9217 ago

He didn't give it to Guccifer2.0. G2 was lying in order to smear Rich last August when Wikileaks offered the reward and Assange spoke out implying strongly that Rich was the whistleblower.

If you read the article, you would understand this :)

Freemasonsrus ago

The suspicious timing to me is that Shawn Jordan filed the lawsuit a few days before Seth was killed and before WL's ever released the DNC emails. What I was thinking is that that lawsuit had enough info in it to lead the wrong people to the source of the intel. Shawn was accusing the DNC specifically of sabotaging Bernie, or what equated to fraud. Before the WL's DNC emails it wouldn't have been readily apparent that fraud had happened, at least not enough evidence to present in a lawsuit unless Shawn had inside info. I would assume Seth was a Bernie voter and his clearance level allowed him to dig into the DNC emails since he was already logged into one of their most important/sensitive areas as the head of voter registration (another fraud I might add). So he feeds info to Shawn, sends info to WL, and sets up meeting with FBI. All of those actions, especially put together, make him have a VERY large target on him.

RebelSkum ago

^^ this

Are_we_sure ago

The DNC leaks did not lead to Pizzagate. The emails that led to pizzagate was the hack of John Podesta's personal gmail account.

This actually goes to show why the wikileaks "an insider did it" narrative is nonsense.

Many, many places were hacked by the same actors. Among these were

Democratic National Committee, the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, John Podesta, 20 state election systems were targeted 4 successfully hacked

As part of this campaign 1000, spearfishing emails were sent to particular Democratic targets including Hillary Clinton.

carmencita ago

Does anyone remember Craig Murray a former diplomat to Uzbekistan? He came forward and said he was the go between for a "disgusted Democrat" and Wikileaks. He said the Russians had nothing to do with it. Guccifer 2.0 imo is just trying to make a name for himself or is shilling for whoever is paying him for it. Something doesn't add up here about his latest claims.

Vindicator ago

Does anyone remember Craig Murray a former diplomat to Uzbekistan?

Yep. Here you go: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1509573 :-)

and https://www.craigmurray.org.uk/archives/2016/12/cias-absence-conviction/

From his Wikipedia entry:

In recognition of his campaigning work on torture and human rights he was awarded the Sam Adams Award for Integrity in Intelligence in January 2006. In November 2006, he was awarded the Premio Alta Qualità della Città di Bologna. Murray turned down three honours from the Queen as titles are "not his thing".

carmencita ago

I know why he turned down those awards. A lot of the ones that were Knighted were pedophiles and old pals of the Queen and Prince Charles. He did not want to be in that club.

doubletake ago

hero, humanitarian

fartyshorts ago

Couldn't Seth Rich be that "disgusted Democrat"?

carmencita ago

Yes. That is how I was hoping people would read it. I believe that Craig Murray was hoping the same. Murray is a close ally of Assange.

carmencita ago

Please tell mew what is that in his hair? I can't tell what it is. Thanks.

DeletedUser ago

It's a microchip

carmencita ago

Thanks. But that could be photo shopped. It is questionable for me.

DeletedUser ago

We ran it through spectrographs and it is real

carmencita ago
