equineluvr ago

And I know YOUR type. Ignorant about the system and refuse to believe how dirty it really is. Like the rest of the sheep, you prefer the comfort of LaLa Land.

The exceptions you cited above are NOTABLE because they are EXCEPTIONS.

When you hear hoofbeats, you think "zebras!" When you SHOULD be thinking HORSES! But because you want your "heroes" to wear stripes, you go with the LESS LIKELY scenario.

Bottom line, you are incompetent to evaluate and analyze data.

I_have_my_gun_ready ago

I thought Alex Jones disavowed Pizzagate and said it was just crap!! He can't keep his story straight.

ThePedoHunter ago

Fcking Jones haters.....yeh, caving into Alefantis' threats was ugly to watch, but he's still on the main massage - exposing Pedos....check out his Craig Sawyer backing...thats legit shit.....sure Jones is a mixed bag, but he was exposing these satanic fcks while some of you guys were still sucking on your mums tits. He backed down and lost that fight, as frustrating as it was, but bringing down the DC pedos has to move beyong Comet stinking fcking ping pong and the satanic shit breathers ....im sure everyone will agree on that. Lets all keep up the common fight and hopefully one or more of these busted pedos will have some solid leads on the next tier pedo and sing like a bird.

YingYangMom ago


ThePuppetShow ago

Definitely not. This man should be President.


Death2Masons ago

Arrest are imminent! Don't worry, when arrested, McCain wouldn't sing on the entire establishments envlovment in this. Arresting him would create zero risk. It's credible that the criminals will arrest their partners in crime. Comey is all over this.

20Justice4All17 ago

Is this Satire?

Death2Masons ago

Oliver and Roger Stone are disinfo. They did a limited hangout on 9/11 and oliver Stone has always done disinfo in his movies, for example the Kennedy assasination. And they go on Infowars whish is a stratfor cointel-pro hangout. You guys are acting like amateurs.

VieBleu ago

According to Stone this is ill, "a very respected Reaganite, someone known as a "liberty oriented member", who had nothing but disdain for neocons, southern part of US, currently still in Congress, Stone has known for 20-30 years. Story is "devastating". (I'd say not Texas, that is the southwest)

So who are current southern Republican senators that are ill and have been players for decades, prominent during Reagan? Anyway putting it out there for anyone who cares to puzzle it.

chris ago

he said former congressman, not current senator...lol.

By all accounts this sounds like Ron Paul, but god i hope not.

VieBleu ago

This is a good place to watch Alex Jones commercial free - even while broadcast is going on, with an hour delay or so. Or great if you missed and want to catch up or just watch a particular hour. A LOT less vitamin ads this way.


Silverlining ago

I imagine Bob Dole would have the goods on everyone. Did you notice how everyone stopped to shake his hand at the inauguration?

VieBleu ago

where does Dole live, I think they are rushing down to Florida for the interview. I am going to recheck that.

Phenomenonanon ago

No Ron Paul was on TV the other day talking about Syria

new4now ago

I can think of 2

Ralph Hall and George HW Bush, both navy pilots, both from Texas

Rob Dew is also from Texas

just a thought

Mommyplayer571 ago

When they announce this stuff ahead of time I say ....why?

GuannaRue ago

Alex jones is Bill Hicks.

SoldierofLight ago

Consider it a compliment. The shills target those who have had good responses to their posts. They're hoping people read their bullshit thinking it's the real, original poster who is putting up the info.

equineluvr ago

I see that you know NOTHING about Freemasonry, for starters. Look up the definitions of INDUCTIVE and DEDUCTIVE REASONING (esp. the latter), that should benefit you a LOT.

I also see a bunch of SHEEP on this forum, worshipping POLITICIANS, while at the same time proclaiming to be "redpilled." LOL

BTW, those were not "arguments." They were FACTS, or DOTS. Intelligent people can connect them. Obviously you are unable to.

That is FOUR strikes against Paul, three of which are MAJOR.

Why didn't you address ANY of the above points? Got no rebuttal?

equineluvr ago

He is an ACTOR. He is playing the PART.

VieBleu ago

any thoughts? someone said maybe a lot of stuff was getting deleted. It can't be abotionburg's stuff because she didn't post that many submissions.

GhostOfSwartz ago

I noticed the same thing yesterday. Anyone find out what was going on?

VieBleu ago

KevDude tried to explain it by saying that somehow, a host of people had come and clicked on old posts and pushed them forward - that's how the "hot" section works.
Another person suggested a lot of stuff had been deleted. The usual suspect low level mods wither yelled at me for trying to ask the mods about it, yelled at me for asking in the mods thread instead of the developers thread, or didn't respond at all because there is obviously an impenetrable stone wall between all mods and the developers and NO communication is possible between them. Millenium_Falcon did shrug and said it was odd (or something like that). Just another day of nonsense at the goatfarm.

Obviously something unusual happened, and if there is an explanation, we aren't going to be recieving it.

VieBleu ago

Are people here aware of what is happening on the HOT front page? 4 submissions 1 month old appeared (that can't be downvoted now) and a dozen more on the second page. I have pinged all the mods a half hour ago and nothing, no answer no changes.

unclassified ago

Yeah, sure... Right. Don't hold your breath folks.

Malignment ago

Isn't John DeCamp not well?

The_Roman_Numeral ago

This is the original photo of the supposed Trump holding a microchip.Anything else being spewed around is also fake. Don't engage the amateurs. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2016/mar/17/president-trump-sixth-list-major-threats-global-economy-republican-trade-eiu

druhill007 ago

I hope so. I think he might be top 5 world villains

WakeyWake ago

There was basically a whole book on McCain's goods & bad in the Podesta Emails as an attachment.

Of course, nothing super recent, but the attachment even has highlighted parts.


EyeOfHorus ago

McCain hiding something in Antarctica. He visits several times per year.

Cid ago

Jones and Stone can both eat a dick at this point. I feel like a horse being led by a carrot that'll never get the carrot.


IlluminatedJellyfish ago

We would need to find the video it was from.

pby1000 ago

Why the fuck do people not keep their mouths shut, get the information, then disclose it?

"Oh, we have a former Congressman on his deathbed who wants to spill the beans on McCain!" Bam, motherfucker!!!!!!

The next day, the MSM reports how the honorable former Congressman died of natural causes, and he thought the world of John McCain. They will have a montage of pictures showing the two together smiling and carrying on. In fact, McCain was able to visit the former Congressman on his deathbed to say his last goodbyes.

UndEr_DistrEss ago

Did you see any legal docs or proof of this "lawsuit"? Look how many ppl have said things about JA and CPP, is he going to sue each and every one of them? I'm not buying the lawsuit excuse. Jones' puppet masters pulled the strings on this one and told him to stfu. If Jones was who he makes himself out to be, I don't think a small lawsuit would stop him from exposing the biggest story of his life. I've listened to him on and off over the last 20+ years and watched as he turned more and more into a sellout. He's a puppet, period.

jonnythaiwongy9 ago

JA could never take him to court, he'd have to explain himself, but TPTB could easily threaten his livelihood, make it clear that his revenue streams will dry up if he doesn't stop rocking the boat.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

McChuckles surrendered just like Bergdahl! Chuckles probably running a trafficking ring from Hotel Hanoi. Some say Chuckles was sleeping with women given to him by the Charlies while in "captivity" in exchange for US bomb drop coordinates. My guess Chuckles was more into dropping his BVDs, grabbing his ankles and squealing out the secrets! Freaking Traitor!

Howmanyarethere ago

ok what I don't understand is why not secretly tape this, Then once it once it's all secure and safe in the can, go on the show and annouce there's some republican congressman who's on his death bead wanting to spill the beans. I mean, hype it after you've filmed it. And then release it a day later.

Please tell me this is what they did and are not hyping up a story only to find an assassin got to him first. Surely they are smarter than that.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Again the TraitorTwat Jones is doing all this to be the "first one" to break the story! Jones is as real as Moochelle being a woman!

The_Roman_Numeral ago

Why give everyone the heads up? With McCain's reputation, probably easy to figure out who Stone is talking about, hunt them down before they can talk. Hopefully this person is well surrounded and will be able to let the story out. I'm rooting for that to happen, but don't expect the MSM to jump all over it unless they absolutely have to.

V____Z ago

Really? Then why hasn't David Seaman been hit with a libel suit? Do you really believe Alefantis would show his face in a courtroom? It's bullshit of the highest order, in my opinion.

UndEr_DistrEss ago

Exactly! Your opinion is correct!!

EyeOfHorus ago

Alex Jones got deep pockets, Seaman no.

UndEr_DistrEss ago

If this was real, which it's not, it has nothing to do with money when it comes to these people. You think the 49th most influential DC figure needs the extra pocket change? Also, monetary awards for damages due to libel (written) and slander (spoken) are configured using tax and income info, so it's capped by those amounts. Jones is only worth 5mil tops, which is chump change to elites JA has in his corner.

EyeOfHorus ago

what are you saying isnt real? That Jones doesnt have money and Seamen does?

UndEr_DistrEss ago

No. I'm saying the lawsuit he's being "threatened" with is bullshit.

EyeOfHorus ago

Agree its BS, but SLAPP lawsuits always are. The entire reason behind it is to drain defense money and time.

Browns1 ago

Southern Reagonite former a Congressman.


Why are ppl posting pics of the bobby pin in Trumps hair? Knock that shit off!!! 😂😂😂

Cid ago

And I thought I was paranoid. Trump literally has the hair of Riff Raff from The Rocky Horror Picture Show. You think there's not a bobby pin or two in there to keep it up?? lol

Cid ago

I know he does. You can see how fucked his hair is when Jimmy Fallon messed it up. What are you trying to say? That Obama has something in his head during his presidency, and Trump has something more primitive looking sticking out of his head, and before he was even elected when he wasn't even suppose to win?

SayWhatNOWAY ago

That poster is a FuckTwat shill!


That was so retarded!!!!! Jesus lol.

ObscureAcademia ago

Feedback on the matter is most welcome.

SayWhatNOWAY ago

MCChuckles was the original Bergdahl! Traitor!

ObscureAcademia ago

Of course, of course.

Tony Podesta studied neurological manipulation at MIT in the 70s before embarking on a political voyage under the tutelage of none other than Henry Kissinger, who currently handles Sarah Palin, as well as Trump. http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.142503.1313990764!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_750/alg-trump-palin-la-famiglia-jpg.jpg

jstrotha0975 ago

God I hope this is true. The man is a monster. Complete warmonger that gets off on civilian casualties. Hopefully justice is finally coming for him.

awakenaware ago

Once again, why warn anyone or say anything publicly before the tape is made? Have they learned nothing from recent history? Bragging about exposure or revelations before it happens just give the opposition an opportunity to silence someone or mount a counter attack.. Its just plain stupid! AJ is a fraud.. He just needs to periodically come up with some new revelation to keep his listeners interested.

ThePedoHunter ago

This I agree with....ppl need to shut the fck up, release things without warning the enemy.

Laskar ago

It's beyond me why anyone believes anything Jones says, or continues to post "coming soon", maybe, possibly, things that have not happened with click bait headlines, while good posts get buried.

awakenaware ago

Indeed, as JFK said, we are confounded by a ruthless conspiracy.. Or words to that effect.. There are no hero's in the public arena, just bought men, actors and agents, the worlds a stage literally.

Laskar ago

and not just bought, but blackmailed.

equineluvr ago

Amen! You put that well and should teach a class to the dumbasses here who call themselves "redpilled" yet worship politicians like Ron Paul.

druhill007 ago

This approach only feeds into the very purpose people accuse him of. The 10% untruth eliminating the 90% truth

Cid ago

Once again, why warn anyone or say anything publicly before the tape is made?

Because clicks and views = $$$

SageIsSpice ago

Trump Pizzagate

One of the strongest mechanisms employed in the Iluminati, is the art of predictive programming.

Trump was the first one to mention pizzagate Trump mentions PIZZAGATE in 2011 CNN interviewYouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4tIkt8yU4dwYouTube

The Simpsons used a similar tactic, knowing Trump had been selected. Simpsons Donald Trump 2000 vs Trump escalator entrance 2015 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irrbuaiUMVwYouTube

To shock and amaze you.

Kissinger has been advising Trump on Syria... Here is an article which purports that Kissinger is the MKUltra handler of Sarah Palin https://intheknow7.wordpress.com/anatomy-of-sarah-l-palin/

Here is Bill Clinton and Sarah Palin https://intheknow7.files.wordpress.com/2010/03/sarah-bill-clinton-cgi-20081.jpg

Trump and Kissinger http://www.gettyimages.co.uk/detail/news-photo/alfred-taubman-donald-trump-and-henry-kissinger-attend-news-photo/608316362?esource=SEO_GIS_CDN_Redirect#alfred-taubman-donald-trump-and-henry-kissinger-attend-celebration-of-picture-id608316362

Hillary Clinton and Kissinger http://a.abcnews.com/images/Politics/RT_hillary_clinton_and_henry_kissinger_1_ml_160518_16x9_992.jpg

Tony Podesta studied at MIT before working with Henry Kissinger, at the time Nixon was ousted.

Hunter S Thompson hated Nixon, and has been said to have watched snuff films by a journalists who stayed with him for a time.

"I studied at MIT," Podesta explains, "but, uh, I didn't bother to take computer science." He did, however, pick up enough by the late 1980s to realize that seemingly unbridgeable cultural differences were blocking a potential alliance between Washington and Silicon Valley. https://www.wired.com/1998/12/podesta/ So we have Tony Podesta as the one who bridges the gap between Silicon Valley and Washington, who works/worked with Kissinger, who is speculated to be the handler of Sarah Palin.

Then, we have this odd photo which is doing the rounds on 4Chan. http://imgur.com/a/0GBKDImgur Album

To conclude and bring this background to pizzagate directly, here is a photo of Sarah Palin eating pizza with Donald Trump, the origin of #Pizzagate http://conservatives4palin.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/2011-06-01-Donald-Trump-Sarah-Palin-pizza.png

Flat_Truth ago

Except that Simpson's episode, I have yet to find any proof it was aired before Trump announced he was running.

awakenaware ago

What are we seeing here.. I'm not sure, can you enlighten me thanks :)

V____Z ago

Do you know how much he makes from ads? Fucking guy is a millionaire. Of course he needs constant clickbait. I'm not sure why, after he denounced pizzagate in lieu of a limited hangout he calls pedogate, he is still being posted in this sub rather than v/pedogate.

DirtyDancingRedShoes ago


druhill007 ago

Is this from a video or something? I'm not a doctor or evil cabal member but surely if you implant anything into the brain you wouldn't leave it exposed

druhill007 ago

Like is he not suppose to know he's under control? He never scratches his own head :p

SageIsSpice ago

He's a clone.

SterlingJB ago

This is what I was thinking when Anon5, tho probs just a goodtime shiller, answered back to someone asking if O was a pedo. Instead of saying he was, he just said Obama is definitely something. Of course, that could mean he's a CIA Hamilton Manchurian candidate like psi op George was saying. Good stories all around though, whether it be fiction or nonfiction

druhill007 ago

I'm not disagreeing with the overall notion. I disagree with metal exposed while having hair paper clipped over it

ArthurEdens ago

They're all Manchurian Candidates, no doubt

druhill007 ago

Eek 😷

Edit: eek as in damn our crazy sci fi existence

SageIsSpice ago

It's not a work of fiction.

druhill007 ago

Damn our crazy soSCIety***


equineluvr ago

Ron Paul was in the beltway for 30+ years, hardly an "outsider."

Ron Paul ran for POTUS and QUIT, yet returned NONE of the donations.

Ron Paul is of a NAZI bloodline and is a FREEMASON.

gamepwn ago

Crazy how I once defended him due to him serving a tour in Vietnam and being a POW. I wish I could go back in time and slap myself in the face. Fucking perverted pedo fraud.

druhill007 ago

McCain is a fucking demon holy shit. What he's doing to Assad just blows my mind (Have you seen Assad speak? dudes adoctor that studied in London)

SuperJohnWayne ago

Yep, and the elite have decided that moderates in the Middle East must go: Assad, Hussein, Shah of Iran...

SoonerJJ ago

The christians like him too. His wife is very western, well educated, wears normal clothes, and does not seem oppressed in any way. Assad is an extremely moderate Muslim.

YingYangMom ago

I heard he's a fan of Shania Twain, Faith Hill and movie "The pursuit of happiness". http://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/scott-whitlock/2007/02/05/gmas-sawyer-grills-syrian-dictator-shania-twain-video-games-and

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

Never feel bad for believing the propaganda machine before. They had millions of people helping them confuse us. Most of the Politicians most of the media. They even establish themselves in the opposition parties and stay hidden for decades till they might need to blow their minions cover to push the masses away or toward what they deem important at an important moment.

Like I am sure they would of wanted to keep Megan Kelly on Fox to spin us but this Pizzagate story was too important to try to spin us off of so they used her openly and too far for the usual Fox audience to stomach.

This waking up of the masses is going to be wild times. So welcome to the knowing side and forgive yourself the past. I have for myself. Lets just figure out how to go from here.

Freemasonsrus ago

Don't feel bad man. The elite have been framing narratives for 100 years. Ever since they realized they could make billions of dollars off war we have been fed bullshit. It's much nicer to live without the redpill. Life's simpler. But once you see truth you can never go back. The matrix is real and needs to be exposed. The biggest thing these pricks fear is an enlightened public. That = pitchfork and torches time for them.

equineluvr ago

I agree with most of your post.

Not that last bit though. You can't even get the sheeple to stop paying tribute to their masters via the income tax. Good luck getting them off the couch for a pitchfork and torch party!

Freemasonsrus ago

Normally, (in past years for instance), I'd have agreed with you. But this timeline is very different. Have you ever seen a country that has an uprising caused by a boiling point? I'm sure you have. My point in my comment was really about, what if the whole truth of their deceit was laid bare? And I do mean ALL of it. JFK, 9/11, all the ways they enrich themselves, the blackmail tapes of them doing God knows what with God knows who, human sacrifice, blood oaths, murders of dissidents, ect ect. That is what I meant by it would most certainly be pitchfork and torches time bc the general public would no longer view these people as an AUTHORITY. And THAT is the elites biggest fear...exposure and an informed public.

SuperJohnWayne ago

"Section 8 - Powers of CongressThe Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States"

ReyaPhemhurth ago

Why do some of you people even bother with Jones? I thought we were over him?

equineluvr ago

The stupids be stupiding.

druhill007 ago

This approach only feeds into the very purpose people accuse him of!!!!!!

The 10% untruth eliminating the 90% truth. It's more about the content rather than the man

lude ago


SayWhatNOWAY ago

I totally am!

ReyaPhemhurth ago

Didn't someone decide for us that he's actually some dead comedian resurrected?

GuannaRue ago

Bill Hicks; Alex Jones is Bill Hicks. Sounds crazy as fuck but, look it up.

DontTreadOnMemes ago

Wow I didn't even think of Ron Paul.... Congenital heart failure??? I refuse to believe it.

chris ago

Ron Paul is fit as a whistle...i hope :(

ObscureAcademia ago


How do you feel about this?

dickface8 ago


Howmanyarethere ago

photoshop is a fun toy isn't it

ObscureAcademia ago

It has been analysed spectrographically. It's real. However, what made you assume photoshop before something like, a microphone attachment, or hairpiece?

SterlingJB ago

Analyzed spectrographically. Haha. Not that he's not chipped, I don't know, but toupe would be the simpler explanation

Howmanyarethere ago

show me original verifiable photo and it's source

The_Roman_Numeral ago

Now. Fun and games are good and all, and it was fun while it lasted but you really need to come back when you are ready. Original source for the microchip photoshop Trump photo. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2016/mar/17/president-trump-sixth-list-major-threats-global-economy-republican-trade-eiu

8887766554433221 ago

Yes that was photoshopped for my film.


The_Roman_Numeral ago

Who gives a fuck about your misinformed,deceitful views? I don't.

The_Roman_Numeral ago

For starters, that's photoshop, but let's humor this for a second. He's obviously standing in front of a crowd, so where is this supposed to be and under what context do you believe he is showing a microchip to that crowd?

IlluminatedJellyfish ago

Mexico. He isn't, I am.

The_Roman_Numeral ago

and what exactly is that supossed to be?

ObscureAcademia ago

ObscureAcademia ago

Well, what would you suppose it to be? https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1784031

The_Roman_Numeral ago

I believe mind control to be extremely way more advanced than to have something be externally visible as opposed to have something internal, non visible. Just common sense.

Death2Masons ago

Automatic down vote for legitimizing Alex Jones.

UndEr_DistrEss ago

IF this is even true, AJ will probably leave out any good info given and just report about some bullshit reptiles instead. He's lost any credibility he had left (which wasn't much, let's be real here lol) when he apologized to that pizza fucking, cumguzzling, pedo-pimp.


sadly Roger Stone is not exactly credible. all we can do is wait and see i guess

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Stone tried to say he had been poisoned by plutonium! I mean WTF Stone!

equineluvr ago

Yeah, there was that "polonium poisoning." LOL

lude ago

What was that? Was that not true? I don't follow enough to know the details.

Freemasonsrus ago

I also assume whoever this is will be dead by tonight. Never give a heads up people.

Freemasonsrus ago

Can we get a Mossad agent on his deathbed who wants to spill the beans and tapes?? Thanks in advance.

ObscureAcademia ago

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Totally fake pics! You are a shill!

Catchthem ago

He is a Rat! Please let this story be true..

MysticMa ago

We can only HOPE!!!

Kacey ago

Might be about his sell out to the Vietnamese when he "sang like a canary" but maybe more

Gorillion ago

What's this bullshit supposed to be?

ObscureAcademia ago

Tony Podesta studied neurological manipulation at MIT in the 70s before embarking on a political voyage under the tutelage of none other than Henry Kissinger, who currently handles Sarah Palin, as well as Trump. http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.142503.1313990764!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_750/alg-trump-palin-la-famiglia-jpg.jpg

SayWhatNOWAY ago

Total BS! Get this shit off of here!

ObscureAcademia ago


SayWhatNOWAY ago

Stop with this fakenews BS! Those pics are fake as fuck! Trump has people tug on his hair mess with his hair so NO fucking shit in his hair! You are a shill!

ObscureAcademia ago

Fake how?

Cid ago

Give me the original images with their sources and I'll show you.

Cid ago

I doubt this is the original picture. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt though. Now the source? Where is this from?

(I hope you know I'm partially fucking with you and partially curious if it's real, but unless you can prove what that is it's not suspicious because it's bald guy that does crazy shit with his hair to keep his trademark look.)

MysticMa ago

Gotta be more, most know the Nam story!

SecondAmendment ago

I haven't heard the Nam story. I'll google it. Hahaha. Not that it will be there but I'll give it a shot.

MysticMa ago

McCains whole story is like a total fuck up. From crashing planes, cars, getting crew members burnt on a navel carrier. Yes he was a POW but he sold US out. He could have come home but didn't (he got treated with kit gloves) other guys who were POW's said he sang and hate him. They say the only reason he stayed was to keep from everyone state side figuring it out. His Daddy was a big wig GEN. and the VC knew it. His injuries were from crashing his plane, not from getting tortured like the rest of the guys. Real piece of shit!

ObscureAcademia ago


Nothing to see here.

Madwack ago

Trump is the Borg...FUCK YOU!!!


could be interesting! I really wish witnesses would document and record their statements/evidence BEFORE they go public though.

Hug-a-Root ago


ObscureAcademia ago