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TrishaUK ago

I can't take this - Two Of Trey Gowdy's Investigators Are Missing - I hope they are found safely, now there are multiple reports of this and it does not sound promising! :'0 too many anti-Clinton/Podesta/Soros people ending up dead! Praying they are safe. - - Source: Natasha Channel For Wellness Truth Trump News - LOVE Chaffetz and Gowdy!

Northern_Soul ago

Stay strong Trish, our glory will come. Joining you in Prayer now..

awarenessadventurer ago

this is fascinating. deserves its own thread. Please do get more eyes on this and start a new thread on this subject....

srayzie ago

Don't bother. I posted it today because there were a lot of news sites posting it. I didn't know it was fake news. God forbid. A bunch of haters started being rude as usual. Nobody has the decency here to let someone know nicely. It's easy to be a jerk when their hiding behind their computer screens.

YingYangMom ago

Hey, I know exactly how you feel, but don't let it get to you. We need to have tough skin here and move on. Just ignore their bullying tactics and be on your way. I assure you, a lot more people than you think are awake and see the shill posts. Don't give up the fight, I stand with you.

srayzie ago

Thank you. I really appreciate that.

YingYangMom ago

Anytime :)

MightyJoe ago

It's not FAKE NEWS until it's been investigated thoroughly, read the comment sections at the bottom. The people are decent, honest people. Looks real to me.


srayzie ago

You had a very good comment yesterday about the mind being a powerful thing. Now you call me a liar because you couldn't find an article? Come on.

Northern_Soul ago

I read the very post your referring to and unfortunately, you got trolled. There is a new strain out there... But, luckily, I documented their every move.

Fancy collaborating?? Kill two birds with one stone.

srayzie ago

Do you mean trolled with the news link? Or by the douche Mightyjoe who called me a liar? What did you document?

srayzie ago

I deleted it. That's why you don't see it. Lying? Chill out.

mooteensy ago

@srayzie I like your style

srayzie ago

Lol why?

equineluvr ago

A thread was already started on it (yesterday, I believe). It was debunked because it is a bullshit story.

TrishaUK is another one who falls for every BS story that comes down the pike.

TrishaUK ago

You at it again 'horselover?' tut tut tut, the ever ready motormouth.... Glad I blocked you!

Northern_Soul ago

I wouldn't have to manage my anger, if people could learn to manage their stupidity. Thank you for revealing who you really are. The art of trolling is very simple and you failed miserably.

For you @equineluvr

@awarenessadventurer @TrishaUK @pedodestroyer @contrarianism @srayzie

YingYangMom ago

Have been suspecting them both for a while now...

srayzie ago

I didn't know that! My gosh, these people are sick!

Two men working for the congressional committee headed by Trey Gowdy have mysteriously disappeared somewhere in the Little Rock, Arkansas area. According to phone records, the men were headed into the area with congressional subpoenas to search the private residence attached to the William Jefferson Clinton Presidential Library.

The men, whose identities will remain classified until it can be CONFIRMED that foul play was involved, were employees of the federal government under private contract to investigate the Clintons. What they were looking for is also classified. Their vehicle was found in a rest area just outside of town with the keys in it.

The Justice Department has assigned special investigators in order to keep the case out of the hands of the FBI, which has obviously been compromised. The Clintons haven’t returned requests for a statement.

equineluvr ago