hojuruku ago

Here is the OTO getting children down the road from that child care centre they owned where all the abuse happened in victoria do draw satanic art: https://www.facebook.com/collective777/photos/a.538970999457551.1073741828.538917802796204/945688612119119/?type=3

hojuruku ago

These pedophiles are still suing and jailing people in Australia. I have videos of them admitting they drink blood, and semen and include children in their child sex magick ceremonies.

@Piscina Those videos will be presented by Laywer Matyn Ilnes of the Australian Christian Lobby against David Bottrill and his pedophile gang in the case of John Sunol vs David Bottrill. See what's going on in the videos here. The OTO is the religion of homomsexual and child sex magick. It's prophet Alister Crowley publishes poems about sodomizing children and killed his own son, that's why he was sent to the madhouse. Also the legg and devine kidnapping you speak of has been ruled unconstitional illegall action as the VCAT tribunal had no jurisdiction in NSW according ot the NSW Supreme Court of Appeals. Donate to BernardGaynor.com.au to win in the high court against the OTO's pro-bono lawyers who jailed legg and devine (piac.asn.au).






I am the new webmaster for lukesarmy.com and when I finish writing up affdavits to support John Sunol I'll bring back the site hosted in Russia. A lot of my posts have been being deleted from the moderators / BO that seem pro faggorty. This proves the OTO is the religion of anal sex sodomy. The videos proving they drink blood and include children will come out later.


Birdzeyeview ago


Chatman ago

Well written and sourced. The difficulty selling this will stem from the unrealness of the facts and the inherent trust people have in "reputable organisations". People who don't question and don't want to rock the ship might have trouble with this

Jem777 ago

The OTO is the epitome of Luceferian worship. Enough said