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Vindicator ago

@pizzagate_crusader: First of all, you are attempting a serious violation of the Voat User Agreement, which states:


These guidelines are intended to keep people safe, protect kids, keep Voat running, and to encourage personal responsibility for what you do on Voat. You must:

Keep Everyone Safe:

You agree to not intentionally jeopardize the health and safety of others or yourself.

Keep Personal Information Off Voat:

You agree to not post anyone's sensitive personal information that relates to that person's real world or online identity.

Secondly, this post is chock full of unsourced, unverified, or purely speculative claims, such as

EPSTEIN Kim was raised in Palm Beach County. Maybe they were neighbors!?

NCMEC I have not completed this connection yet.... Andy Holleman to Kim Holleman, but they have the same last name

I can't find it now, but psychanaut definitely made a comment about NASA/occult when she supposedly learned about it.

This is just disgustingly irresponsible. We have had at least three users of this subverse, all of whom were publishing material doing real damage to those we are investigating threatened into silence by James Alefantis or his goons because they were doxxed and thrown under the bus by their fellow Voaters. It's one thing to have concerns. It's another thing to destroy another user's reputation and potentially put them in danger based on suspicions, potential leads, similar names, or whatever but NO ACTUAL EVIDENCE.

The responsible approach would have been to DM mods with these concerns. The fact you did not do that shows a grave lack of concern for your fellow investigators and respect for this forum and in fact makes your motives HIGHLY questionable.

Removing per Rule 2 and banning per the Voat User Agreement.

Psychanaut ago


PizzagateBot ago

We have had at least three users of this subverse, all of whom were publishing material doing real damage to those we are investigating threatened into silence by James Alefantis or his goons because they were doxxed and thrown under the bus by their fellow Voaters.

This is moot because Kim already associates her name with PG research through MIT Media Lab Quora articles.

That's like saying you can doxx someone by publishing their facebook username because they already associated it with their real identity and put it in a public space. It's ridiculous.

The definition of doxxing is releasing private personally identifying information into a public space.

Since their name and association with PG is already in a public space, doxxing would consist of say releasing their phone number or their address or other personal information.

Vindicator ago

The Voat User Agreement states "Keep Personal Information off Voat: You agree to not post anyone's sensitive personal information that relates to that person's real world or online identity." It does not specify telephone numbers or address.

You are a fool if you think it is "moot" that numerous people who have effectively exposed Pizzagate perps have been stalked and silenced. Who gives two shits if the "how" fits your technical definition of doxing? The reality is that you and @pizzagate_crusader have just made it exponentially less likely that victims lurking on this site with real information to share will feel safe enough to do so. It has been made abundantly clear that anyone with information that gets serious traction can expect to have every fucking comment they've ever made anywhere scoured, archived, cross-referenced to any suspect in a Google search with the same name, geographic area, alma matter, employer and have it all blasted across the Internet for any abuser from their past to find, all while being called a shill and perp themselves.

Moot. Unfuckingbelievable. Is this just a game to you? Jesus.

PizzagateBot ago

numerous people who have effectively exposed Pizzagate perps have been stalked and silenced.

All I meant is that it is not even remotely a fair comparison to an anonymous voat user who does not have already have an online persona. Calm the fuck down.

Vindicator ago

Every Voat user "already has on online personality." Few people police their comments to the level of perfect sanitization -- an expectation of self-censorship that is antithetical on Voat, anyway. Your copypasta stalking has made it quite clear what people are in for. You've done no favors for v/pizzagate. Your inability to see this is amazing.

What if Psychanaut came forward because of inside knowledge or is a victim? What if that information could confirm everything you suspect about MIT?

PizzagateBot ago

Every Voat user "already has on online personality." Few people police their comments to the level of perfect sanitization -- an expectation of self-censorship that is antithetical on Voat, anyway.

You miss the point, again. Anyway, you are now comparing doxxing someone through data mining their comments for enough bits of data to build a profile for identifying or at least narrowing down who that person is, to making a connection to someones identity because of how they obviously promote a specific author and how they comment like they are that author. Completely unfair comparison.

What if Psychanaut came forward because of inside knowledge or is a victim? What if that information could confirm everything you suspect about MIT?

Oh fuck off, gimme a break. You didn't even think that through. That would be fucking stupid to do through an account that you already use to heavily promote PG articles you wrote yourself, in which you associate yourself with MIT Media Lab specifically. You don't get to work with MIT Media Lab if you are that dumb.

Calm your tits there cheese dick.