and creating phamecutical pain medication or opioids. This is one of the reasons the US cause of death has been moved to #1 for opioids. But is not legitimate patients who live with chronic pain.

The Pakistan ISI has infiltrated the US and works with a faction of the CIA where this is funneled into the US through these type of shipping services bypassing customs.

Once in the US many "pain clinics" will be set up under false pretenses and purposely set up people for addiction to create a vicious cycle.

swordfish69 ago

Exactly. Consider that the Aga Khan was at a previous Sackler/Art in Embassies event attended by Alefantis and Tony Podesta

ASolo ago

Which leads us to the templar rich mk-ultra and extortion network of private islands in the carribean:

Trudeau's Aga Khan island trip cost taxpayers $127,000

We all know Trudeau is an MK Kid.