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Laskar ago

Sorry, keyboard slip. Here is the post I made:

Globalist George Soros, puppet master in the world of the pedo elite, with the same rare genetic eye abnormality as Madeline McCann*, seems have the ability to reach into any government he chooses and exercise control through debt. Here is more on his connection to Kuschner, and, of course, the Rothschilds.

about the eye thing: [](

Here's the WSJ article:

"Kushner also failed to discloseloans totaling $1 billion from more than 20 lenders, the Journal reported." Source:

We already know that Soros supports Trump resistance, while in Trump's short time in office so far there have a record number of pedo arrests (reported on VOAT since the inauguration). Source for Soros supporting opposition to Trump:

Loans were arranged by Kushner companies president, Laurent Morali. Source: More on Morali:

We are seeing how far and wide Soros tentacles extend, but for that billion dollar loan, which was **concealed **by Kushner we see the lenders include: "Bank of America Corp., Blackstone Group LP, Citigroup Inc., UBS Group AG, Deutsche Bank AG, and Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC. " ( a veritable list of money launderers!) Source: WSJ article above, plus:

January 2017 on Cadre 250 million:

Soros was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1930 as Gyorgy Schwartz. When young Gyorgy Schwartz enrolled in the London School of Economics in 1947 he changed his surname to Soros. (question: how many Jews escaped being rounded up during WWII and suddenly had the money and travel papers to go to an elite /English school?) In 1956 Soros settled in NYC. George Soros then built his multi-billionaire international hedge fund called the Quantum Fund. Source:

George Soros is known for saving George Bush Jr from a 1990 bankruptcy. (how can you go bankrupt in the oil business in Texas?) Soros still works with Bush Sr. in the Carlyle Group, a powerful financial organization & international weapons dealer controlled by the Rothschilds who own Vickers Munitions.

Carlyle Group etc.


More Soros/Rothschild connections:

1) Richard Katz: Former head of Rothschild Italia and an officer of NM Rothschild & Sons in London. Katz is now a member of Soros’ Quantum Fund committee.

2) Nils Taube: Partner of the Rothschild investment group St James Place Capital which now belongs to Nathaniel Rothschild, son and heir of Jacob Rothschild. Taube is also a member of Soros’ “Quantum Fund.”

3) Michael Cicurel: Michael Cicurel. He is the manager of Rothschild’s Societe Generale Bank & has a seat on the board of Rothschild & Cie Banque.


Soros changed the name: