Silverlining ago

Someone might consider calling Stephany Holguin - the journalist - WDCW-TV Main Contact Phone Number (202)965-5050

She might be open to covering v/pizzagate. I've emailed to say she's been noticed here. She might have more info.

Saibra ago

Great idea! Thank you!

Silverlining ago

Criticalthinker615 ago

"Before christian went disappeared he had been exploited by some adults who had a child sex pornography ring," Michael said. "So nine months after he disappeared a DC detective who said was working with conjunction with the FBI was questioning me trying to find Christian and another group of boys to use as witnesses to solidify their case against these adults what's strange and scary is that he couldn't find any of these boys."


ReyaPhemhurth ago

Wow. You're a heated one, aren't you..

Criticalthinker615 ago

You are fucking right I am heated about "a pedophile ring " focused around Washington fucking d.c. that can murder with impunity. That doesn't piss you off? Or do you sympathize with the pedophiles?

ReyaPhemhurth ago

Random fanfiction where the writer says she write stories containing pedophilia/underage because "Christian Muse" told her so...tried reading the writer's profile...but it's crazy nonsense. Writer is 31 and claims to have split personalities and voices in her head and likes to write pedo stores (mostly wrestling...:/) Totally unrelated, but just a little coincidence.

ReyaPhemhurth ago

Christian Muse is mentioned in another article discussing the entire Missing DC girls issue:

carmencita ago

The statement from NCMEC is a joke. They will do nothing and we know it. They are the one's that are aiding and abetting this situation, especially in DC.

carmencita ago I posted this recently. Then there were the 200 missing kids in DC. It is so very sad. One good think I can report is that my friend who lives in Chicago called to tell me that her local news reported on the Missing kids in St Louis. This is what it will take. It gives me hope because it is a big city and I think it is spreading. I think things will start popping soon. We have to keep pushing. I asked my friend to call the station and thank them for the article. She did.

ReyaPhemhurth ago

This could just be a me the quotes given from his father....why did the writers of the article not capitalize Christian's name within the quotes themselves? They're capitalized within the narrative portion...but not in the father's quotes. I can understand the bad grammar, as it's a quote and people aren't perfect with how they speak...but it's not as if you can vocalize capital and lowercase letters. So...when transcribing a quote for an article and the father uses his son's name...why did they not capitalize it?

abcdefg222 ago

Seriously! And also why not ask about the pedo ring? What's the status of that case? Obviously connected to his disappearance.

Laskar ago

because: cover up

ReyaPhemhurth ago

Yeah....I thought that was a little weird. Maybe poor journalism?

Saibra ago

I have no idea, this is from a major news station in DC. But if you can overlook that, it's the contents that matter, not the grammar. It's about the kids after all.

Blacksmith21 ago

This is not a major DC news station. It is carried on local cable and OTA broadcast. It used to be the old Paramount network station way up on channel 50 on UHF, if anyone remembers that.

Saibra ago

Actually a lot of people I know remember channel 50. And does it really matter? It's a valid news story. Thanks for your input.

Balour ago

It does qualify as a legitimate news station though

Blacksmith21 ago

Yeah. It's small fry, from a news standpoint. They are part of this family. Which makes them a very legitimate business unit of a massive company - CBS. You can draw your own conclusions from there.

Edit 1: I thought on it for a few seconds and will rescind my comment about small fry. I've not seen much, if any news they have reported. I would assume national/entertainment etc. comes from internal services feeds. I have no idea about autonomy of reporting, local or otherwise. Or whether they are network or affiliate.

ReyaPhemhurth ago

I just thought it was weird. I wasn't trying to detract from the article. Because..yeah..if this is legit in anyway (which I assume partially, as you're saying it's from an actual local news station in' always DC...:/) It's definitely worth looking more into, especially as it might relate to PG. is a VERY vague article. There's no info about asking further into the entire pedo ring connection. I mean...the article is definitely worth noting and is also intriguing..but the article's author needs to take a lesson in better journalism...because the article has more questions than answers.

And if the lower-casing of his name within the dd's quotes is just an error on the author's part...then..yeah..he needs some writing lessons. :/ I'd expect more from a legit news station.

Saibra ago

A person above has added more articles about this if that will help you.

mooteensy ago

Another victim silenced

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Where does it say he was going to testify?

ReyaPhemhurth ago

Did you read the article? It doesn't use the word testify, but the father said:

"Before christian went disappeared he had been exploited by some adults who had a child sex pornography ring," Michael said. "So nine months after he disappeared a DC detective who said was working with conjunction with the FBI was questioning me trying to find Christian and another group of boys to use as witnesses to solidify their case against these adults what's strange and scary is that he couldn't find any of these boys."

Taken from the article....

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Who is the detective, who are the other missing boys, is there more info on what the father knows about the exploitation? So many questions...

A lacking article at least.

ReyaPhemhurth ago

I know...there's barely any info. The article reads like a normal missing persons article but then BAM, random quote from father about a pedo ring connection. Can we chalk it up to poor quality news journalism?

GuannaRue ago

No, this is a cover-up, plain and simple.

ReyaPhemhurth ago

A cover up in the sense that...?

GuannaRue ago's not poor journalism, it's a cover-up. Any reasonable person would have certain basic questions after hearing the dad's story. But, the JOURNALIST doesn't? Seems like this would be a great story for a real journalist.

ReyaPhemhurth ago

While I feel like I agree with you...when you use cover up..what are they covering up? Because they've brought up the pedo ring idea within the article by transcribing the dad's quotes. your opinion, what are they covering up?

Any clarification on your thoughts would be greatly appreciated. :)

GuannaRue ago

The dad said that he'd been trying to get the news stations to run the story and pretty much no one would touch it (why?). It seems like they (media) threw him a bone (by way of this pathetic excuse for journalism article) so that he would shut the fuck up about his missing/dead son.

ReyaPhemhurth ago

Wow. Yeah, that make's a lot of sense now. Thanks for clarifying. :)

GuannaRue ago

No problem :)

carmencita ago

What is going on? Why are people not paying attention to these stories? Is this boy and others just another face to them? They mean something to their parents and loved ones. I just don't know what it will take to shake people up.

pizzaequalspedo ago

This is such a sad world...:(

This type of thing should be on Fox News or NYT front page every week until this is solved.

carmencita ago

The sad thing is, they are also involved in it. I am hoping that it will blow up soon, but I have said that before. Let's hope I am right this time. The AP story coming out tomorrow may be helpful.

Littleredcorvette ago

It will take communication with the public. They have never heard these stories. Media and law enforce have covered up these stories for years. Share the story with the public.

Laskar ago

the same corporate media which owns VOAT and Reddit

carmencita ago

I have. They don't want to hear it. They don't believe it. I will send this out to friends and see what happens, but usually they say, Oh, DC, yeah. Like they expect it to happen there. Well so what, the point is it should not happen anywhere. Duh.

Saibra ago

A whole group of boys go missing that were witnesses against the adults in the child pornography ring. Why didn't this raise a red flag? First I've heard of this.

abcdefg222 ago

I finally found another article on this case. Says the father has been begging the media to cover the story.

Muse shares, “NBC 4 is the only television channel that even covered this. On November 8, 2013, we held a candlelight vigil to try to draw some attention to this, reporter Shomari Stone was there and NBC showed 48 seconds of it. We have reached out to all of the local news outlets and no one else has shown an interest. We thought that Fox 5 would have done something. I have done everything that I can think of including exhausting my 401K for the $10,000 to put up for reward money.”

“About 9 months after Christian went missing, a DC police detective, in conjunction with the FBI, contacted me. He was looking for Christian for information regarding a child pornography ring that had exploited him and other under aged boys. I got word that some of them were missing too. They had a list of boys that they were trying to find for information. When I gave that information to the P.G. County detective in charge of the case, to my surprise, nothing came of it. I thought that certainly it would have blown the lid off the entire case,” Muse adds.

abcdefg222 ago


“Kids were being paid to have sex, and it was posted on the internet. Christian participated willingly,” said his father, “but he was a minor at the time, so that’s child pornography.”

Michael was confident that the information from authorities would put questions about Christian’s whereabouts to rest and give Michael the peace of conclusion, but it just created more mystery and fear. It was especially frightening, he said, that “they couldn’t find any of the boys in the videos. They had all disappeared.”