PizzagateBot ago

Hi! I used Google to find related Voat posts using the URL(s) in your post and created the following link(s):

OriginLinkFromCurrentPost RelatedPostTitle PostDate LinkOrigin Brock's team chat leaked -- reveals they used NSA spy tools to UNMASK opposition (us!) on Reddit & Twitter. 4/8/2017 OP

samhara ago

If they control the "Mods" they can control the whole group?

maxine3 ago

Dam your ugly!

AngryMimi ago

Go back to 4chan you degenerate piece of shit. We don't need you here.

Blacksmith21 ago

Eat a bag of dicks. I'm about as far away from the basement as it gets. If you have a contribution, I'll assume you will add it. Otherwise shut the fuck up.

Blacksmith21 ago

PSP = Physical Security Plan. Generally, one reviews a physical security plan.

rodeo13 ago

Thank you. I also wanted to ask - what is an SDR out?

Blacksmith21 ago

Surveillance detection route

rodeo13 ago

Thank you!

ansipizza ago

One of these resources recommends The Gift Of Fear, a book by Gavin DeBecker. This book is fantastic and the information in it can definitely save your life.

FriesischShipping ago

When I was being targeted I had the gas line in my car cut in the engine compartment, TWICE!

AngryMimi ago

Been there; just this month. Crazy shit happening to me/my stuff/home/cars....

GiantMillipino ago

are you serious?? they know who you are and where you live?? what are they doing?

AngryMimi ago

sugar in my gas tank (which I thought was old school), bank card hacked, followed by two older hispanics, and then a wierd attic door open with foot prints on the wall next to it.

GiantMillipino ago

jesus Christ. I understand the possible potential implications of these threats and would probably be more intimidated than you seem to be.. but shit, I just hate when people get fucking weird and creepy. makes me wanna toughen up and outsmart the cockroaches.

how much did you poke the hornets nest? will you be able to tell us how anyone was able to find you?

be smart and stay safe.

AngryMimi ago

Don't know how; but I now have web cams on the house. Have been working on research since November...I am guessing that someone wants me to give it up. :-| Thank you and I am implementing new drive routes, departure/arrival times, and some extra opsec. Not mention I have a C&C license. :-)

Smyrtz ago

Be careful with your webcams/microphones.

AngryMimi ago

OH yes....thank you very much for the reminder!

GiantMillipino ago

you're welcome. hmm.. maybe you can better conceal your presence on-line. type differently, etc. I have a compsci friend who knows deep/dark web stuff, if I ever wanna research for myself. what's opsec? and nice. make sure you stay calm, breathe, and don't hesitate to 'pull the trigger' >:)

nnfx ago

Omg you really reported him/ her... I thought the report must have been because

I'm coming for you pedos.

And somebody must have felt threatened by this.... xD Was about to reply and let him/her know he/she has scared someone...

Please tell me you just did this for the lulz though!? ^^

(don't do this anyway!!)

Jakestr ago

Be safe abortionburger, thanks for all your work, you will be missed.

druhill007 ago

HELLL YEAH BREAD. death by a thousand fire ants. they can't stomp us all lol

for real though. we're coming for you peds. and we're not fire ants.

let's redo analogy but factor in truth and collective will of man.... you're gollum and we're a million mordors coming for the championship ring

WastedF ago

Great post!

You researchers and participants have been walking through the valley of death. Those who have been here a while realize this is the same group that has pushed every conflict in our lifetime. Don't succumb to fear. Internet security has been a cloth over our eyes for some time. All the protection in the world couldn't protect you from Reddit admins with direct access to the servers. This group has used violent conflict to advance their agenda and they do not plan to stop.

This book was a great reference and after purchasing it from amazon you realize bezos has done nothing but added a check mark to your profile. All we can do is move forward, it's for your children and mine.

GiantMillipino ago


Ocelot ago


henryleelucas ago

The shit I have seen around here in the last few days, first with the horrific zynga posts, and now this, just unbelievable.

I have decided, I am just gonna Streisand Effect the fuck out of it.

Fuck these degenerates.

Stormer-chan ago

I agree, great post, the best operational security is offensive of course.

md3inaustin ago

artofmanliness is a great site! Good idea @Blacksmith21 for posting this. Some people may think this is either common sense or understood going into these investigations. But not everyone coming to this forum and trying to help will have the same backgrounds to know ahead of time the seriousness of what getting involved really entails, much less how to know, or what to do if and when they do suspect they're being surveilled.

md3inaustin ago

haha, you're one of the funnier "lowly pizza delivery bitches". ...glad to hear you're armed and ready to defend yourself.

educate_yourself ago

haha yesss

catslovejustice ago

Thank you! I have a question. Has a police report been filed and is someone looking into who was making the death threats against @abortionburger?

DomesticGoddess ago

This is a guideline for pussies.

VieBleu ago

Ah the old Whiskey Tango Foxtrot - my favorite cocktail.

WhiteHatDimeHack ago

VOAT has no data security policy lol

VieBleu ago

as in no policy to keep them from sharing whatever they know about us private, or keep them from selling our "data". With the exception of the public board's no dox policy between members that is. If so, add that to the uncool pile. However they don't ask for much, just an avatar name and they have our IP address I'd suppose which gives locale. Amd of course our comment history. Wouldn't be surprised at all if THEIR search button worked fine when it comes to looking at our history.

DomesticGoddess ago

So maybe the rumors of sex blackmail to keep loyalty among the upper echelons of the intelligence establishment are true. Was Jon-Benet Ramsey part of that?

Maybe the Columbine Massacre was a pre-emptive strike on an emerging SRA scandal involving Lockheed Martin and Jon Benet Ramsey?

Maybe the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting was very similar? Maybe the cult knew that trouble was brewing at both Columbine High School and Sandy Hook and long ago decided that they could not afford, at any cost, to allow another Jonestown/McMartin Preschool/Presidio Daycare type satanic ritual abuse media scandal to emerge, and now they just go in and shoot everybody.

** okay?**

@breadleaf @evaeverywhere @timesup @chasnigga @jstayz44

Breadleaf ago

Was there actually some sex abuse scandals about to come out at any of thosr schools though?


The Columbine Massacre was completely faked. I have read the entire 3000+ page FBI report. It is full of bullshit. The father of one of the fake victims led the FBI investigation. This was faked, through and through. Sandy Hook shooting is no different.

The goal is the disarming of the population.

Your comment had nothing to do with the one that you responded to.

MyNameIsLuka ago

Are you sure SH wasn't about disappearing a whole group of white kindergarteners?


The entire neighborhood was bought out the Christmas before. All of the families around the area were already CIA. They would give up their children if told to.

TimesUp ago

Wow. Thanks for this timely info.

DarkMath ago

Forgive me but I gotta ask regarding: "is probably at their disposal".

Why "probably"? Everyone here has seen Wikileaks dump of Vault 7 and the other surveillance tools. There is no "probably", it's most definitely. They've got everything and everyone monitored 24/7.

I'm just waiting for them to figure out how to monitor your thoughts:

rodeo13 ago

Well, we know for sure they can monitor and affect our emotions through subliminal sound. Look up Silent Sounds, Inc.

Suddenly, wearing tinfoil on my head doesn't sound like a bad idea.

Are_we_sure ago

They've got everything and everyone monitored 24/7.

This is fantasyland.

DarkMath ago

"This is fantasyland."

And you say that because Vault 7 is a fabrication? All those hacking tools were just the term projects from CS 101 at UNLV?

You need to wake up now:

Blacksmith21 ago

Probably as in a deactivation code hasn't been sent to render the weapon INOP.

privatepizza ago

Really appreciate this great info. Thanks for your time and effort in sharing this!

privatepizza ago

Um, am i missing something ?


Fuck the Freemasons. Burn them all to death. Their knowledge is trivial.

jstayz44 ago

Wow, this is great! Thank you!