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Whattheheck321 ago

How does this debunk it? Not saying it's true but still. People calling it spam and saying debunked in big letters is as bad as calling comet pizza storynfake news with no proof. Prob is fake but geez let's find out for sure either way

equineluvr ago

Did you bother to even look at the "headlines" on that site? It's obviously a BS site!

Northern_Soul ago



* (unmasking the beast)

Shill No 2 @equineluvr - A "Big Bully" and a "General Asshole"

* (attacking violently)

* (different attack same story)

* ( and again, this one made me giggle)

Boys..... Who is equineluvr?? A horse lover who is a gay actor, I'm on fire.!!!!

Debunk this.....

Fightforright ago

I too have had trouble with Equineluvr.......they are always sympathizing with pedophiles.

DarkMath ago

Northern_Soul I ain't no shill. I'm skeptical of the disappearing Trey Gowdy investigators because the Neon Nettle runs stories on space aliens. There's only one other site that also mentions the story and it's been suspected of Fake News for a while now.

So you have no foundation to your argument I'm a shill. Do you know how much time I've spent chasing down these bull shit stories? Don't ask.

I will be the first to apologize to you if this Trey Gowdy story turns out to be true. But until more people report on it the story is like 100 other fake news bull shit stories put out there.

Sorry, I don't make the rules.


DarkMath ago

"This ain't Neon Nettle...."

Thanks for not busting my balls. Thank you for the usapoliticstoday link. I'll keep an eye on it. I didn't see the names of the two investigators who disappeared. Are their names known?

Also Northern_Soul regarding you thinking I'm a shill. If you look through my comments you'll find:

1) I'm a 9/11 Truther. I also believe:

a. Waco was the CIA closing shop on one of its business interests

b. the Oklahoma bombing was done by the government

c. the Boston Marathon bombing was augmented by government employees who's last names were not Tsarniev.

d. Sandy Hook was a hoax designed to generate public outrage needed for an assault weapons ban

e. And many many more............would a shill believe all those things?

2) I think if the Deep State isn't taken down we'll have a Civil War.

3) I think George H.W. Bush is an unrepentant Nazi and is the Anti-Christ although I may be wrong about the former.
