PrincessCinderella ago

I read an article that said Disney World and Disney Land are used for the child trafficking and MK child abuse stuff. It said that when Handlers needed to "pass children from one person to another", that Disney World/Land was the perfect place to do it. It had all the distractions to keep the child happy while the switch would take place (or something like that).

I'll try and find the article about it and post it.

TweedleDee8000 ago

In case it's not already perfectly clear to you, the Disney corporation is run by a satanist pedophile jew named Bob Iger, and they employ literally THOUSANDS of jewish pedophiles. If you support this company IN ANY WAY - such as watching the "programming" on ABC or buying Disney videos for your poor children, or actually visiting the jew pedo gaming preserve known as Disneyland, you support organized crime and jewish sex trafficking - end of discussion.

This company need to be BOYCOTTED AND BANKRUPTED OUT OF EXISTENCE. The satanist jew pedos that run this company need to be HUNTED LIKE ANIMALS AND EXTERMINATED starting with head pedo BOB IGER

Omnicopy ago

Disney is not what it seems! Don't take your kids there. Don't go there. Gay days are awful around June 1st, the hotels around Disney are really bad. The hotels are full like Sodom.

Lonesome_Pizza ago

I agree with you, Gay Days at Disney is a good way for them to promote homosexuality/sodomy to kids, as well as providing the sodomites with plenty of children to sodomize, especially since the ancient Greek used anal sex/sodomy as a way to mind control kids, because anal sex effects the brain via the base of the spine/tailbone and the semen has a hormonal effect on the child also, which can alter the body and mind of a child, because the kids aren't fully developed.

Takeitslow ago

Conspiracy types for years have been saying Disney is part of the MK child abuse program. That Disney was designed to program abuse victims. Now that we know the symbols, I'm starting to think there's a cult of child rapist who are in every form of life and using symbols to signal to each other. The child rapist enablers in the so called news media are first at fault for hiding this info from the public.

equineluvr ago

That doesn't surprise.

Watl Disney was a 33rd-degree Freemason. There is the 33 Club.

Mickey Mouse = MM = Master Mason

Since 1991,Disneyland has hosted "Gay Days," now one of the largest "gay pride' events in the world.

Spiritual_War ago

Thanks for the info, because the truth is getting very strange. I'm doing research now on how the Ancient Greeks,Freemasons/illuminati uses sodomy/anal sex to initiate mind control in young boys/girls at young ages, because it changes the neurology of brain by affecting the base of the spine near the anus.

This may be why Walt Disney and his Disney World promotes homosexual behavior and pedophilia.

Ancient Greek use of pedophilic anal sex as mind control

AugustaJulia ago

Yes, it was called "Greek love." Explicit scenes of pederastic love was depicted on many Greek vases. One I saw at Ashmolean, Oxford, shows a boy that is no older than in his mid teens. The boy on the Warren cup looks like he might be 8-9. What is very scary is that they are trying to normalize it today. For example, in this article (IT HAS A PHOTOGRAPH OF THE IMAGE ON THE VASE; IF YOU DONT WANT TO SEE IT; DONT CLICK ON THE LINK; MY POSTING WOULD MAKE SENSE WITHOUT SEEING THE IMAGE)

the author takes the curator of the museum to task for naming the scene "Pedophile and Victim." According to the author, this caption is "obnoxious," and the author is imposing his contemporary "morals" (the word "morals" is in the parenthesis by the author, meaning these are not really morals, this is narrow-minded prudishness masquarading as morals) onto another historical period. This is akin to saying that when we call human sacrifice of the pagan world murder, we are merely imposing our contemporary morals on their system on values.

By the way, this vase was put on dispay only a few years ago. Before it was available for viewing for researches only. Just goes to show that we are on our way to normalizing pedophilia. Very sad.

Spiritual_War ago

This may be a reason as to why pedophiles use The Greek Labarynth symbol for its BoyLover's Logo, as a way to pay homage to ancient pedophile love in Ancient Greece. Also the Greek soldiers were known to sodomizing their enemies.

WARNING VERY GRAPHIC Boy Lover's Logo Labyrinth Triangle:

Man Fondling boy with Greek Labyrinth Swirl on border of art:

Man sodomizing boy with Greek Labyrinth Swirl on border of art:

Also, John Podesta is Greek and James Achilles Alefantis may possibly be Greek due to his middle and last name. More research is needed.

Lonesome_Pizza ago

I think the normalizing of pedophilia/child rape is a lot more sinister than we think if you see this from a biblical perspective. If pedophilia is normalized, then they'll create a generation of child sexual deviants groomed to be sexually immoral from a very young age, which will erode our God given moral compass, which will open the door for a satanic takeover

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