slickleg64 ago

Can i remind everyone that a lot of pg attention came from wikileaks social media posting podesta emails alongside the fbi symbols factsheet. This is since WL is believed to be compromised and started posting bias on social media. Not the usual leak but citing mainstream sources and unusual writing style etc.

Now is WL is truly compromised this enforces the theory the whole comet pingpong theory is part of a psyop.

palmitespo910 ago

Then let's go to work on finding them. Anon5 also made it pretty clear that the human trafficking networks and the drug trafficking networks are the same. Same with other networks of illicit activity. Traveling through sanctuary city areas in a network that flows from coast to coast to coast.

chronikfunk ago

I think we're still missing something, Fbi anon, said follow the cards. Could be anything. What is something people request and would pay for legally? Do any of the emails have postcards? CARDS!!?? Although I think it's Social Security Cards!

palmitespo910 ago

Well, fbianon and anon5 aren't the same person. two different conversations here.

DangerPizza ago

@palmitespo910 how about here? 2426 W Commodore Way, Seattle, WA 98199

TangoCash ago

I am curious about the Mattress Warehouse Stores. These stores are located all through the US- West to East Coast. I am wondering why they need all of these Mattress Warehouse brick and mortar stores.

palmitespo910 ago

Good thought, along with other warehousing facilities around the country that maybe shouldn't be there anymore. Lol long john silver's should have gone out of business years ago

Are_we_sure ago

This is incredibly dumb. Blue districts are simply where the most people live.

You know what you get if you add up all these states? Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas Colorado Connecticut Delaware Hawaii Idaho Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Jersey New Hampshire New Mexico North Carolina North Dakota Oklahoma Oregon Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee
Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming

Half the US population.

Another view

AngB23 ago

Incredibly dumb? You are missing the point. These areas in these states are located in the major shipping ports for the US. Washington, Oregon, Cali, Florida, NY, Texas, Chicago via Lake Michigan...I do not find that dumb but more strategic.

palmitespo910 ago

I think Are_we_sure neglected to follow any of the links.

Tanngrisnir ago

To play along.... This could of course, be a coincidence because there are Walmarts friggin' everywhere.

There is a Walmart at 32615 zipcode in Alachua, Florida. The same spot as the pharmaceutical Progress Park and RTI Surgical.

There is a Walmart at 33407 West palm Beach, Florida with a DynCorp at 33404.

There is a Walmart at 32216 Jacksonville Florida with a DynCorp at 32219.

DerivaUK ago

I mentioned this possible connection earlier. I've since done some research into those closed Walmart stores that have aroused interest and suspicion highlighted by several YT posters for their increased security/secrecy I found a map of these closures which seems to tie in well with Anon5's maps and those stores still open make for even greater coverage of area A bit of research into their history reveals that HRC has very close ties with Walmart and was on the board of directors between 1985 and 1992 and is very close with Walmart's owners the Walton family who were contributors to her campaign fund in 2016. Her close ties with Walmart were brought into question by Bernie Sanders and others last year: Wiki listing describes how their listed stores do not include their many distribution hubs and they have sites and connections that span the globe and would present a ready made logistic solution for the movement of goods/people Maybe Walmart is worth closer inspection?

Piscina ago

Anon5 is just some dude who spends far too much time in his mom's basement. He can't spell and is not the sharpest tool in the shed. People should not be taking anything he says seriously.

Tanngrisnir ago

His 2016 comments were pretty intelligent. He was like a young Theodore Dalrymple with worse grammar. I have no idea if his new stuff has any validity though.

palmitespo910 ago

Also, he has an archived trove of information on 4plebs from past threads. All the way back to September 7th, 2016 giving information of the goings on inside the system. Do check it out yourself, the archive is linked. Surely they can't all be coincidence. Happy reading, you've got about 2-3 hours worth.

palmitespo910 ago

As far as I'm concerned, his spelling and grammar seem deliberate to me. I see what he doin

fartyshorts ago

Remember this whole ordeal about Walmart? (excuse the "source")

palmitespo910 ago

My tin foil hat says FEMA rounds up the kids in disasters and leaves the adults to die and then ships them to walmart where they die in the tunnels waiting to be shipped off to the highest bidder.

But my rational mind says "yeah dude, that's the one i mentioned earlier."

AngB23 ago

Has anyone looked into railroads like CSX? I just thought of this because it would be easy to make rail cars sound proof, there's already proof this has been used before, easy to ship containers overseas and the hubs seem to match the election map.

Also...Distribtuion Center info

Grocery Distribution?

Can research on this site American Shipper

palmitespo910 ago

Hot damn I think you just hit the motherlode.

DangerPizza ago

Nazis will be Nazis eh? Because it is horrifying, it is likely.

AngB23 ago

It is horrifying. And also used internationally. Trying to think of other distribution type centers with large storage type facilities that can be used. Besides Amazon, FedEx, UPS, rail cars, airports, shipping yards, or food type of industries, I can't think of what else it can be.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

The only way pizzagate and CPP is being manipulated by the likes of Media Matters, is the portrayal of pizzagate as a child sex ring run by Hillary and JA out of comet pizza. They didn't want this to come out, but when it did, they said, 'ok this info is out, how can we obfuscate.' So they made it sound as ludicrous as possible. When we know, that CPP is just a piece of evidence, in a huge network is connected pedophiles and criminals.

Awoke_AF ago

They debunked it because Hillary doesn't run CPP. She benefits from it. It's most likely allowed to operate by the Deep State... who gets their way through blackmail and placing the presidents of their choice in office. Fucking John McCain ran for president vs. Obama in 2008. Deep State owned that election 100%.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

Yea, and before that Bush Jr vs John Kerry, fucks sake

Awoke_AF ago

Everyone needs to wake the f up and realize the presidents for the last 30 years (who knows how much longer) have all been controlled front people for the warmongers in the DS/IC.

palmitespo910 ago

I said something along the lines of this somewhere else in this submission, I think. I feel that theory so hard.

DerivaUK ago

just wondering if this could be connected to the mass closures and clearing out/increased security surrounding the large Walmart stores. Much discussion of this on YT at the time

palmitespo910 ago

Well, my understanding about that particular conspiracy theory is that many walmarts have tunnels that connect to one another and large bunkers under them. if that is correct, you might have something there.

DerivaUK ago

And they will have already established logistics mechanisms in place - where large containers would not look out of place. I'm in the UK so not so familiar with their network layout and whether it fits

palmitespo910 ago

Do you happen to know where I could find an abandoned walmart near me? Also, does walmart have any known CIA contracts?

V____Z ago

It's hard to look past the disinfo though. Really hard. Impossible even.

Stfuretards ago

LMAO. People are going down cause trump. <no one goes down> it was all a conspiracy!! Psyop psyop psyop!!!!

palmitespo910 ago

I am not sure I understand.

xsales ago

So Alex Jones was right!

I copped a fair amount of abuse on these boards for posting his stuff!

palmitespo910 ago

The thing about the Alex Jones apology is that people took it as his retraction of the existence. I think mostly what he ended up doing was realizing that Pizzagate is just a finger on the hand that is Pedogate and instead of lobbing off a finger he's going straight for the wrist.

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

I feel this thread that went on last night is also relevant if anyone gets chance to read through it ..

cantsleepawink ago

Excellent thread.

Yuke ago

I'm going to repeat a previous comment of mine regarding the "Pizzagate is a distraction" thing...

"That theory falls apart completely because unless Hillary's camp leaked the Podesta emails/DNC emails themselves they could never have anticipated that a connection to Comet would be made."

bunklunk ago

I'm willing to bet that leaks like this could give some true facts/leads while also saying that Pizzagate is a distraction so that because one thing they said is true it makes the rest of the things they said seem true as well.

Stfuretards ago

But if it wasn't a crime then they would have to admit trump isn't pedo_savior_10000

palmitespo910 ago

Unless the distracting happened after the connection was made. Anon5 seems pretty sure of it that Brock used Media Matters to prop up the pizzagate stuff to get back at his ex lover and also distract from the bigger habbenings on the east coast. Wanted us to focus on CPP. He even mentioned at one point in the thread that we are still focusing on CPP. I don't feel like that is the case, but it must be the general consensus from up above for some reason.

Jakestr ago

If James Alefantis is really a Rothschild, Brock would be a fool to mess with him and you would think he would know that

palmitespo910 ago

He literally got heart attacked. I'm sure he knew it was coming to.

Jakestr ago

I think you just coined a new word heart attacked

palmitespo910 ago

Nah, I'm sure I've seen it before.

Yuke ago

Brock has been pictured with Alefantis since they broke up, they don't seem to be enemies. (picture here from 2015)

Secondly, Brock, by way of Pizzagate investigations, was found to be laundering money, particularly via the Bonner Group. So, he's not really propping anything up.

palmitespo910 ago

I see where you're coming from. And I think it's important to be skeptical. I think it's also important to consider the notions without accepting them.

For example...look at the climate of things the last year or so. We have a new thing every month that everyone is talking about. Who is to say that pizzagate wasn't set to disappear as well? The comet false flag is a perfect example of happened and then silence.

We just didn't shut up.

goodguy1367 ago

Great find there! I think this is where our research should be focused upon after Anon's comments.

palmitespo910 ago

In this sub, at least. Where it relates to pizzagate specifically.

palmitespo910 ago

Well, who is she cucking Jared with? Anon5 seems to be very clear that she is cucking him both literally and figuratively.

Tanngrisnir ago

She seems to have the hots for Justin Trudeau. I am not even joking.

palmitespo910 ago

My thought as well. Anon5 seems to suggest that it may be more than one person. And same with the figurative cucking of Jared. Kept saying shit about "notice how Jared is in the spotlight and she's nowhere to be seen"

DopeandDiamonds ago

There is something to the capitals. What it is, I couldn't tell you now. It is late and I can't make the connections. I am looking into this further though.

NotHereForPizza ago

You guys should give the rest of the posts he's made a look. He posts some really interesting stuff.!!9O2tecpDHQ6/page/1/

palmitespo910 ago

Yes, that's what I'm doing tonight. I need to familiarize myself with more of his work otherwise I won't be able to make sufficient connections.

palmitespo910 ago

Anonymous (ID: CwDd0LG5) 04/09/17(Sun)23:57:23 No.120388751

So they are fighting to keep being "sanctuary cities" cuz deporting illegals would dry up the rape-able children market and probably have some snitches start talking about where the kids are being kept, along with letting police/feds get more aggressive with searching for even possible illegal citizens? If I was a smart man looking for these distribution centers I'd start looking for pedo/hooker bust in certain cities/areas with mass illegal immigrants and map them out and see if they relate in a certain area. then maybe google map it to see if I can find a building that matches a description in the OP. Too bad I'm not that smart

Anonymous5 !!9O2tecpDHQ6 (ID: J2seECdI) 04/10/17(Mon)00:01:06 No.120389152

Now you are starting to think about it. Also I even said in the OP, look for Clusters of Blue Districts because a Disturbing Center is going to be providing for all of them.

shizzle_mcbobblehead ago

I've tracked a few people involved in Franklin to New Orleans.

Likely to be something there. Especially sitting on the I-10 corridor.

Also found alot of instances of folks selling kids in rural Louisiana.

palmitespo910 ago

Do you happen to have any of this information handy to submit to this thread?

Vindicator ago

The 70 foot fishing boat, Lady Michelle, busted by the Coast Guard last month carrying 4 tons of cocaine, is registered in Houma, LA. Obama's abrupt trip to Tahiti occurred shortly after the bust.

Fishing boats have insulated, partitioned holds to keep the fish on ice, which probably would be more soundproof than other layouts.

shizzle_mcbobblehead ago

Gimme a minute...

palmitespo910 ago

A message that appeared in my inbox

forgotlife > palmitespo910 | Sent: 11 minutes ago on 4/11/2017 4:29:33 AM

Subject: Pedo Dave's head in the dogs mouth was at a port

Wilmington NC, the port that never seems to have a drug arrest. He worked for a major import export business that sells home furnishings and the like. The CIA used to import a lot of cocaine in waterbeds....

DopeandDiamonds ago

Wow. Ok I am going to be digging through this anon5 post and see what I can find. Wilmington is a good lead.

Judgejewdy ago

A lot of movies and TV shows get made in Wilmington. Hollywood connection there.

palmitespo910 ago

I'm going to try to keep working on this to see what I can find. I would appreciate some help, as I have limited abilities.

DopeandDiamonds ago

I am going to sound crazy but I am going to post this anyway.

There is something with his writing style that strikes me as odd. Look at his use of capital letters where they do not belong. His capitalization on distribution centers. I have not seen his prior posts, is this just his writing style or specific to this post? Or is he directing us somewhere specific in code?

palmitespo910 ago

I did notice that. One of the most notable things that he says is

anon: Ivanka

She needs to go back to working for the Trump Organizations

Nobody voted for her or her husband

What will it take for Donald to realize that she shouldn't be in the White House?

Anon5: Don't know, she is the Snake around his Heart.

DopeandDiamonds ago

This seems even more concerning:

5) Many people were happy with the Strike & Ivanka proved to be a valuable asset, also showing how Dead Kids can make Trump do shit

palmitespo910 ago

True. I am wondering if maybe Ivanka, with her Human Trafficking work, is going to turn out to be one of the bad guys too. Right under ol Donnie's nose.

DopeandDiamonds ago

Part of me has been wondering if there is a connection with his modeling agency and the beauty pageants.

palmitespo910 ago

Whether by his choice or by someone else's. I'm starting to get antsy about this, so let's try to focus. What's the best way to move forward with the information given to us by Anon5? We need to start working. Too many of us just sit here and chat about pizzagate but there aren't a whole lot that seem to be doing a lot of work. Let's get moving.

DopeandDiamonds ago

I am working. I am writing out a list of what to research in the morning. I am starting with looking into who runs the pageant and the modeling agency.

palmitespo910 ago

Sounds good. I need to get myself one of those white boards and some string. And a printer. I can't make these connections in my head, and the FBI seems to do well using those string boards lol.

DopeandDiamonds ago

I have done investigative work on the side for about 6 years. My system uses color coded index cards/paper and paper clips. Card color groups names of people from one group or a single person when working missing persons cases. When I make a connection to another group or person, the paper clip matching the other person's card color goes on the side of the card. Easily stashable and private. I have been amazed at how easy it is to miss a connection without a good set up.

I plan to cross reference the pageant and modeling agency people with the names found on fucking creepy site from a few days ago.

palmitespo910 ago

You mean that doxxing site regarding the laughing horse or whatever?

DopeandDiamonds ago

Yes. Use that to get addresses and phone numbers and cross check those addresses with known affialtes, past work connections and social media connections.

palmitespo910 ago

If you already don't know, the best way to view that info is to just view page source. It's very neatly laid out in the source code.

DopeandDiamonds ago

Yup. Already knew.

It is proving to be a good resource.

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