Laskar ago

The original post on this:

Bill Nye, an entertainer posing as a scientist (though he will not ever debate a real scientist) has defended planned parent hood's sale of organs, and any sort of sex perversion as being normal, has now come out of mothballs to promote an even sicker agenda.

Source: Bill Nye's logic: "Rape, murder and pedophilia should be legal because 'You can't tell people what to do!' ":

He is a staunch defender of "Climate Change" and is afraid of facing anyone who is a real scientist: "Why does debate scare Bill Nye?" @2:09:

He has a new show on Netflix called "Bill Nye Saves the World".

Here is a video about a vanilla ice cream being persuaded to participate in a multi sex orgy:

And here is one which really pushes "anything goes". In this song, where the lyrics say, "sexuality is a spectrum, everybody is on it", there are the following lines:

[sex] "with a sad clown skyping in the moonlight" "damn Skippy, home slice sing it with me all night" "sex how you want it's your goddamn right"**

Here is the source: the captioned video: "My Sex Junk--Rachel Bloom--Bill Nye Saves the World":

As a post script of sorts: Does anyone else think this video has strange overtones?:

Laskar ago

It was only a matter of time before the repeat/redundant posts crop up. Original post:

Bill Nye, an entertainer posing as a scientist (though he will not ever debate a real scientist) has defended planned parent hood's sale of organs, and any sort of sex perversion as being normal, has now come out of mothballs to promote an even sicker agenda.

Source: Bill Nye's logic: "Rape, murder and pedophilia should be legal because 'You can't tell people what to do!' ":

He is a staunch defender of "Climate Change" and is afraid of facing anyone who is a real scientist: "Why does debate scare Bill Nye?" @2:09:

He has a new show on Netflix called "Bill Nye Saves the World".

Here is a video about a vanilla ice cream being persuaded to participate in a multi sex orgy:

And here is one which really pushes "anything goes". In this song, where the lyrics say, "sexuality is a spectrum, everybody is on it", there are the following lines:

[sex] "with a sad clown skyping in the moonlight" "damn Skippy, home slice sing it with me all night" "sex how you want it's your goddamn right"**

Here is the source: the captioned video: "My Sex Junk--Rachel Bloom--Bill Nye Saves the World":

As a post script of sorts: Does anyone else think this video has strange overtones?:

JustObserving ago

Look at the Like/Dislike-Ratio on the video. Quite telling how people feel about this.

HollandDrive ago

Yeah, "kiss my ass" originated w/ kissing the devil's ass, so, here we are. The popularity of "twerking" shows we're stage two or three maybe, terminal.

Something's got to give.

4warned ago

Thanks for this @cantsleepawink , such a disturbing video. Have cancelled our Netflix acct.

tinytank ago

"Damn skippy, homeslice" ?? ...............

Laskar ago

See the original VOAT post:

Bill Nye, an entertainer posing as a scientist (though he will not ever debate a real scientist) has defended planned parent hood's sale of organs, and any sort of sex perversion as being normal, has now come out of mothballs to promote an even sicker agenda.

Source: Bill Nye's logic: "Rape, murder and pedophilia should be legal because 'You can't tell people what to do!' ":

He is a staunch defender of "Climate Change" and is afraid of facing anyone who is a real scientist: "Why does debate scare Bill Nye?" @2:09:

He has a new show on Netflix called "Bill Nye Saves the World".

Here is a video about a vanilla ice cream being persuaded to participate in a multi sex orgy:

And here is one which really pushes "anything goes". In this song, where the lyrics say, "sexuality is a spectrum, everybody is on it", there are the following lines:

[sex] "with a sad clown skyping in the moonlight" "damn Skippy, home slice sing it with me all night" "sex how you want it's your goddamn right"**

Here is the source: the captioned video: "My Sex Junk--Rachel Bloom--Bill Nye Saves the World":

As a post script of sorts: Does anyone else think this video has strange overtones?:

FE_Rebekah ago

I know right, wtf

imkhan ago

I'm having trouble processing this. I had to stop half way through.

FE_Rebekah ago

One YouTuber commented this his eyes were hurting from all the illuminati coming out at him. I have to agree. There is something severely damaging about these videos, especially if you aren't "awake" enough to notice the programming and symbolism. I shudder to think of the masses consuming this, ESPECIALLY children.

The_Crux ago

Just checked his bio to see where he was born and spent his childhood because I was thinking probably DC. Sure enough, he was.

FE_Rebekah ago

I've actually seen varying reports of his upbringing.. not sure which to believe..

cantsleepawink ago

That's interesting.

ReyaPhemhurth ago

I hate how divisive politics have become. The corruption at the top is really keeping us divided with this shit. See.....this is MY opinion (again..just an opinion, just as everyone else has an opinion too)..I get it. We live in America...there's that age old banner of us having freedom and our ability to do what we want with our lives. Personally....I don't give a crap if people are attracted to the same sex, opposite sex or both. It's their life...not mine. Whatever. None of my business. I wouldn't want anyone trying to meddle in that area of my'm not going to.

But......MY. FUCKING. GOD. These new genders....ALL THE FUCKING LABELS. It's driving me nuts. All this pushing and pushing and pushing. It's no different than how pissed I'd feel when religious zealots push their ideology.

Just let people live their lives. Seriously. Stop with the labels. I saw a Time article that featured all these new genders. WHAT. THE. ACTUAL. FUCK. I'm not going to lie...I'm an atheist...and have moderate views that may lean towards the left. But I'm so irritated with these hipster, well-to-do college kids who cry hardship and oppression and will write stupid cringe rap songs and will hold picket signs...and for what? If you were to ask them, "Realistically....what do you want us to do about your gender oppression?" They'd have no answer. Just live your who you want to like...whatever. Stop being upset at being labeled and at the same time continue to parade around fighting to have a new gender label!

It reminds me of women that want to outlaw cat-calling. As a woman...I can see how cat-calling is corny as hell and isn't polite/is annoying. And I can get that a woman would feel uncomfortable by it...but seriously...there's no fucking way to legislate something like that. Just in the hell are you going to be able to legislate a million new 'genders'.

Aaaagghh.....this video made my blood boil. And fuck Bill Nye. Now that it's more profitable to be a celebrity, he chose that route. instead of classroom VHS scientist.

V____Z ago

George Soros' entire MO is divide and conquer. He just invested heavily in Netflix, and now they put out this crap, as well as "Hey, White People" and some show about cannibalism with Drew Barrymore normalizing it.

Soros and the Dems are behind this divisiveness, the use of labels and whining about nonsense, with the support of their media.

You can rally se e the pure evil behind the powers that be in this video clip. And she's wearing lightning bolts on her costume, which I believe has to do with satanism.

ReyaPhemhurth ago

It's so true! I agree with what you've mentioned about Netflix and their choices for 'Netflix Originals'. But..again...I don't think this is just Soros and 'The Dems'. Saying that it's 'the dems' and 'the dems' alone is still buying into the side choosing. This corrupt, terrible, evil-doing is on both sides. But they give you the illusion that we have sides or political parties that are noble, good, just and are there to fight for us, our values and everything we hold dear.

But....I really think it's all a sham to keep up picking sides. Because picking sides blurs our vision and our ability to focus on finding the real truth. And the real truth is there are no 'dems' or 'repubs'. There is just good and bad. They....the ones that want you to think it's the fault of the dems....and those on the opposite side that have others thinking that all republicans are evil....THOSE people are all one group. THEY are the bad we need to try and fight.

And with how I see so many people with so many differing views on here that are able to set aside their left or right's proof that people can get beyond the division and be in the group of 'good' people that are looking for actual truth and justice.

I appreciate your post! :)

V____Z ago

I'm actually a Bernie voter, and don't really see one side as being innocent by any means, but Soros is really known for using division specifically, that's what i was trying to call attn to. I don't see the GOP always stirring up bs about race and sexual preferences, etc. It's the Dems who are being ridiculous, and it's all Soros behind what i'm seeing. He doesn't support the GOP AFAIK. Though he does have the ear of Ivanka's husband.

ReyaPhemhurth ago

Right on. It's always those little things that prove that both parties are laughing and bumping elbows like brothers from different mothers. The fact that these sides always perpetuate a common hatred of each other, but also share some corrupt and spooky's just proof! It makes me so sick to my stomach that the masses just can't stop with the politics and just agree to effing disagree and move on to real problems that could potentially be solved with common ground and understanding.

We need more woke folk to rise up and put a stop to the real corruption.

Thanks again for the post! :)

V____Z ago

Thank you! And if I'm reading your comments correctly, you won't hate me for sharing this

sunshine702 ago

And Purple. Same as Hillary's Imperial Purple Lapel suit.

V____Z ago

Oh yeah, that's soros again, he's behind the "purple revolution".

DonKeyhote ago

Meanwhile in ISRAEL they love diversity so much that a jew cant marry a gentile

HillBoulder ago

The best comment on YouTube was "after watching this I immediately became a Trump supporter". The video had 550 likes as opposed to 35000 dislikes. I hope they keep rolling out shit like this it seems to be working in our favor

zeethus4 ago

Its already got 48000 dislikes now lol. They are just going to bury themselves deeper and deeper, the more they try push this garbage out in the entertainment media.

HillBoulder ago

I fucking hope so good grief

Takeitslow ago

Is it just me or does her outfit look like she has the nazi sig rune all over her outfit.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Gerard Depardieu was a 10 year prostitute in France, so yah for real on that pedo agenda.

redditsuckz ago

Song by Anti-humanist (((Rachel Bloom))).

Bill Nye Saves the World Executive Producer (((Gil Goldschein)))

(((They))) really do hate you with a seething passion....

HollandDrive ago


OhRutherfordBehave ago

My god how can they put this on a science show? WTF did I just watch???

djklbd ago

He is ruining his career with this shit

Laskar ago

What career? being a science comedian?

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Lol Lol Lol, My Sex Junk.

ReyaPhemhurth ago

AssFaceSanwhich II We meet again....

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Tell me sweetie, how do we know each other?

ReyaPhemhurth ago

Twas many moon ago. You posted a picture of the great monitor lizard upon my monitor...

AssFaceSandwich2 ago

Ah, got it.

HollandDrive ago

He is a total tool of the World Shadow Government. A puppet. This clip is beyond insane. Are we sure this particular clip was aimed toward children, or "all audiences"?

Laskar ago

Yes, we are sure.

crashing_this_thread ago

This is supposedly ment for adults, but the show is poorly written that you'd think it was for kids. It's incredibly patronizing and there is very little science being discussed. Bill Nye is simply making claims through out the episode and doing some 6th grade science experiments to seem like he knows anything. He kept bringing these incredibly obnoxious guests that where just youtube personalities with no expertise on anything that was such an obvious attempt at pandering towards teenagers. I learned nothing from the show. It is some of the most cringe inducing garbage I have ever seen. It reminded me of how fake and obnoxious the media is in the Hunger Games.

HollandDrive ago

He is a NASA gatekeeper shill. I know this.

Hopevoats ago

I believe that they become "possessed" by whatever these entities are. Look at so many of these entertainers and politicians and you can see a change in their appearance and demeanor. It's as though we are watching body snatchers in action. I'm terrified!

HollandDrive ago

One of Satan's many descriptions is Apollyon, meaning "destroyer."

ScientiaPotentia ago

10 years ago I would have called you crazy for that comment, but I now see what you mean.

Hopevoats ago

10 years ago I wondered if I was going crazy. That's exactly how long I've been researching this hell on earth.

As a childhood sexual abuse victim and an "alien abduction" experiencer, I'm used to keeping things to myself and being ridiculed for believing in things like this.

Even I thought David Icke was "out there", but his bravery, intelligence, and persistence has stuck with me. Now, I am starting to think that he is right.

ScientiaPotentia ago

There is a pretty good argument that alien abduction and child abuse are linked to SRA. I don't know really anything about this topic so please don't take my word for it. I read an article that hypothesized that SRA cults were implanting alien abduction memories in people to cover their abuse. In case the person remembers the experience later in life no one will believe them. It's just a theory but it seems plausible and would explain the trauma associated with the experience.

Hopevoats ago

I've considered that. My first abduction experiences coincided with an epidemic of livestock mutilations and widespread speculation of Satanic Cult Activity. The things that happened seemed too high-tech to be perpetrated by the garden variety "Devil Worshipers" who were initially blamed. Looking back, I am inclined to believe that it could have been government activity, combined with SRA and MK ULTRA and/or could have been actual ETs working with these groups.

My biggest takeaway, from the first experience forward, was that we cannot trust what we think is reality, and we can never truly comprehend the nature of existence with our human brains. They were terrifying experiences; and I have PTSD and some dissociative affect from them; but I'm glad for the eye-opening that I got. It was actually a gift from one of the beings that I could be shown a bit of the reality. Thank goodness it didn't break my mind, because it was intense! I remember the experience, but not the information. It sucks to think that someone could have been tinkering around in my brain...

ScientiaPotentia ago

I remember the experience

Please tell me about it. I am a scientist, but I study the occult. I am looking for the truth in all things. I am a skeptic and don't believe anything without evidence. However, I believe that something strange is happening that I can't explain. I don't dismiss what has happened to people. There must be some explanation however improbable, however seemingly unreal. As a physicist I know the truth is far stranger than fiction. My real question isn't how; it's why?

Hopevoats ago

I should clarify that I remember the experiences as I remember them. Whether or not they are real or implanted memories, I couldn't say. I do know that the memories are quite intense, and that I have a strong physical and emotional reaction to certain triggers.

If you are interested, I created a blog to document my experiences: Bugmonsters at

In that post, there is a link to the FBI files regarding the livestock mutilations. I wasn't old enough to read when it took place, but the articles depict the unreal nature of what took place, as I recall.

It's very cool that you are a physicist! I'm scientifically minded, and always wished that I had what it takes to be a physicist. I try to remain objective in light of my experiences, and it's refreshing to not be dismissed. In addition to the things written about in that blog post, I have also had a lifetime of paranormal experiences; many of which involved witnesses and physical objects. Every day that goes by makes me more and more open to the hypothesis that we are living in some sort of hologram or multiverse. There was a time when educated people mocked me for suggesting this; so I'm happy that science is beginning to open up to these concepts.

Ultimately, I don't see a conflict between believing in the occult and physics. The only missing link is the distance between what's real and what we currently understand to be real. And science continues to explore only because of this gap.

My real question isn't how; it's why?

I used to give a lot of thought to the question of "why", but the more answers I think I've found the more expansive the question becomes. If we take it as far as we are a prison planet for an inter-dimensional race of evil Archons (just as an example), then we'd naturally have to wonder about the dynamic beyond our galaxy.

In my blog, I described the feeling of being shown the nature of everything (or maybe "Divine Knowledge"?). It was immediately apparent to me that the construct of my human brain was not equipped to comprehend it. Just like a lab rat can't understand why they are being experimented upon, I don't believe we can fully understand "why". I think that's why religion, the occult, and the paranormal are so intriguing; because it offers the hope that we may be able to transcend the limitations that our physical framework places upon our soul.

When I zoom out in space and time, my existence becomes infinitely small. Here, I find a brief moment of peace in knowing that I may never know why.

Sorry for the stream of thought.

Takeitslow ago

I laughed at Icke 15 years ago. He even said 2016/2017 the whole house of cards was coming down. He said child rape is the "thread" that holds the NWO sweater together. Once that thread is pulled everything will unravel. He also said the scope of child trafficking and rape is on a scale unimaginable. Politicians, actors, musicians, the top of the top of society are all involved. He said it's the biggest scandal and covert up in human history, the rape and sacrifice of children. Everyone will be effected when this comes out.

I thought he was a shill, mix some truth with crazy Pedo stuff. Well, I listen to Icke a bit closer now. He's been warning us since th 1990s. Millions of children have been murdered and raped while people laughed at this man. And we wonder why survivors don't speak out.

Here is a strong social program to laugh at those who are different, this habit must end.

cantsleepawink ago

The rating for his program is PG-13 which means they know that younger children will watch it too.

Edit: Program rating quoted in this Vice interview with Nye:

HollandDrive ago

From the Nye interview (below). What an evil POS.

Well, yeah. It's PG-13—it's "kid-fascinating." People of all ages want to talk about sex.

HollandDrive ago

Very sly of them.

sugarskull ago

Not to mention a complete 180 from his other show the science guy (where he claimed chromosomes defined gender)....SCIENCE GUY HE IS NOT!!!!

Laskar ago

Original VOAT post:

Bill Nye, an entertainer posing as a scientist (though he will not ever debate a real scientist) has defended planned parent hood's sale of organs, and any sort of sex perversion as being normal, has now come out of mothballs to promote an even sicker agenda.

Source: Bill Nye's logic: "Rape, murder and pedophilia should be legal because 'You can't tell people what to do!' ":

He is a staunch defender of "Climate Change" and is afraid of facing anyone who is a real scientist: "Why does debate scare Bill Nye?" @2:09:

He has a new show on Netflix called "Bill Nye Saves the World".

Here is a video about a vanilla ice cream being persuaded to participate in a multi sex orgy:

And here is one which really pushes "anything goes". In this song, where the lyrics say, "sexuality is a spectrum, everybody is on it", there are the following lines:

[sex] "with a sad clown skyping in the moonlight" "damn Skippy, home slice sing it with me all night" "sex how you want it's your goddamn right"**

Here is the source: the captioned video: "My Sex Junk--Rachel Bloom--Bill Nye Saves the World":

As a post script of sorts: Does anyone else think this video has strange overtones?:

tinytank ago

jewish propaganda agent he is !!!

leaveperiods ago

Lmao yessssss

RhymesWithPizza ago

This is so disgusting. At this point there's no need in disguising this shit agenda into music anymore. It's so blatant, anyone can see the attempt to associate the destructive globalist agenda with SCIENCE. This Bill Nye guy is killing his career with this.

redditsuckz ago

"My Sex Junk" by (((Rachel Bloom)))

Executive Producer = (((Gil Goldschein)))

I would like to point your attention to someone who may be invested in causing chaos in the political/streaming video realm to push an agenda.

(((George Soros)))

"Soros Fund Management Is Betting on Netflix"

(((George Soros))) funded by (((The Rothschilds)))


V____Z ago

Seriously, there needs to be a post highlighting this connection. I literally just wrote this same sentiment in a comment above.

MeeestaTraumaLlama ago

Skippy reference? Can you quote? Sorry, I missed it.

Laskar ago

Here it is in the original VOAT post about this:

Bill Nye, an entertainer posing as a scientist (though he will not ever debate a real scientist) has defended planned parent hood's sale of organs, and any sort of sex perversion as being normal, has now come out of mothballs to promote an even sicker agenda.

Source: Bill Nye's logic: "Rape, murder and pedophilia should be legal because 'You can't tell people what to do!' ":

He is a staunch defender of "Climate Change" and is afraid of facing anyone who is a real scientist: "Why does debate scare Bill Nye?" @2:09:

He has a new show on Netflix called "Bill Nye Saves the World".

Here is a video about a vanilla ice cream being persuaded to participate in a multi sex orgy:

And here is one which really pushes "anything goes". In this song, where the lyrics say, "sexuality is a spectrum, everybody is on it", there are the following lines:

[sex] "with a sad clown skyping in the moonlight" "damn Skippy, home slice sing it with me all night" "sex how you want it's your goddamn right"**

Here is the source: the captioned video: "My Sex Junk--Rachel Bloom--Bill Nye Saves the World":

As a post script of sorts: Does anyone else think this video has strange overtones?:

cantsleepawink ago

Around the 1:55 mark, she raps 'Damn Skippy, home slice, Sing it with me all night'. The video has subtitles. May not be a reference to our own Skippy but because of the context and content of this video it made me think of 'you know who'..

And slice...slice of what?

carmencita ago

Someone replied to me yesterday, a slice of pizza.

cantsleepawink ago


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