B_dog ago

You're the opposite of an idiot. You responded to feedback, realized error, and fixed it. The more people try to impart information, the more errors we're likely to make. But yeah, I know that feeling.

Death2Masons ago

We knew this the moment he was killed. And Assange confirmed shorly after. Was obvious. no consequences. The FBI is not interested and their is no PG investigation. Glad most have stopped wondering when arrest would start.

quantokitty ago

"We" may have known this ... but millions are still believing the fantastical narrative concocted by Pedosta after visiting multiple hot dog stands in Hawaii. Day after day, we see stories of a plot by the Russians being responsible. And I am not ever going to stop hoping for an arrest. Na-ah ... no how ...

Forgetmenot ago

Disgusting, what a disappointment the FBI is they are a joke.

quantokitty ago

Well, maybe the strategy is still running. I'm hoping one is in play that will force the FBI from taking the case over from the corrupt DC police. A robbery ... with nothing stolen ... and Podesta pushing to make someone an example. What is he? The damned Godfather or something?

Blacksmith21 ago

He had worked for the HRC campaign for 4 days. He had previously been with the DNC.

Witsend ago

I think you may have the wrong date of death. It was July 10.

quantokitty ago

Only Robbin Young's link is defunct. The Wikileaks link is the one to watch for. And Ms. Young supposedly allegedly maybe put the entire exchange here: https://www.robbinyoung.info/ Don't know how long that will last.

We don't know Ms. Young's role in this, so I would not pay any attention to anything anyone says on her pages. Stick with what is known: Wikileaks is what is known. That's the origin (well, besides Andrew Breitbart), of pizzagate. Further, they've never had a transmission/email put into question as being valid. So I would only worry if they start backtracking or changing their story. For now, those exchanges are what they are ... for me. Obviously, we're all processing things differently.

Are_we_sure ago

SHE HAS AN IMDB page! Obviously this is fake.

quantokitty ago

Yes, she's an actress. That was never disputed so she should have a page.

The_Roman_Numeral ago

This forest fire too a while to reach it's urban area, but it's here now. Hopefully it's hot enough to force a re-investigation.

quantokitty ago

Yes! I get so excited thinking this might be the foothold to make these idiots repeating a false narrative look like the frauds they are. It might also be the key to getting the investigation back on track now that the scenario created to negate the true motive for the murder is shown to be a hoax.

The_Roman_Numeral ago

The main problem is they're ushering a social media dome over the fire and it's working to extiguish it. Once that happens, this news gets lost at sea. Very important that it reach as many people as possible. This way two things can happen: 1. It can't be denied and pressure mounts to re-open an investigation or 2. the dome is put in place but enough people see it to realize that there is a major conspiracy afoot to hide something.

quantokitty ago

Well, that would be if it stayed viral. This is big enough to get into the hands of authorities. That means, they'll be asking questions and that means news outlets will be forced to print the responses to those questions. If this is what the strategy was. It's brilliant. It's the same as what happened in the wiretapping. Trump tweeting was the catalyst for all those major cannibals, I mean, players in the dem party to go on record and now look absolutely ridiculous. Feel the burn ....

The_Roman_Numeral ago

Now if Trump were to tweet allusion to to this? then no one would be able to stay away from it, but for now, they're going to play it as a alt-right hoax unless it really goes viral.

quantokitty ago

You could be right. But if it is true, someone higher up could pick up on it and demand to know why this wasn't revealed since it does have bearing on both: (1) Seth Rich's murder; and (2) the preposterous Russian involvement in the election fabrication. Exactly how much money has been wasted by Podesta and HRC?

DarkMath ago

Can someone help me understand why a screenshot that could easily have been photoshopped is presented as solid evidence?

What am I missing?

The_Roman_Numeral ago

What you're missing is the variable of credibility. People have put their reputations at stake here. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't take the chance, as that becomes easily provable and boom, there it goes, all of it gone. Secondly, the timing is off. There were way better times to have pulled off a hoax of this magnitude for maximum impact.

DarkMath ago

I'm not trying to be my usual sarcastic self but Robbin Young says "I have no facts".

On the other side of the conversation is Guccifer 2.0 who is a hacker and consequently has lost most of his credibility.

What this whole thing tells me is Wikileaks doesn't have jack shit or they've been compromised. Either way it's not good.

The_Roman_Numeral ago

Saying ''I have no facts'' is equivalent to "I have no proof" otherwise she would be suicided... and on the otherside, until Guccifer 2.0 is unmasked, i imagine people will make up their own minds on his credibility. I do agree with you on wikileaks, I've been paying closer attention for the last 4 months, and their modus operandi has unusually changed. There was no need for that.

carmencita ago

Yes, we never hear about Joe Montano and Molly Macauley It is as if they never existed. So sad.

SayWhatNOWAY ago


Palaver ago

Unless he was a mole and knew what he was looking for.

Blacksmith21 ago

That would make him a spy, wouldn't it?

shakethetree ago

I am only willing to know so much about the details because I have to pick and choose my research avenues. That being said, I read the entire DMs and it seemed like a classic how to pulled from the honeytrap playbook.

quantokitty ago

Absolutely. Honeytrappin' 101.

lynn1314 ago

Careful about Guccifer 2.0 - there is lots of evidence that he/them is/are a player for Hillary/Obama/Deep State. This could be a diversion from the Susan Rice info or something else.

Read this evidence regarding Guccifer 2.0 at http://g-2.space/ which was referenced by Wikileaks yesterday and a few months ago.

quantokitty ago

Can't be a diversion. If anything, it implicates HRC, Podesta, Farkas, Rice, and whoever else took part in the narrative farce of Russian involvement in the US elections in conspiracy, fraud, and lying like a son of a bitch. I hope the people that testified under oath are charged with perjury. No, this is really horrendous news for the Cannibal Queen's camp. There's Skippy, tweeting away on a daily basis about Russia blah, blah, blah, blah, and this would prove the fabricated the story. Think about it ... the cover up gives the reason for the Russian hacking story. The Cannibal Elite HAD to keep floating the bogus narrative. Why? Because it took away the motive for the murder of Rich. This puts revenge back on the table. Nope, not a good day for pedophiles.

AngB23 ago

Wasn't it determined Guccifer was Warren Flood?

The_Roman_Numeral ago

Adam Carter's investigation strongly suggests it, yes, although not 100 % proven. http://g-2.space/

TimesUp ago

The actress corresponding with Guccifer concluded otherwise, but who knows?https://twitter.com/Robbin_Young/status/850753450149167104

Are_we_sure ago

Also Guccifer 2 is a Russian intel cutout. Why should I believe any of this nonsense? They didn't have this evidence last year? Seriously, they just discovered this? Ridiculous.

quantokitty ago

Not sure where you're getting that from. They did have it. Check out Posobiec's tweet asking why this one wasn't being used.

Are_we_sure ago

In all seriousness, can you talk about how you think these "confirm" seth rich as whistleblower?

quantokitty ago

Not sure what you mean. Assange all but confirmed it was Seth, Assange offered an award for the capture of the Rich's killer, Wikileaks up to this point has been 100% accurate in transmissions released and they released this one, and now Guccifer is using the name "Seth" to indicate his source.

Are_we_sure ago

"Wikileaks has been 100% accurate in document it has released" (which is debateable) does not equals Wikileaks has been 100% honest in its statements or Assange has been 100% honest in his statements.

If fact, the Wikileaks method is to release a real document and then lie about what it means.

If you think Assange is 100% honest, you may want to look into why all the early people who joined Wikileaks don't want to work with him again.

In fact, I would say that they have been willing to spin, decieve or outright lie from the at least the release of the Collateral Murder video. In that case, they were deliberately emotionally manipulative how they presented the video. They framed the footage as murder before anyone saw it and framed the pilots as wanting to murder civilians. The truth was that 2007 footage was taking place in an extremely hot urban warzone where battles were taking place all over a neighborhood were US forces were hit by a few IEDs in recent days. Just before that video there were a few firefights involving RPGs and sniper fire. Wikileaks doesn't tell you that. In fact, they go in the opposite direction, describinb a group of men with weapons as "relaxed" as if to indicate there was no threat. In fact, that area was so hot the soliders who came later and helped rescue the two kids had just engaged in a firefight and starting taking sniper fire right after he got the kids out of there. Wikileaks also implied the pilots were cleared to fire before there was a threat. The Reuters cameraman was in a group that did have weapons, he was not wearing anything that identified him as press and the US Army didn't know he was in the area. That incident was an example of horrible things that can happen in a warzone including civilains getting killed. It was not an example of deliberate murder. The fact that the pilots followed the rules of engagement shows that, as the rules are there as a safeguard.

In this particular case, Wikileaks has claimed on several occassions that there submission system is completely anonymous and thus they can't reveal the names of their sources since they don't know them. So either that is true and they were up to something else when when they implied Rich was their source or they were lying about their setup because they were able to determine Rich was their source.

So anyway, the nonsense theory that their source was Seth Rich was already floating about for weeks by the time this actress began talking with the hacker cutout for Russian Intelligence. This is why these DMs have zero evidentiary value. They confirm nothing. Especially when we know Gufficifer2 was not even a single person.

Anyway, there's is a ton of public information as to why we known Russian Intelligence and not a lone Romanian hacker is behind this leak.

The forensic investigation by initially down CrowdStrike was then verified by many other groups including Fidelis Cybersecurity, Mandiant, SecureWorks, ThreatConnect, Ars Technica,

When interviewed by Vice we found out that Guccifer2 can't speak Romanian. His English comes and goes aw well. The leaked DNC docs have a ton of evidence in the metadata: they are from a Russian language version of Word and the "last modified" and error messages are in the Cyrillic alphabet, the username refers founder of the Soviet secret police....

And saving the biggest for last: control servers were the same one used when the Russians hacked the German government, the Polish government, the Hungarian government, the Georgian government, NATO and organizations. They also hacked many other entities beyond the DNC in the US. They tried to get the voting rolls of 20 states and succeeded in 4 states.

Also just before releasing this material, Wikileaks moved their servers to Russia.

quantokitty ago

Spoken like a true shill. Congrats. You've stacked the BS high. As if difficulty working with someone translates into anything other than difficult working with someone. As for Crowdstrike, they've already retracted key points: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-03-28/something-stinks-here-crowdstrike-revises-retracts-parts-explosive-russian-hacking-r so you might want to update your false narrative. And, of course, the DNC screamed hacking and then refused to let the FBI examine the servers. Yeah, let's just rely on one opinion because the other security experts you named only opined on Crowdstrike's evidenciary report, not from examination of the servers. Makes a huge difference. Massive. Then there's this that sums it all up: http://thehill.com/policy/national-security/312767-fbi-never-examined-hacked-dnc-servers-report

“Crowdstrike is pretty good. There’s no reason to believe that anything that they have concluded is not accurate,” the intelligence official told BuzzFeed.

Yup! In other words, we've shown you what's under shell number one, so why go looking under shell 2 or 3 to get the real story that might refute the false narrative?

But thanks for the oral fandango. It's always fun to take a turn on the dance floor.

Are_we_sure ago

Posobiec has been shown to a deceptive provocateur and to make up evidence. His colleagues accused him of holding up a "Rape Melania" sign at an anti-Trump rally so the picture could be put on twitter to discredit the protestors.

I would use caution using him as a source.

quantokitty ago

He's not the source. The source is Wikileaks. Look at the link I posted in the original thread. I was using Posobiec for the highlghted text and to show that he did tie the Wikileaks info dispelling the Russian hacking claim. No, he is NOT the source. Not. I would have clearly stated that he was, but Wikileaks has been 100% accurate up to this. We'll see. Thanks.

Truthseeker3000 ago

The Robbin young and Guccifer text exchange is absolutely PAINFUL. That woman is beyond desperate and it's obvious he's not interested. So sad. Wow.

quantokitty ago

Ha! I have to agree.

Yates ago

Twitter is censoring all Seth Rich hashtags right now. Many trying to get them trending. Help out if you're on twitter, please. Check Posobiec's also Robbin Young is tweeting and retweeting this stuff right now along with wikileaks.

quantokitty ago

Bastards! Really ... it's just ridiculous that they can do this. Like people can't make up their own minds as to what's important. Asshats.

V____Z ago

This is why he was killed https://twitter.com/Bigfoot425/status/764224558450835456/photo/1

This is a Facebook post from his girlfriend. He had inadvertently discovered how Hillary was stealing votes.


Assange hinted that it was Seth Rich back in January https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kp7FkLBRpKgYouTube

V____Z ago

Julian just tweeted this out https://mobile.twitter.com/JullianAsange/status/850763071047913472

<EDIT: Thanks, Voaters, this is a fake account. Note the single "S" in Assange.>

DonKeyhote ago

FaKe acct

srayzie ago

That's a fake account. The real account has 2 S's. https://mobile.twitter.com/JulianAssange

V____Z ago

Oh thanks for letting me know. (He spells Assange with one S. I see that now)

srayzie ago

It's ok. I was confused too

Yates ago

Was just going to post that. What's going on with the fake Assange acct? Why not just make a unique acct to not arouse suspicion?

Yates ago

quantokitty ago

Thanks ...

Tanngrisnir ago

This could kill the "Russia hacked the election" narrative dead in its tracks if people can get it through their thick heads.

quantokitty ago

Wouldn't that be great! Jack Posobiec tweeted about thta angle: https://twitter.com/JackPosobiec/status/850739259212431361

Forgetmenot ago

I just read that tweet. Omg! I am glad this is being exposed.

MarieElise ago

If the investigation into a murdered DNC staffer opens up they should also investigate the sudden death of another DNC staffer last July, Joe Montano. He was a friend of Seth Rich and they were both Bernie Sanders supporters threatening to launch a lawsuit against the Clinton cabal for fraud against Bernie. Joe died "suddenly" of a "heart attack", age 47 on July 25th, 2016-3 days after the first Podesta emails were leaked. .

carmencita ago

Yes Joe Montano, was Tim Kaine's Assistant. He was working on Philippine Voter Outreach similar to Seth Rich. Early death as well. I have wondered about him since his death.

quantokitty ago

Thanks for that. I never did understand why someone that was sitting on a powder keg didn't have that dead man's switch to get the info into someone else's hands. With Seth, it's more understandable. In confiding in someone, he'd be giving up anonymity. He had no idea they were onto him. You know, I just had a thought. Maybe something he said was uncovered in one of those far-reaching intel sweeps they had going on.

Yates ago

Can someone take a pic of the relevant part? This is all flirting and sexting so far.

quantokitty ago

Yes, it's the tweet from Jack Posobiec. I'll edit the OP to include the link: https://twitter.com/JackPosobiec/status/850731822799626242

Yates ago


keyboard12 ago

The way this conversation reads sounds like a couple of twelve year olds. It makes me inclined to think it's crap but who knows anymore.

Yates ago

Raed Robbin's tweets explaing this. It's a private conversation that she decided to make public in order to get justice for Seth. Sexting is retarded, I know, but that's not the point.

keyboard12 ago

OK, will do! Thanks!

quantokitty ago

Remember that Wikileaks has been 100% accuracy. No one has accused them of doctoring or posting crap. I agree they sound childish or, more likely, romantic. People sound crazy when they're flirting.

shizzle_mcbobblehead ago

WikiLeaks never said it was Rich. Which makes me think it wasn't.

If it were why protect the identity of a dead man?

EndThePizza ago

It has to do with setting a precedent for the future. They have to be consistent in not revealing their sources, ever. If they reveal Seth Rich, there will be the expectation from the public that they have to reveal their source before people believe it's legit. And, leakers will have less confidence in their identities being protected if they know WikiLeaks makes exceptions to their rules. Consistency is imperative to trust.

common_sense ago

To protect his family and friends, I would assume. It's their policy to NEVER reveal their sources.

shizzle_mcbobblehead ago

That's what makes the tweet so suspect in my opinion.

Why even clue into who leaked the info?

V____Z ago

Julian suggested it on MSM months ago. Now he tweets it https://mobile.twitter.com/JullianAsange/status/850763071047913472

YingYangMom ago

That's a fake Account. Juliian Asange isn't the real Julian Assange. Nvm, just saw someone point that out to you.

quantokitty ago

They would appear to have announced it now. Why else the tweet and the exchange?

equineluvr ago

quantokitty ago


equineluvr ago

Background on DNC Staffer Seth Rich's murder -

"At 4:19 a.m., police patrolling nearby responded to the sound of gunfire in Bloomingdale and found Rich lying mortally wounded at a dark intersection a block and a half from a red-brick row house he shared with friends. He had multiple gunshot wounds in his back. About an hour and 40 minutes later, he died at a local hospital. Police have declined to say whether he was able to describe his assailants."


Rich wasn't a mere "staffer" - he held the keys to the insider ops of the DNC, including voter fraud.

Julian Assange has been outspoken in asserting that Rich was murdered and has offered a reward for info (see link).

quantokitty ago