Piscina ago


ghost_marauder ago


2014 $163 Billion over budget. "Too big to kill"

Yeah, Lockheed is definitely in on this.

carmencita ago

Comey worked for Lockheed many years ago. Have to go. Please look into it. Hope it helps. Remember Eisenhower warned us about the MIC.

zzvoat ago

And JFK about secret societies.


carmencita ago

Oh Yes! I visited Dealey Plaza this summer and now after #pizzagate I truly believe he was ready to blow the whistle.

DigForTheKids ago

Some people believe that 9/11 was a giant Satanist "Cremation of Care" ceremony.

zzvoat ago

Indeed. I never say never.

isthisreality ago


ghost_marauder ago

Not to be too much of a party pooper, but Raytheon has a rather diverse portfolio. If their contracts for missiles were to evaporate (which they're not, they just got $225 Million contract to extend patriot missiles) they would still have a large selection of Intellectual Property to sell off, or products in other fields to push. Honestly, out of all of the Defense Sector, they're one of the most stable in time of peace.

NAVAIR though, that's a company who is soul dependent on selling weapons.

Catsfive ago

they would still have a large selection of Intellectual Property to sell off

To whom, though? Their contracts for missiles just evaporated, and it's not like the Military is going to say, "OK, Lockheed, now you make the Patriots." Just saying, tho, not trying to sound like a know-it-all. Good comment. Ultimately, they all depend on war.

ghost_marauder ago

To whom, though? Their contracts for missiles just evaporated, and it's not like the Military is going to say, "OK, Lockheed, now you make the Patriots."

Raytheon is more than missiles. They recruit programmers like mad because they're into cyber defense. They work in therm-optics. Honestly, I'm fairly sure that if you can think of a weapon, a command style (like satellite to ground unit relay), or even a good number of civilian technologies; Raytheon has had their fingers into it.

And yes. They can sell off the designs for the patriot missile to Lockheed, the contracts with the plants, even the assembly plants. It's a normal business deal. This type of thing actually happens more than you would think.

Catsfive ago

OK. That's very interesting. I see it your way a bit better, now. I'm not as experienced in the business-side of military tech, so, that's some good info. Thanks!

zzvoat ago

Speaking of selling weapons, the one entity, the huge hand in the shadows, the man behind the curtain is Israel - the Israeli government, political Zionists, more precisely.

It should be front and center of every conversation because they are up to and above their eyebrows in weapons sales, nukes mischief, espionage, black flags, massacres, ethnic cleanings, data collection, cyber warfare, human and organ trafficking, you name it.

It is not the only path back in history to the roots of Luciferianism but it is huge and can't be ignored in the quest for truth and justice we're engaged in. It is my ardent hope that this issue will be the thing to pull all of that out of the shadows, where it can wither in the light.

AliensInParis ago

The military industrial complex is real. It would be interesting to know the role of human trafficking within it.