Laskar ago

I already posted these links, but it is always good to have a reminder. They were posted in the submission about McGowan's email fight with the pedo Satanist Michael Aquino. the fight was over McGowan's excellent series.

The late, great, Dave McGowan, author of several terrific books including "Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon: Laurel Canyon, Covert Ops & the Dark Heart of the Hippie Dream" (2014), also wrote his own pizzagate type research, well documented with dozens of sources.

It could be that, or any number of his truth exposing articles, that got him murdered.

It's a six part series called The Pedophocracy.

Part 1--mostly the Dutroux affair:,_Part_I:__From_Brussels..._ Part 2--Washington (and the role of technology in all this): http://whale.tob/pedophocracy.html#The_Pedophocracy,_Part_II:_..._to_Washington Part 3--"Uncle Sam wants your children" he mentions Aquino here:,_Part_III:_Uncle_Sam_Wants_Your_Children__ Part 4--about the McMartin case:,_Part_IV:_McMolestation__ Part 5--"it couldn't happen here":,_Part_V:_It_Couldnt_Happen_Here__ Part 6--"Finders Keepers":,_Part_VI:_Finders_Keepers__

He received an email from the Satanist Michael Aquino, which he referred to as "A Dialogue With the Devil". Here is the transcript:

Here is Dave's introduction: "On August 29, 2001, this journalist received an e-mail correspondence from a certain Lt. Col. Michael Aquino, informing me that he was none too pleased with the Pedophocracy series of articles. Go figure. The following is the complete text of the message that I received, interspersed with my responses (in red) to the points that Aquino attempts to make. This posting will serve as an open response, so to speak, to Aquino's correspondence. None of Aquino's comments have been edited and are presented here exactly as received, including the typos and misspellings."

Apparently it was Part 3 that got to Aquino (the subject heading of the email, as his name is mentioned within that part), who gets blasted with truth by Dave.

charmeuse ago

An incredible work in six parts. Read to fully realize what we are up against. No one tops MacGowan in my view. Sadly, he passed away from an aggressive form of cancer in 2015. He also goes into the laws on internet child pornography, which seem to have been made to protect the guilty. Points out that the FBI keeps statistics on stolen autos, but not missing children. The US is largest consumer of child pornography. From the Dutroux case in Brussels to Washington DC, Omaha, and beyond, the scope of this work is amazing.

umpteenth ago

Agreed, Dave McGowan was a giant. He is missed.