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awakenaware ago

Once again, why warn anyone or say anything publicly before the tape is made? Have they learned nothing from recent history? Bragging about exposure or revelations before it happens just give the opposition an opportunity to silence someone or mount a counter attack.. Its just plain stupid! AJ is a fraud.. He just needs to periodically come up with some new revelation to keep his listeners interested.

Cid ago

Once again, why warn anyone or say anything publicly before the tape is made?

Because clicks and views = $$$

SageIsSpice ago

Trump Pizzagate

One of the strongest mechanisms employed in the Iluminati, is the art of predictive programming.

Trump was the first one to mention pizzagate Trump mentions PIZZAGATE in 2011 CNN interviewYouTube

The Simpsons used a similar tactic, knowing Trump had been selected. Simpsons Donald Trump 2000 vs Trump escalator entrance 2015

To shock and amaze you.

Kissinger has been advising Trump on Syria... Here is an article which purports that Kissinger is the MKUltra handler of Sarah Palin

Here is Bill Clinton and Sarah Palin

Trump and Kissinger

Hillary Clinton and Kissinger

Tony Podesta studied at MIT before working with Henry Kissinger, at the time Nixon was ousted.

Hunter S Thompson hated Nixon, and has been said to have watched snuff films by a journalists who stayed with him for a time.

"I studied at MIT," Podesta explains, "but, uh, I didn't bother to take computer science." He did, however, pick up enough by the late 1980s to realize that seemingly unbridgeable cultural differences were blocking a potential alliance between Washington and Silicon Valley. So we have Tony Podesta as the one who bridges the gap between Silicon Valley and Washington, who works/worked with Kissinger, who is speculated to be the handler of Sarah Palin.

Then, we have this odd photo which is doing the rounds on 4Chan. Album

To conclude and bring this background to pizzagate directly, here is a photo of Sarah Palin eating pizza with Donald Trump, the origin of #Pizzagate

Flat_Truth ago

Except that Simpson's episode, I have yet to find any proof it was aired before Trump announced he was running.