Are_we_sure ago

You're just swimming in a pool of confirmation bias. Why do the words pasta and cheese trigger your spidey sense? Let's face it. You want to believe all this.

You just know Beanie Babies must really shady, sinister even. You are telling yourself a story. Confirmation bias is something we are all prone to, it a cognitive shortcut our brain takes some times.

Breitbart was known to be in poor health, they are video where they are doing a rememberance of him with close friends and one says they never suspected any foul play because Breitbart had a heart attack not too long before his death and his doctor told him to calm down and relax more and he didn't do it.

Breitbart's tweets from years ago have zero to do with pizzagate. They have to do with James O'Keefe's stunt video.

Go ahead give that Marina Abramovic documentary a try. Look up pasta with walnut sauce. Try to find a source for the "FBI pedo code" prior to to 2016.

MiikoKiiko ago

He won't defend himself because the accusations are true, and he is proud, arrogant, and a pervert who believes he and his ilk are protected by the powers that be.

Amino69 ago

Boy o' boy that has rattled my cage! The hubris of this guy is off the scale and this can only mean that he KNOWS he's untouchable within the framework of power where he resides.

As already stated here, most people just don't have the faculties to research and process something as monumental as Pizzagate let alone the time and motivation. This is the greatest hurdle for our community and the reason why the Establishment is winning. They can convince the sheep far more easily than us as they have decades of generational brain washing in the bank. Just put it in the MSM that something is antithetical to a dissident idea and the vast majority of people will drink it up and defend it as if it were a religion. And that's what the media has done to people, turned them into disciples.

I'll admit that I'm getting impatient and increasingly demoralised and angry but I believe we may have passed the peak with this investigation and will continue to plateau for a while before we start to shrink as a community and become a fringe band.

We have to be honest with ourselves and it may take a couple of slaps round the face for this to set in but it's indisputable. The first fact is Trump has now well and truly shown his hand and it's that of a Zionist agent (not buying this 8D chess BS, it's gimmicky!) He and the entire US Gov will not bring this down as they are IT and there is no other cadre on the planet that can threaten the Judeo Masonic Cabal. They own and run the majority of Global Establishment security and can not be beaten.

The other fact is, in light of the first we have no other option than to take the law into our own hands. The majority of us on here probably already appreciate this or would at least acquiesce to the idea. So what to do? I don't have the answer currently as it's beyond my life experience and knowledge to even fathom how it could be done but I am sure that it's our only option and I relate it also to the broad issue of our increasing global oppression under what one day will be a World Communist State.

We can't defeat them conventionally and we can't love them into submission so it's guerilla warfare tactics and it doesn't get nastier than that. Time is now absolutely critical as we won't be stronger than we are now. Thoughts on what to do next?

anonOpenPress ago

However "nice" or "important", this submission has somehow reach pole position on Daily Top vote count - still it does not help our investigations to any direction.

DarkMath ago

"Agent No 1 @DarkMath - A "Podesta sympathizer" & "paid worker""

Podesta sympathizer? Me? DarkMath? Holy fuck, you didn't go look through my comments. That's ok:

Norther_Soul had you done a little research you'd discover I hate John Podesta with the heat of a 1000 Suns. My intense desire to see John Podesta finally meet up with the justice he so richly deserves is probably the only reason I'm here.

I have a constant argument going on in my head about whether George H.W. Bush or John Podesta is that Anti-Christ.

I don't know what else to tell you. Oh wait a second I know, I'll edit the original comment and remove the offending line.

Intheknow ago

Jason Wong sure had a lot to say.

kazza64 ago

and has a van that looks like its designed to traffic children

therealkrispy ago

That's exactly what I'm saying, and his future surely involves greener pastures than a House seat from Utah.

That line was in reference to the fact that Wikipedia's volunteers are often silenced unless they push an extremely liberal narrative.

Are_we_sure ago

My evidence is that Pizzagate started at 4chan /pol/ and Reddit's TheDonald. These are not neutral, uninterested sources.
(Also FBIanon is fake.)

There are NO FBI code words. That is fake. And someone has deceived you about that.

"Cheese Pizza" was used on 4chan and other places as code for child porn. There are zero references to "Cheese Pizza" in the Podesta emails. Chicken is an old time slangword. The rest are completely made up. The is no "FBI code words." You've been hoodwinked, I'm sorry to say. Try and trace that list of code words back to the FBI. Then google pasta with walnut sauce and see if this could have been an innocent mistake.

NotAnIdiot ago

Dude has so many skeletons in his closet he should just shut the fuck up.

Piscina ago

The joy is in reading the responses. What an idiot is Podesta. I can imagine he's hard at work with his lucifer buddies doing all kinds of incantations and rituals for protection from investigators.

Are_we_sure ago

This is quite a distance aways from you proclaiming he's a guilty sick fuck.

You do understand that pizzagate stemmed from dedicated political enemies of John Podesta and Hillary Clinton trying to smear them and pretending Podesta was speaking in code and then faking evidence to support this deception, right? The pedo code is made up and fake. For example, what does pasta with walnut sauce mean to you? If you actually were ready to give him the benefit of the doubt, you can easily do that with hearing from him.

I'll take a shot at what that would look like.

Ambramovic is well known and well respected performance artist, known for deliberately provocative art. Some people like her stuff, some hate it. There's no real middle ground with her. My brother is into really into her stuff and was a patron of an art institute she was starting. The Spirit Cooking in the email was just a dinner she was making for patrons. The highlight of the dinner was a Tibetan Golden Ball. It's sort of a meditative practice, where you peel almonds and count out a certain number of seeds and then mix it together, I think with chocolate and then it's covered it gold leaf and you eat it. You can see what this is here

If you want to learn about the actual Marina Abramovic and the not cartoon made of her I recommend viewing this documentary on her About 15 minutes in, there is some footage of what goes on at the institute my brother contributed to

Spirit Cooking is also a work she did twenty years ago. People have twisted the metaphors in that work to. There was a performance part and an actual recipe book. The recipes are basically absurdist poems. Are you familiar with absurdist art? It's not meant to be taken literally. Some of the recipes you have to make on earthquake nights, some call for eating pain. Her "anti high blood pressure" recipe calls holding a phython on your lap while sitting on a block of ice." One of the recipes calls for eating her fingertips. This has never happened, because it's not literal. Trust me, she has all ten of her fingertips.

The handkerchief was more of a kitchen towel. I picked it up it Italy. It looked like this

The hot dog stand is long running joke I have. I love food and I love cooking and my job is super high pressure and super busy, so the idea of doing some real easy job in a tropical setting has a lot of appeal for me. And hotdogs are about the easiest thing to cook.

I didn't say dominoes on pasta my friend did, but that's exactly what it means. We often play dominoes with our friends and I changed up my Christmas gifts one year. I used to give pasta and sauces as a gift and this year I gave cheese. It just means playing with a belly full of pasta or cheese. You know it's funny, they thought me talking about food so much meant it must be code. I think to myself, have these people never meant an Italian? We are all obsessed with food. I'm a pretty serious cook and you can find some of my recipes online. This scandal was this close to be called risottogate, you know, as my risotto recipe is now pretty famous."

Would any of that genuinely change your mind? Because if you are open to it, you can go through Podesta's non cherry picked emails and see if he's talking in code. If want to see what Marina Abramovic is about you can spend two hours and watch that movie. Given Podesta the benefit of the doubt doesn't require him giving an explanation. You can already do that. Just put aside the idea promoted by his enemies that he is speaking in code. Are his emails scary now? Because they are not.

BlackManta2 ago

I agree. He's nauseating to look at, same for his slimey brother.

cult_of_philanthropy ago

Hmm, it seems to me that this can this be applied to JP, JA, HRC, Lois Lerner...anyone have any others they'd like to throw in? Even if not now, maybe sometime in the future.

Pre-Miranda Silence

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Supreme Court says prosecutors can use a person's silence against them if it comes before he's told of his right to remain silent. LAW OFFICER TACTICS: The Right to Remain Silent (The When & How of Miranda Rights) The 5-4 ruling comes in the case of Genovevo Salinas, who was convicted of a 1992 murder. During police questioning, and before he was arrested or read his Miranda rights, Salinas answered some questions but did not answer when asked if a shotgun he had access to would match up with the murder weapon. Prosecutors in Texas used his silence on that question in convicting him of murder, saying it helped demonstrate his guilt. Salinas appealed, saying his Fifth Amendment rights to stay silent should have kept lawyers from using his silence against him in court. Texas courts disagreed, saying pre-Miranda silence is not protected by the Constitution. The high court upheld that decision.

I truly hope Chaffetz and/or his family isn't being threatened. We know there are those who are not above doing so.

nomorepepperoni ago

"Mr. Chaffetz recently told some contributors that he was considering quitting to pursue a television contract, according to a Republican official briefed on the conversation."

Pedosta's full of shit. I wonder who this TV contract is with? I heard Tucker's taking ousted O'Reilly's slot of Fox News, but nothing of who's taking Tucker's old slot...


Delorean77 ago

'The Five ' is moving to Tucker's spot... until their ratings suck there too, and they give it to 'Water's World'.... Just a theory.....

pby1000 ago

Someone needs to post on Twitter about the Satanic Calendar. It is customary to give body parts from an infant male as gifts on Christmas Eve. That is the date of that email regarding playing dominos on pasta or cheese. This is the longstanding tradition referred to.

Stfuretards ago

Not everything is a conspiracy repubtards

Stfuretards ago

Trump and Podesta are proof that normal people have zero power in this country.

Are_we_sure ago

I think it might be because if you have convinced yourself there's anything wrong with the spirit cooking, which was a normal dinner at that point that he didn't even attend, the handkerchief and dominoes emails, what exactly could he do to convince you he's not guilty? Is there anything he can do to convince you he is not a sick fuck? Be honest. Is there anything he could do change your mind? Because if there isn't, why should he bother himself with your accusations?

Is the the skippy video the worldcorp video? Because now you're dragging in stuff that isn't even related to him, stuff he had nothing to do with.

mooteensy ago

be gone, shill!

remedy4reality ago

thanks.. but the question is for @arewesure

StopPizza2k17 ago

If you have to ask this question then you should not be commenting. It distracts from otherwise useful conversation. Go read the sticky.

remedy4reality ago

If you have to ask who (( arewesure )) is.... the sticky ain't going to help you

I have over 3000 submission points to PG, you have how many?

Cigarette5mokingman ago

Questionable submission points.

BB-3 ago

It's clearly a rhetorical question.

remedy4reality ago

lol see what we're dealing with ?

therealkrispy ago

Entirely fair. I dunno, though. Maybe other people are right and he's on standby to replace Comey. It's my understanding that Chaffetz once tried to get into the Secret Service, so clearly he's got some kind of interest in a more hands on form of public service. Couldn't find any other indicators of this on his Wikipedia, but it's clear that the shills at 'the free encyclopedia' wanted to put a negative spin on everything this guy does.

Could also just be that a decade in Congress is enough for him.

Jem777 ago

He did try to get into secret service but did not happen. The only reason that is known is because "someone" went in his file illegally during Bengazi questioning on HRC. The secret service or their handlers leaked personal & tried to smear him as a threat for him to stop going after HRC for her e-mail & bengazi tradegy

therealkrispy ago

Yeah, they didn't mention that on Wikipedia, all they said was other applicants were more qualified.

CJFish ago

Fucking creep.

strix-varia ago

It seems like he will never just go away. He has a lot of nerve, most likely because he is protected to the hilt just like hitlery and the rest of the scum suckers.

Freemasonsrus ago

Chaffetz was originally going to try to run for Orrin Hatch's seat after the Tea Party encouraged him to. He made a better deal w the swamp at that time that he could run in 2018 when Hatch retires and also get important appointments to committees if he played ball. So he took the deal and fucked over the Tea Party. Tea Party and Trump never forget. Trump tells Hatch to not retire next year. Chaffetz then says he isn't running for anything. My guess is that the swamp has leverage on Chaffetz and Podesta the Molesta Skippy knows what it is.

DontTreadOnMemes ago

I am for sure shadow banned on Podesta's twitter. My tweets appear to be there from my account but they never get replies or likes, so I looked from another account and they're not there. Podesta hates that I always link his emails and his brother's art collection.

BlackManta2 ago

Good for you. I had nightmares from that sick shit those degenerates call art. That series with abused kids in a bathroom were horrifying, and the Kim Noble ones were like a glimpse of hell.

srayzie ago

Lol me too. I hope he has an adult diaper rash

Bot117 ago

Something is weird about this.

I think a false flag event is coming

Jason Chaffetz might be in serious danger and podesta is clearly going to be the focus if something happens

Get your guns ready guys

unbiased_researcher ago

Podesta needs to go. He's obviously bragging here. If they go after Gowdy all hell breaks loose.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Wow that's depressing.

Deep state is really winning a lot lately.

YingYangMom ago


TrishaUK ago

I can't take this - Two Of Trey Gowdy's Investigators Are Missing - I hope they are found safely, now there are multiple reports of this and it does not sound promising! :'0 too many anti-Clinton/Podesta/Soros people ending up dead! Praying they are safe. - - Source: Natasha Channel For Wellness Truth Trump News - LOVE Chaffetz and Gowdy!

Northern_Soul ago

Stay strong Trish, our glory will come. Joining you in Prayer now..

awarenessadventurer ago

this is fascinating. deserves its own thread. Please do get more eyes on this and start a new thread on this subject....

srayzie ago

Don't bother. I posted it today because there were a lot of news sites posting it. I didn't know it was fake news. God forbid. A bunch of haters started being rude as usual. Nobody has the decency here to let someone know nicely. It's easy to be a jerk when their hiding behind their computer screens.

YingYangMom ago

Hey, I know exactly how you feel, but don't let it get to you. We need to have tough skin here and move on. Just ignore their bullying tactics and be on your way. I assure you, a lot more people than you think are awake and see the shill posts. Don't give up the fight, I stand with you.

srayzie ago

Thank you. I really appreciate that.

YingYangMom ago

Anytime :)

MightyJoe ago

It's not FAKE NEWS until it's been investigated thoroughly, read the comment sections at the bottom. The people are decent, honest people. Looks real to me.


srayzie ago

You had a very good comment yesterday about the mind being a powerful thing. Now you call me a liar because you couldn't find an article? Come on.

Northern_Soul ago

I read the very post your referring to and unfortunately, you got trolled. There is a new strain out there... But, luckily, I documented their every move.

Fancy collaborating?? Kill two birds with one stone.

srayzie ago

Do you mean trolled with the news link? Or by the douche Mightyjoe who called me a liar? What did you document?

srayzie ago

I deleted it. That's why you don't see it. Lying? Chill out.

mooteensy ago

@srayzie I like your style

srayzie ago

Lol why?

equineluvr ago

A thread was already started on it (yesterday, I believe). It was debunked because it is a bullshit story.

TrishaUK is another one who falls for every BS story that comes down the pike.

TrishaUK ago

You at it again 'horselover?' tut tut tut, the ever ready motormouth.... Glad I blocked you!

Northern_Soul ago

I wouldn't have to manage my anger, if people could learn to manage their stupidity. Thank you for revealing who you really are. The art of trolling is very simple and you failed miserably.

For you @equineluvr

@awarenessadventurer @TrishaUK @pedodestroyer @contrarianism @srayzie

YingYangMom ago

Have been suspecting them both for a while now...

srayzie ago

I didn't know that! My gosh, these people are sick!

Two men working for the congressional committee headed by Trey Gowdy have mysteriously disappeared somewhere in the Little Rock, Arkansas area. According to phone records, the men were headed into the area with congressional subpoenas to search the private residence attached to the William Jefferson Clinton Presidential Library.

The men, whose identities will remain classified until it can be CONFIRMED that foul play was involved, were employees of the federal government under private contract to investigate the Clintons. What they were looking for is also classified. Their vehicle was found in a rest area just outside of town with the keys in it.

The Justice Department has assigned special investigators in order to keep the case out of the hands of the FBI, which has obviously been compromised. The Clintons haven’t returned requests for a statement.

equineluvr ago


gentlemanadventurer ago

I see Podesta took time off from raping toddlers to tweet.

Dressage2 ago

Crawled out from his pizza box for the tweet.

DarkMath ago

Go Don't go easy on John Podesta. He's been I want to sodomized sodomize John Podesta by with a deplorable dildo of righteous outrage.


This comment made Norther_Soul think I was a shill so I changed it, see the underscores for what was there before.

Is that better @Northern_Soul? I promise that's the last time I ever feel sorry for John Podesta. Thank you for bringing me back into the fold.

Northern_Soul ago

Fifty percent of what people say when they are joking is true. So, by making some sort of joke about it, you get to say what you really want without being vulnerable.. In this case, I sincerely hope you represent the other fifty percent.

DarkMath ago

"Fifty percent of what people say when they are joking is true.".............

Which 50% of John Podesta has been sodomized by a deplorable dildo of righteous outrage do you think I'm joking about?

The deplorable dildo or the righteous outrage.

Northern_Soul ago

Being smart is always knowing when to play dumb. Don't take me for a fool.

I know more than I say, think more than I speak, and notice more than you realize or do your "trainers" not teach you, how to "read" between the lines?

You are coherently sympathizing with a "monster" and your trying to brush it off by playing dumb.

Why would you even offer support to these awful people, your free if you choose to be yano.

DarkMath ago

"your "trainers""

Dude I'm not a shill. Nor is my comment of any significance regarding John Podesta. The problem is you don't really believe these people will be brought down. That's why you don't want to show ANY mercy whatsoever.

I disagree. Not only will these people be brought down sooner than later, many of them are going to hang by the neck until dead for their crimes. You're not picking up on their desperation for some reason.

Dressage2 ago


Northern_Soul ago


Fightforright ago

I have had many problems with Dark math before too. I think they are a shill for sure. Seems to sympathize with pedophiles a lot.

Laskar ago

The nerve of this guy.

Jem777 ago

He is commenting because he has TS access. They are throwing this in everyone face. Remember not just Trump was spied on everyone has been. Obama admin & HRC even went into Senators files during investigation. Democratic senators as well. Fienstein was asking for Brennan resignation. Obama said no

They are blackmailing, harrasing, threatening everyone

YingYangMom ago

Shadow Gov is presently, AS USUAL in the USA, responsible for Trump's 180 degree turn as of late and the attack on Syria and Afghanistan are their doing. He ain't in control of shit, of you ask me. It's over guys, they got him as well, clear as day.

Are_we_sure ago

Feinstein asked for Brennan's resignation over the release of the CIA torture report. Nothing in Podesta's comment requires Top Secret access. It's practically a cliche that when a politician all of sudden wants to spent time with his family, either they were just turned down for a job they wanted or a big scandal on them is about to break.

The Trump was spied on/unmasking story fell completely apart today. Most the transcripts Rice asked about did not involve Russia and were not related to Trump before the unmasking.

several members and staffers on the House Intelligence Committee,...visited the National Security Agency, ...and were shown a binder of two to three dozen pages of highly classified intercepts...These intercepts were not related to the heart of the committee’s Russia investigation. In fact, only one of the documents had anything to do with Russia according to an official who reviewed them.

What the intercepts all had in common is that the people being spied on made references to Donald Trump or to Trump officials. That wasn’t even clear, though, from reading the transcripts.

I spoke to two intelligence sources, one who read the entire binder of intercepts and one who was briefed on their contents. “There’s absolutely nothing there,” one source said. The Trump names remain masked in the documents, and Rice would not have been able to know in all cases that she was asking the N.S.A. to unmask the names of Trump officials.

Jem777 ago

Feinstein asked for Brennen to resign because he used the CIA to spy on the senators.

Brennen CIA hacked into their computers and obtained information about the on going investigation of torture techniqes.

YingYangMom ago

I don't even bother to read your comments anymore. I just downvoat :)

Are_we_sure ago

Of course, you don't. That's how epistemic closure works.

Dressage2 ago

I agree. This is Deep State playing their cards on spying on these guys. This is how the game was played for years. Blackmail at its best. Chaffitz is probably a Mormon and they found him playing a "Jack Mormon." Maybe something so serious he could be thrown out of the Church. I hope not because he and Gowdy are keeping these assholes in a panic mode. Chaffitz told Hillary at the Inauguration he is still taking her down.

pizza10 ago

Jason Chaffetz has been outspoken critic of Hillary Clinton for a long time.

I have a bad vibe about this Podesta's tweet in which he implies that there might be other reasons for Chaffetz not running again in 2018 than just family reasons. This is quite passive aggressive message and Podesta is not used to tweeting that much.

Are_we_sure ago

It's not passive agressive. It's direct. When a politician suddenly makes a surprise announcement, it's often because some bad story is about to come out on them.

There have been rumors that Chaffetz is involved somehow in the Trump Russia thing. They started a week ago on Twitter. If that is the case, your bad vibe is justified.

The more benign rumor is that he knows his committee is going to be asked to look at Trump and he didn't want to do that with the same gusto he went after Clinton.

remedy4reality ago

What is Podesta's relationship to Pizzagate ?

BlackManta2 ago

Pizzagate essentially started from the Podesta emails on Wikileaks.

remedy4reality ago

bro... I know this. arewesure is a 'concern troll' who cannot answer the most basic questions about PG

palmitespo910 ago

Family reasons could mean "i need to keep my family alive"

Rmm ago


Rmm ago

Wow he shouldn't tweet unless he's willing to take the sligs and arrows---and thee are some real good zingers in response to his lames tweet

HollandDrive ago

Blinded by hubris and false sense of security. "Pride goes before a fall."

contrarianism ago

Chaffetz was forced out by the Deep State. They probably threatened his family. Podesta is an evil snake.

micha_ ago

On Trump's inauguration day I was quite surprised, while everyone was leaving, that Chaffetz waited for Hillary to shake her hand. As one of the leading playing tough anti-corruption politicians this has made me very sceptical about Chaffetz.

pby1000 ago

Could the same have happened to Alex Jones?

Stfuretards ago

LMAO. If trump was on video fucking a kid you're the guy that would claim the deep state libtards set him up. Wake up

contrarianism ago

Well, that would indeed be my supposition. That's how they roll. They also have deep pockets, thanks to your tax dollars.

therealkrispy ago

Chaffetz is supposedly running for Governor in 2020, probably in a bid to build a portfolio of executive experience and enact more meaningful change. Not seeking reelection in Congress is his way of scaring pedos by saying "I'm onto you, I'm not backing off, and you can't threaten me with my seat." Podesta's tweet doesn't necessarily blow a hole in this theory, because this could be Podesta (a professional mouthpiece) saying the Elite won't blink. They might have something on him, but if they do, they clearly haven't used it yet, or this tweet never would've happened. At least that's my analysis.

MarieElise ago

I heard him saying he is not planning to run for ANY political office so that rules that out.

therealkrispy ago

Yeah, I recently heard him say he's probably gonna go into the private sector, so I guess he's at least taking a break. Other people think he might take Coney's job though, and if that's the case, it makes sense that he's making it look like he's retiring. That's the type of move you make as a surprise. They'll probably wait until the foreign affairs nonsense calms down.

doubletake ago

boy. the comments against Pedosta are great! everytime he tweets, folks are paying attention. great sign.

SoldierofLight ago

Bingo. The Tweet was Podesta's version of "Winning!"

Kcpedogate ago

It reminds me of that time when Obama tweeted about Joan Rivers after she died when she called michele a tranny. It was a veiled threat.

Cigarette5mokingman ago

You wouldn't happen to have a screen capture or link would you? I can't find a source.

Kcpedogate ago

Here is the video of her callimg michele out, Here is her fam talking about a personalized not thw president sent cant find the tweet though, maybe he just made a comment and not a tweet, anybody else see it ?

Cigarette5mokingman ago

Yea, I'm aware of the video and the written lether to her daughter, but never heard anything about a tweet which is why I ask, and why it's so important to source EVERYTHING.

GeorgeT ago

When will the American public awaken to the fact that their government is a farce and launch a second civil war? I mean look at Podesta - in my world he would be investigated based on his appearance alone - it will be in the statutory code - looks creepy, pedo look, see the chart - what pedo scum look like, we're conducting an investigation.

pizzagatecharlotte ago

What was it? Would love to see what he tweeted - tried googling it but nothing?

pedodestroyer ago

Interesting theory.

contrarianism ago

The only reason I can think Podesta would open his mouth. Every time he does, it's like a cattle call for trolls.

TimesUp ago

Pizzagaters' comments under Podesta's tweet are great!

Is it possible that Chaffetz is being groomed for another non-elected position, such as FBI director? Such a change would allow him to move his family permanently to DC. His background is strong, but who knows what's cooking?

Podesta might suspect that Chaffetz is preparing himself for a position that doesn't require maintaining two households, and what this could mean for elite pedophiles -- Chaffetz could go after them from a new position of power.

Also, is it possible that Chaffetz' reference to the importance of family has something to do with his being "Brownstoned?" Or his refusal to be?

srayzie ago

I have to say, when him or Hillary tweet, I am filled with joy. Because the comments people leave are great!

Someone said "when you talk about dominoes on pasta, it's never about dominoes. Or pasta #pedogate"

angry_mob ago


20Justice4All17 ago

I was loving the responses.

islandofdelight ago

Probably not FBI Director, since Comey is under contract for several more years... unless he is forced out somehow. I hope Cheffetz wasn't threatened into not running, he is one of the good ones.

TimesUp ago

I agree that Jason is one of the good guys, and my hope (unsaid in my comment) is that Comey can be forced out! That might take awhile because he will soon be the star of a new TV series to boost his image:

PlebeianCuck ago

I Wanted to mention that as well, the commenter Jason Wong is in full defense of pedosta and his innocent emails. Repeatedly saying if there no body here is no crime. What a crock of shit. Glad he was countered effectively by the truth seekers.

awarenessadventurer ago

go check out his info. He works with Nancy Pelosi I believe, or at least in the white house. He is a dirty shill. Likely they had him as a child as well, another mind controlled shill soldier. He's got dirt guaranteed.

YingYangMom ago

OMG! Those response tweets! So funny and right on point.

AngB23 ago

Did you see this response tweet?!?! Is it from the fatherhood vid "You think your hot shit, doncha?"

jstrotha0975 ago

This POS needs to "disappear". Maybe have an accident?

jstrotha0975 ago

Feed him to the general population in a hardcore federal get pounded in the ass prison. But he would probably like that.

Laskar ago

How is he even still alive? Does he have bodyguards? Ditto for his brother.

kestrel9 ago

"What? You mean like with a cloth?" -HRC

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