9217 ago

They called Guccifer 2 the hacker, when the entire point was that G2 had NOTHING to do with Seth Rich or the DNC. It wasn't hacked Seth Rich leaked, and he never had anything to do with Guccifer.

Seth Rich was a whistleblower who died for giving that information to Wikileaks. DNC never hacked. Only crowdstrike ever saw the "hacked" servers, (Crowdstrike tied to Soros) - the FBI never analyzed them. G2 is a setup probably by the DNC/ Dems/ CTR trying to associate Rich with Russian Hackers (G2) or pretend that the DNC was hacked by Russia.

So this fox and friends episode is utter bullshit. You call G2 the hacker of the DNC, you are covering up Seth Rich's murder.

An article on this topic here, which actually does talk about it accurately. http://disobedientmedia.com/wikileaks-casts-doubt-on-russian-hacking-narrative/

Browns1 ago

George Webb is in Washington wanting to reach out to the investigator of Seth's murder. Thinks it's tied to the Pakistanis and other murder(s).

throwaway345678 ago

Oh so he's going to co-opt other people's work on Seth Rich now that WL brought it up, just like he did Monica Petersen and Haiti, after being completely wrong about Braverman.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Nope, it's just a coincidence that so many Clinton operatives have died in highly suspicious early deaths.....

It's all one big coincidence that the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy blows out of proportion.

AreWeSure told me so.

Northern_Soul ago

You think Comet was big ........You've seen nothing yet. Cannibalism, pedophilia culture, DNA Pizza, Celebrity connections. Live investigation commencing now https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1787161

Please help, this is huge.!!

ArthurEdens ago

His f***ing brother killed him per orders of the hillary cult

44NJ9 ago

I am not doubting this is true but do you have more info why this could be or where this info is coming from?

ArthurEdens ago

It's a hunch. His brother had duping delight (which has been mostly edited out and is scrubbed off the net) in the interviews and his parents had weird shit in the room. And they were so casual. And the dad said weird shit that didn't add up. Also, "Bullets and people don't match well", who the fuck says that about their son? Then he started mouthing what the mom was saying in sync. He spouted off some polling propaganda. And then the "robbers" didn't rob Seth. Seems weird and common that you go to the trouble to shoot two in his back and not take anything. Also, Seth was supposedly on the phone with his girlfriend walking home and there was a noise, and he said "I'll have to call you back". If it were two strangers he probably wouldn't have been so calm, could have been, but nah, sounds like he was familiar with the intruder. Now all the whole video is hard to find.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LrPrr9CNs7w (first seconds you can see Aaron, his brother, holding back a laugh)

When suspicion ricocheted, they changed emotions, raised some money, and offered a reward...


When the dad gets questioned he fills in a lot of gaps with assumptions and get defensive.

And Donna Brazile was Seth's boss, and the mom sure wants you to know how good she is. They have a PR guy now and GOP lobbyist involved.

And now dad "doubts" there is a wikileaks connection. How would he know?

Something stinks.

sugarskull ago

That is the creepiest interview ever...the brother IS LAUGHING?! I cannot believe what I just saw!!

ArthurEdens ago

Seriously. I wish i could find the whole thing. Anytime it flashes that's when Aaron was holding back a laugh. Another thing, Aaron wore a purple shirt in photos thanking the cops for their help, and that big PR guy in the conference is wearing a purple shirt. Could be nothing but it is an unusual choice.

crystalclear ago

Look into connections between Seth Rich & Nebraska politics and specifically Scott Kleeb & Jane Fleming Kleeb.Around time of murder info about Scott Kleep & Energy Pioneer Solutions (company received CGI $ ) was starting to come out. Also Jane Kleeb and her support of Bernie and her being a delegate for DNC.

44NJ9 ago

okay, thx! I will be doing some reading later!

carmencita ago

Police still believe it was a robbery gone wrong? Well, he was alive when they found him and they took him to the hospital. No words from Rich before he died? Even if there were how can we trust the DC Police to release such info. If they did, they would be on a slab in the morgue right next to Seth. We will be forever grateful. RIP Seth.

9217 ago

They called Guccifer 2 the hacker, when the entire point was that G2 had NOTHING to do with Seth Rich or the DNC. It wasn't hacked Seth Rich leaked, and he never had anything to do with Guccifer.

Seth Rich was a whistleblower who died for giving that information to Wikileaks. DNC never hacked. Only crowdstrike ever saw the "hacked" servers, (Crowdstrike tied to Soros) - the FBI never analyzed them. G2 is a setup probably by the DNC/ Dems/ CTR trying to associate Rich with Russian Hackers (G2) or pretend that the DNC was hacked by Russia.

So this fox and friends episode is utter bullshit. You call G2 the hacker of the DNC, you are covering up Seth Rich's murder.

An article on this topic here, which actually does talk about it accurately. http://disobedientmedia.com/wikileaks-casts-doubt-on-russian-hacking-narrative/

carmencita ago

I never mentioned G2. I know the Russians had nothing to do with it. I also know that Rich passed the info to Wikileaks. I never said that he didn't. I will thank Seth forever from the bottom of my heart.

Are_we_sure ago

Police still believe it was a robbery gone wrong?

What's your theory?

If Seth Rich got the files from the inside? How do you account for all the other attacks on Democratic organizations or persons? Do you think Seth Rich hacked the DCCC? Or sent 1,000 spearfishing emails to Democratic officials like the one John Podesta got?

Cops had been chasing a stickup crew in that neighborhood for a few months before he was killed.

LostandFound ago

Guccifer 2.0 confirmed Seth as his source see wikileaks about 4 days ago. Why would you keep coming here and posting like this. Please spend your time helping children, think about what your doing.

Are_we_sure ago

Because Gufficifer 2 is a fraud, a fugazy Roumanian who can't speak Roumanian and who just happened to use the very same control server in his hack as the Russians used against the German and Polish governments.

No one one this board is going to help a single child if they don't give up the conspiratorial nonsense. People would rather research the Venetian Black Nobility than actually use their energy on something real.

crystalclear ago

My theory is still developing but it certainly takes the large number of suspicious coincidences into account, Assange's comments & actions, and Guccifer2's DMs with https://twitter.com/Robbin_Young. My theory doesn't make assumptions Seth Rich is a hacker and that there was only one leaker or leaker/hacker.The timeline is relevant as are connections between Seth Rich, Scott Kleeb, Energy Pioneer Solutions, Terry McCauliffe & Debbie Wasserman-Schultz. I don't have the resources the MPD or FBI have but I'm pretty certain if I did I'd have enough evidence to charge more than one this far out from the murder.

remedy4reality ago

What's your theory? Is it the same as the DC Police: a robbery with no robbery? Are you sure the DC Police is a trustworthy organization and it's Chief is not compromised ? You have been pretending for months that BLACKMAIL has not compromised scores of DC elites, lawyers and law enforcement, and you continue to quote them as if they had any credibility. Do Alefantis and Podesta have credibility to you? R U SURE ?

carmencita ago

Cops are chasing gangs and crews all over the country, does that mean that nothing else besides a robbery can happen? No.