Northern_Soul ago

Thanks. I share your frustration, The worst feeling is when something is so good and so bad, we need the best of both worlds (pun intended) to help spread public awareness.

Northern_Soul ago

I hear that brother, this is why we need to take back government and make it local again - for as long as centralized power exists so will rampant pedophilia, These people, unfortunately, do not have our best interest at heart.

Northern_Soul ago

Thank you and i bet the innocent, hard working and kind people who gave money in the bad name of charity like Barnado's, cant either, such a shame!!

pipo44 ago

Not only UK, Portugal, Belgium, Mexico, Salvador, Canada, Romania, Hungary, Pakistan, an so on. It also make me sad that no one cares if it's not happening on US.

Bolux ago

Great post.Oranges and sunshine is a great movie on the Australian part of this heinous crime.

Northern_Soul ago

Never heard of it until i went digging thru the archives. Is it true, Gordon Brown actually made an appearance in the film?? because that would take the cake...

Bolux ago

Not sure it's been a few years but it's a heartbreaker, could of been one of them.

42times5 ago

They really are. Smacks of establishment cover up. I'm going too dig around the judge, Jeremy Rea, and the father, David Madge. There have been rumors that his parents were well connected but I haven't had much luck so far.

42times5 ago

If you wanna do some British investigating, I'm in.

42times5 ago

And the current case of Samantha Baldwin who ran away with her boys to save them from their SRA father and his friends.

3141592653 ago

Oh yes, the British connection is HUGE

Mad_As_Hell ago

Excellent post! Looks like this might be another case of the foxes watching the hen house:

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Brilliant post, and the fact Saville frequented these schools gives us a possible group of co-perpetrators.

Northern_Soul ago

Saville the "Establishment Child Catcher" and the aristocracy go hand in hand, even the iconic "Kray Twins" are involved, perhaps a post for another day.

pipo44 ago

You couldn't have said it any better.

pipo44 ago

This is the most interesting post I've seen this week, thank you for putting the pieces together. Hope mods do not delete it for "no relation to pizzagate". Don't forget to add why is relevant or how is related for the investigation. Greetings.

Northern_Soul ago

Thanks for your concern but I'm pretty confident I've met all the submission requirements. Peace

kestrel9 ago

Thank you so much for the post! A great resource for digging in regards for some of the (historical) research I'm working on (but I am busy all week so will get back to it next week).

Every time a life long pedo like Sir James Wilson Vincent "Jimmy" Savile, Sir Cyril Smith or Sir Clement Freud die (because that's when the offenses are finally let out of the bag), we know there are pedos in their closest circle of friends, and who presumably helped cover up their crimes.

Every time someone like Christopher Kloman gets sent to prison, we know there are at a minimum, pedo enablers, somewhere within his circle of influence.

Northern_Soul ago

I cannot even imagine where i would be today in life were it not for the dedicated truthers who have shown me the real world from the one i was swindled into believing as a young man. We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm, and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open. You don't need to thank me, my work is dedicated to all you's who have inspired me, you know who you are.

Also, I liked how you flared the Sir connection. Why do the "British Royal Family" employ and befriend so many pedophiles and sex offenders such as "Jimmy" Savile Sir Clement Freud Sir Cyril Smith like you mentioned. It smells like a bad egg.

I've heard another 40 reasons, why The Royal Family should be forced to answer police questions for the UK’s Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse. I could crowd source them if it helps with your odyssey thru the archives.

kestrel9 ago

Definitely I'd like to read them...

I have a theory about some of the roots of the world epidemic of Globalist Pedophilia agenda. I'm not the first to have it, because I run across similar sentiment in some articles I've read recently (can't list them offhand but I have them). Basically it's the intersection of the British Intelligence with pedophiles, entomologists, and the occult (of course the "entertainment" industry goes without saying). LOL!

Consider the ideal covert agent, no real ties to family, happy to travel the world preying on children. Such a person is happy to do the government's bidding because they indulge his "preferences" in exchange for intel. All the while he has total access and immunity to commit whatever crimes against children he may find satisfying. Having a profession, such as being an entomologists, or a 'schtick' such as being an eccentric occult figure, made traveling the world ideal at that time (mid to late 1800s to early 1900s), traveling under the guise of science or the guise of "studying world religions". There's a lot of support for this theory IMO.

If I had to guess how a similar dynamic works out today, it would involve intel agencies from many countries, and would involve people who are on the board of many International 'Charities', that provides a reason to be anywhere in the world to 'help' people. Of if they are not be directly on the board, they may be able to travel under the cover of attending conferences for any number of 'causes'...SJ and Globalism, Orphanages, Helping Developing Countries, Globalization of the sky's the limit.

Vindicator ago

How do they go about investigating these institutions? Do they put out a shingle and see who comes forward? I can't imagine any of the places actually kept records that would implicate them. Really, how do they go about investigating? I am quite curious.

Northern_Soul ago

Child sexual abuse in the United Kingdom has been reported in the country throughout its history. However, well-publicised cases in recent years have involved popular entertainers, politicians, military personnel, and other officials. Around 23,000 cases were identified during 2012/2013 - I think Jimmy Saville was the turning point and what followed was the domino effect. Hope i helped.

3141592653 ago

I think so many victims come forward and then a place is investigated

turitelle ago

I think there are enough in high places to keep things under wraps for too long. Its only when there's a death or somebody new comes in who isn't involved that it actually finally comes out.

3141592653 ago

Good point, but there have many living people prosecuted and imprisoned, including priests

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Northern_Soul ago


MysticMa ago

This is awesome ...I have a feeling that the good ole' USA will be revealing /following suit soon. House of cards & the deck stacked with K's Q's and a whole lot of JOKERS! Great chronology!

Northern_Soul ago

Cheers ha ha... Lets hope so - then we can all rejoice, drink wine and dance under the moon light.