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redditsuckz ago

The Guy Who ran the blog for Evie's Crib goes by "Mr. T"...and has another blog "ON THE VIRG"

Admits Jewish Roots;

"I'm a private person and my beliefs are a private matter, but so those of you who never read Miss Manners will stop asking, the answer is NO! The fact that I have Scots-Hebrew roots (Clan MacCabee)."

Says some odd shit in commets;

"The Snoddys have been in Ireland for centuries now, and have, of course, intermarried with the locals. (Note, by locals, I’m referring to humans)"

"It’s probably nothing to worry about because, as even tempered as Angus is, odds are that he’ll only post the one in which the two of you are clothed and not performing those “acts” with others."

Tamera Stanton Luzzatto might just be a man...

Same place with Tati Valle-Riestra - definitly looks like a man...

Another Pic of Tamera Luzzato;

Tony Podesta's former Wife Heather Podesta might even be a man...

Hold Everything! What is up with this photo of Tamera Luzzatto?

Truthseeker3000 ago

Damn these people are ugly. Obviously on the inside, so much so that it protrudes outward. It's true all the money in the world can't make you good looking. Yes, the women definitely look like men, really unattractive features. The Rothschilds are a particularly ugly bunch also.