EndThePizza ago

I don't understand

1) how do we know this is legit?

2) this was posted on Reddit six months ago - why is it just being discussed now?

TimesUp ago

Legitimacy (or lack thereof) has been discussed throughout the thread, and while some researchers have strong opinions, it's inconclusive.

The reason for recent post was because the mysterious Brock chat transcript popped up on Twitter again yesterday as part of a newly trending story about unsolved murder of DNC staffer Seth Rich. The chat mentioned Rich at the end, in a threatening way.

VieBleu ago

This is really something. Proof of everything we discuss. Sounds like they can barely believe Clinton can stand up on her own - this is what they promote and protect! One guy seems to have a conscience about doxing, is promplty humiliated and shut down. What a bunch of spoiled weenies, whining about coffee and sushi and pizza. No wonder they lose and lose more. ha ha.

And notice the glum CTR guys below calling it fake - no comments, new accounts. yeah, your game is lame guys, truth hurts. You couldn't sell climate change to Al Gore. LOLOL

zlomsocz ago

when is this discussion alleged to have taken place????

TimesUp ago

6 months ago, the morning after a Presidential debate....not sure which debate.

VFoster93 ago

Jem777, Obama is deep state puppet. But he certainly isn't very intelligent. Just as Hellary is not intelligent but conniving instead.

shootermcgvn ago

Okay, I deleted this question originally after seeing the infographic, but after reading it I have to actually ask.

How is this not fake? This is almost comical.

Misterreasonable ago

lol at being so stupid that you believe this bullshit.

kazza64 ago

we the pizza ? google seth rich ????

Votescam ago

If Brock has use of NSA spy tools, obviously Hillary also did during here campaign. Why would CTR have it and not Hillary?

AngB23 ago

If this is all true and Brock had access to a NSA program...WHO gave him access?

VieBleu ago

Ex lover and CIA asset Alefantis? Anyway the NSA backs Hillary, she's establishment. Of course they would supply Brock.. They don't believe the word "illegal" applies to anything they do.

AngB23 ago

No kidding. I was thinking maybe higher up like Clapper or Brennan. Kind of tying into Montgomery and the Hammer

VieBleu ago

Just my take on it, for what it's worth. To me it sounds like Brock already knows how to use it. He probably just attended some power point briefing on it, got the software package, fooled around with it, and figured it would be a nuclear option of sorts but he'd never need it because the Queen would be crowned. Then went to lunch and forgot about it while making plans for his next abomination whatever it was. I see these people as casual lawbreakers on a daily basis. The banality of evil, as is often said of the Nazi regime. They still went to work everyday and ate cakes for tea while planning on how to gas millions.

Phenomenonanon ago

Apparantly the names of actual workers match http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message3311929/pg4

Phenomenonanon ago

182381 = treason Foxacid = https://commons.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:NSA_FOXACID_SPAM.jpg

Brock= fucking insane

VieBleu ago

someone said meeting him was like meeting the guy from Zoolander..

janedoemadashell ago

I just don't get how these individuals have gotten as far as they have....ugh!

strix-varia ago

No one. Another part of the plan.

TimesUp ago

@SoSpricyHotDog and others:

Here's an in-depth analysis of the leaked chat, which identifies the full names of participants and a description of NSA hacking tools utilized: https://workplacetablet.com/2016/10/11/the-nsa-leak-the-fox-and-the-hatchet-man/

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Wow. Thank you!

Holy shit... I have never seen this... if they had access to FoxAcid, as a 3rd party political group, that's absolute insanity.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Just playing Devil's advocate here... but, while the "Original Source" looks to be legit - this would be rather easy to fake. Has there been any progress in determining the legitimacy of this?

DrumpfBTFO ago

There was a picture of the chat circulating, and it seemed to be real. Other question is, did CTR leak it on purpose just to scare some of the 4chan/The_Donald users. This exchange seems like larping:

[6:18] We have the use of an NSA intrusion package. We are going to find the thought leaders. the meme-generators. the shit-posters. I need a target analysis for reddit, twitter, and the chans by tomorrow 5 PM.

[6:18] You will monitor, identify, and using the FA software set we have, identify/dox. cshaw

[6:18 AM] that will dox them?? efink

[6:20 AM] It will man-on-the-side for the anon boards and intercept traffic. We can use that for IP addresses and loading tracking software and magic lantern onto their devices. Once we have them compromised

[6:20] David? How many do we need? brock

[6:21 AM] I want 150 from 4chan, whatever you can get from 8. I want 1000 top reddit drivers exposed and I want content analysis for their posts. I want the people who are really driving their narrative.

[6:22] I need all that in a packet by tomorrow afternoon with lexical analysis, proof of compromise. I want clips of memes. I want to up-vote patterns. All this has to be inside the US too. We can't use externals.

edit: http://www.realtruenews.org/single-post/2016/09/27/Inside-Correct-the-Record-Post-Debate-PLOT

Some anti-trump website:

Author's Note: I discovered that the real (?) Slack channel for CTR was 'CorrectRecord' so I created CorrectTHERecord and populated it with a bunch of fake users taken from the financial postings. Then I set up a phony conversation using every over-the-top conspiracy theory I could think of. Finally, when looking at the financials for something that "looked shady" I saw a bunch of money paid out to We The Pizza so I had the "kids" (the analysts--who are neither, they are random names) arguing about lunch.

That article was first posted on 27th september, and the author updated it later. Couldn't find any earlier source for that with a quick google-search atleast.

No idea if it's faked or not, but would seem odd that they would "confirm" two conspiracy-theories in a short chat, aka Hillary body-double and Seth Rich.

edit2: Or nvm about the anti-Trump: http://www.realtruenews.org/about

RealTrueNews / The Resistor is Satire. It's sad we have to say this--but we do. Nothing on here is remotely real.

zlomsocz ago

"Thought leaders" magic lantern?

anonOpenPress ago

Original version, this? https://archive.fo/4iOTI

fartyshorts ago



Author's Note: I discovered that the real (?) Slack channel for CTR was 'CorrectRecord' so I created CorrectTHERecord and populated it with a bunch of fake users taken from the financial postings. Then I set up a phony conversation using every over-the-top conspiracy theory I could think of. Finally, when looking at the financials for something that "looked shady" I saw a bunch of money paid out to We The Pizza so I had the "kids" (the analysts--who are neither, they are random names) arguing about lunch.

Needless to say, the kind of conspiracy depicted here (NSA technical assets being given by the White House to a SuperPac so that they could use them to kill Americans) is the kind of thing that would never happen with 50% of the government or more being run by Republicans.

The idea that everyone uses first-initial, last name in a corporate-owned channel (slack) to discuss subterfuge and murder is beyond belief. The world that people live in--where this is possible--simply does not exist.

Here's more info on the foxacid slide: https://edwardsnowden.com/2014/01/03/foxacid/

zlomsocz ago

the joke is that the real true news website is obviously run by david brock

Silverlining ago

Surely you have something better to do? Like help out here!

Sorry Shorts - I see you've found a glitch in the matrix - thanks.

hafen ago

Are you saying that it's all fake?

Here's the founder of 8chan narrating it as well as an infographic.

fartyshorts ago

Just posting what I find. Always stay critical!

anonOpenPress ago

An update in there? When was that added

fartyshorts ago

It was there in December: http://archive.is/PbxLw

But not November: http://archive.is/WcyFT

anonOpenPress ago

Thanks timing matters. So the original on Sep 27, update between Nov 20 - Dec 11 (quite late, quite in the strong pizzagate debunking time), then popping up here now. Who, what, why? What do we have on the original source?

TimesUp ago

This reasoned analysis might answer some questions (posted on October 11 2016):


anonOpenPress ago

That was a good read, thanks

Dressage2 ago

Those bastards! ! I hope his parents realize what really happened to their son. I know they do Not believe it had anything to do with DNC. I think they may be changing their mind. God give them peace.

jstayz44 ago

I like the proof that they used a double. We've been seeing evidence all along, but now it's right there...assuming this is legit. NOT IT savvy, how would we be able to confirm this conversation is legit?

srayzie ago

What do you mean they used a double? I'm confused by some of this

jstayz44 ago

They discuss the fact that the person who was in the debate was NOT HRC. And, whoever it was was normal. Then they throw out her results from the cognitive tests, basically verifying that the person in the debate was NOT her. HRC was sick, the double did a decent job at the debate but given the situation Brock decides that they have to double-down on shilling. Does that help?

Jobew1 ago

i dont doubt a double was used at times (like after the collapse, that day) but during the debate?......idk

srayzie ago

How could a double do the debate? We would be able to tell. Nobody can look exactly like someone else. I could see walking around in glasses. But, not talking and debating right?

jstayz44 ago

I'll have to find the HRC double video on you tube using digital forensics. I'll get back to you!

srayzie ago

Thank you! Very interested.

mooteensy ago


TimesUp ago

Conspiracy theory during campaign was that Hillary had at least one body double stand in when her health failed. Here are relevant excerpts from the chat (morning after a debate):

efink [5:55 AM] the only good thing about it was that whoever that was, she looked pretty good. how tf did they do that?

brock [5:56 AM] i can't talk. very hush hush. still, we've lost every online poll and we need to get tough here. get this under control.

[5:56] still, i hope we put the sick thing to bed.

efink [5:59] i don't see what's so bad. She looked really healthy! I thought she did GREAT!

[5:59 AM] she was scoring 3 on AMTS a couple of weeks ago and 22 on mmse. Yeah, whoever that was was normal.

srayzie ago

Oh wow. So that probably was a double the day she collapsed and was later seen waving and taking pictures. Crazy!

Jem777 ago

This was posted but there have been many people doxed on Twitter and some on here as a result. Including researchers using this account moniker which was taken as a threat due to the way & scope of information provided.

Just to assert again that this is a violation of constitutional rights to privacy and protection. David Brock nor his minions should have ever had access to NSA spyware or doxing information on IP addresses. In light of the news today confirmingDNC staffer Seth Rich was the leaker of the DNC emails to Wikileaks and was murdered we should take this seriously. There have been additional murders since then.

The FBI should be immediately calling David in for questioning as to how he obtained NSA information. Provide names of co-conspirators and who they unmasked , then be immediately taken into custody pending trial. Those of us that have been doxed might want to file a complaint with the FBI (FBI field office) because you can't trust the others.

As well since they actually mention the Seth Rich case as a threat to those being doxed. Those of us that have been doxed on twitter or here or as bad staulked on Twitter by John Podesta should file something against these evil bastards.

Are_we_sure ago

Hi. It's ridiculous that you believe this. There's no way this is true.

David Brock nor his minions should have ever had access to NSA spyware or doxing information on IP addresses.

anonOpenPress ago

What happens in Las Webas, stays in Las Webas.

pby1000 ago

It seems like Brock is implicated in Rich's death, if this is an accurate chat log.

TimesUp ago

I agree about the seriousness, in light of what was confirmed today about nature of Seth Rich's demise.

One of Brock's scariest comments in the chat:

[6:14] "so we have full clearance. Word of God."

Who is the "God" who gave this clearance?

Skeptic2 ago

And you're surprised? Time to connect the dots.

TimesUp ago

Not as surprised about Brock and team unmasking and spying on Trump supporters with illegally accessed "NSA intrusion package" as I am about the inference that certain targets could end up like Seth Rich!

ItsMeMilo ago

PIZZAGATE - & THE GREAT CULL OF MAN (WHO WILL SURVIVE?) http://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1779643

FckPizza3 ago

Wow this is scary!

DarkMath ago

This was posted here before but it's interesting to read a second time. What stands out to me this time is the class warfare going on if you read in between the lines. These people have utter contempt for small town America and the flyover states. They have no idea what it's like to run out of food or heating oil or run out of anything for that matter. It's tough to read but the great unwashed they referred to finally had enough when Hillary called them a "basket of deplorables". And the rest is History.

The payback for this shit just happened a couple of weeks ago bee tee dubs. The entire DNC got pink slips and I have a hard time believing David Brock is going to get a lot of business next time around. I read even people within the DNC thought he was too polarizing for a business that relies heavily on attracting the most voters.

For what it's worth if any of the new people over at the DNC ever need a lower middle class heterosexual white male European History Major to bounce ideas off of next time around let me know. I'm pretty sure you now realize not pissing people like me off is kinda important when someone is running for higher office. Just sayin'.

carmencita ago

By the way where is that jerk, Brock? Can't find anything on how he is. They said at the time of his attack that he would be just fine and now he is AWOL. Brain scramble? Long rest on an island? Maybe they needed to get rid of him so he won't talk about the NSA spyware? The talk about Hillary's tests is telling.

EndThePizza ago

I've been wondering the same. He hasn't been on social media or made any kind of public statement since his heart attack. You'd think since it was an issue that made headlines, either he or a friend/family member would've said something regarding the state of his health, whatever it may be.

The heart attack was suspicious enough; no response afterwards is even more so.

Silverlining ago

Brock was Alefantis's boyfriend - could be part of why JA was listed as 49(?) most influential person in DC according to GQ. The other reason is that JA is suspected of supplying children for sex and sacrifice and has serious pay dirt on TPTB. [the powers that be]

Ed Sorry - thought you said who is..

Brock set up and is running CTR - Correct the Record - key to the fight against fake news and alternative fact.

carmencita ago

Yes and Also Share Blue.

TimesUp ago


The reason this popped up again today was because of newly trending story on Twitter about Seth Rich's assassination. I searched Brock in our search field wanting to be sure I wasn't duplicating, but NOTHING at all came up. Found that very strange.

derram ago

That's because Voat's search sucks.


TimesUp ago

Thanks! Wow -- big difference in results of these search methods!

TimesUp ago

So, looks like Hillary's cognitive score of 22 registered "mild cognitive impairment" around the time of this chat...

fartyshorts ago

TimesUp ago

Yes -- then Dr. Drew lost his TV show after questioning Hillary's health and medical treatment: http://nation.foxnews.com/2016/08/26/dr-drew-loses-show-after-questioning-hillary-clintons-healthcare

Jobew1 ago

haha at least he has 16 and pregnant to fall back on. not a drew fan but that's effed up

artfullyours ago

What I saw looks like a lot more than mild!

pby1000 ago

I am thinking that is not very good, especially if you want to be President.